I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 108: leave Wakanda

"Is your armor stored in this necklace?" Tony asked, pointing to the necklace on T'Challa's neck.

"Yes, it is made of vibrating gold nanotechnology. If you are interested, you can communicate with my sister Su Li. She designed it." T'Challa said to Stark, looking at Princess Su Li next to her.

"I'm very interested, can I ask you for advice? Princess Su Li." Tony Stark looked at Su Li and asked.

"I'm honored!" Su Li replied.

"This incident has finally passed safely, and I am very sorry for the loss caused by Wakanda." Steve Rogers said to T'Challa.

"This can't be blamed on you, it's Ultron who coveted our vibrating gold, and I would like to thank you for your help to eliminate Ultron." T'Challa said sincerely to Steve Rogers.

"You're welcome, we would also like to thank you for your help," Steve Rogers said.

The meal was very enjoyable, everyone became friends, Arthur also reached an agreement with T'Challa, the hatred between Atlantis and Wakanda was written off, and they all had friendly exchanges in the future.

At night, the people of Wakanda who like singing and dancing held a grand bonfire party in order to celebrate the new king's succession, and invited the Avengers to attend.

Wanda sat on the grass against Arthur, watching the Wakanda people dancing holding hands around the bonfire in the distance, and she felt that it was a beautiful moment.

Arthur touched Wanda's hair and said, "I really scared me to death today. Don't take such a risk next time. I will be fine with armor."

"I saw that you were in danger and went up involuntarily. In the future, I have to become stronger to protect you." Wanda looked at Arthur and said.

"I will protect you in the future. It's not impossible for you to become stronger," Arthur said.

"How?" Wanda asked.

"Your ability comes from the Mind Stone, but you use the energy of Chaos Magic. There is a mage organization on Earth in Kama Taj, and I will take you there to learn how to master your magic." Arthur explained.

"Karma Taj? Where? Where is the wizard who can teach me how to use Chaos magic?" Wanda asked.

"Yes, Kama Taj has a particularly powerful Supreme Master named Gu Yi. She can be said to be the most powerful person on earth. I will accompany you to ask her for advice in a few days." Arthur looked at Wanda, said with a smile.

Wanda nodded, as long as it was Arthur's arrangement, she would agree.

"Let's go and dance together." Arthur took Wanda's hand and led her to the Avengers who were following the Wakanda people dancing happily, and joined them together.

Arthur took Wanda to learn the Wakanda dance and danced happily, with Natasha and Dr. Banner, as well as Bucky and Steve Rogers, all with happy smiles on their faces...

Tony Stark and Princess Su Li exchanged nano-metal technology in the laboratory. Tony did not expect that a little girl would know so much advanced scientific knowledge.

Tony had new ideas for his next armor, Mark Fifty. He wanted to buy some vibranium from Wakanda. T'Challa thought about it and agreed.

T'Challa knew that Tony Stark would not use vibranium to do bad things, and T'Challa also prepared some gifts for the Avengers.

Patton secretly asked him if he could give him a samurai sword made of vibranium, and T'Challa agreed.

Not only that, he also prepared two daggers for Natasha, a segment blade for Bucky, and a knife for Pietro, all of which were Zhenjin weapons.

As for Arthur, he is the royal blood and was originally qualified to inherit the Black Panther, but Arthur is also the sea king of Atlantis. T'Challa asked Arthur if he needed anything, and Arthur said he didn't need it.

the next day

T'Challa and Steve Rogers shook hands amicably as the members of the Avengers got ready to fly out of Wakanda.

The Avengers are very grateful to T'Challa for the gift, T'Challa also prepared a gift for Wanda, it is a red dress, and its fabric is also made of vibrating gold, and Wakanda warriors. Like the cloak, it is not only soft and tough, but can also summon an energy shield to defend against attacks.

Arthur also thanked T'Challa very much for this dress that T'Challa sent to Wanda, which was very much in Arthur's mind.

The Avengers boarded the plane and departed. T'Challa looked at the two fighter planes that left and sighed that a new era of Wakanda was coming.

The Avengers all went home, and Arthur took Wanda and Pietro back to their home in the sports car he had conjured out of the Reality Stone.

"After going out for a few days, it feels like I haven't been home for a long time. It feels like a long absence." Arthur said, looking at the villa in front of him.

"It's good to be home!" Wanda took Arthur and Pietro into their home.

"I can finally take a good rest for a few days. There should be no tasks recently!" Pietro said with a yawn.

"Yeah, it's time to rest for a few days, and I won't go if I have a mission," Arthur said.

"The Avengers are the laziest, and they don't bother to care about you." Wanda rolled Arthur and said.

"All I do are important tasks, okay, I also need to go to the general small things? Isn't this a bull's knife?" Arthur seemed to have forgotten that he was asked to do some simple infiltration tasks before. .

"Okay, you're the best, I'm going to take a bath." Wanda rolled his eyes at Arthur and walked towards the room.

"I want to wash too, do you want to go together?" Arthur asked suddenly.

"Go away!" Wanda replied.


The Ultron affair has finally come to an end, and the Avengers have returned to their normal lives.

Arthur found his own shortcomings after this battle. He now relies too much on the ability of gems, and he will not be able to encounter enemies that gems cannot fight against.

So I decided to take Wanda to find the legendary mage organization Kama Taj, and go there to learn magic to make myself stronger.

Arthur sneaked to the hospital to see if Stephen Strange had gone to Karma Taj, only to find that he was still undergoing surgery.

Stephen Strange is the best surgeon, especially in clinical brain surgery, which has never failed.

Dr. Stephen Strange, who had just finished an operation and was about to leave work, had just arrived in the underground parking lot when he saw a man standing beside his Lamborghini waiting for him.

"Sorry, sir... may I ask you something?" Stephen Strange asked.

"The car is pretty good, you are Dr. Stephen Strange, right?" the man in a sweater, baseball cap and mask asked.

Stephen Strange suddenly became vigilant, this person was not trying to hurt himself, he was holding the phone, and he was ready to call the police if something went wrong.

"Yes, I'm Stephen Strange, do you have anything to do with me?" Stephen Strange said.

"It's okay, I just want to chat with you, can you show me your face and I'll buy you a drink?" The man took off his hat and mask to reveal a young and handsome face.

"You are... Arthur the Sea King?" Stephen Strange recognized the superhero who was very popular.

"It's me, I want to talk to you, do you mind?" Arthur asked.

"I'm honored..." Stephen Strange replied.

"Then get in the car," Arthur said.

"You didn't drive?" Stephen Strange asked.

"Well, I came by the bus," Arthur replied.

"..." Stephen Strange was speechless.


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