I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 107: war is over

Just after Ao Chuang's body exploded, all the Zhenjin robots present turned around and tried to escape, and Ao Chuang's consciousness remained in their bodies.

"Don't let any of them run away!" Steve Rogers ordered.

"I can't run, there is an energy cover, but I need to do a good search." T'Challa said.

Arthur joins the other Avengers and begins to hunt down the Iron Robot Legion.

Arthur looked at the steel robot that took off and was about to flee into the distance. The red gem in his right hand emitted red energy, and Arthur blocked the space.

Wanda uses the power of chaos to control several robots, Pietro uses a spear to disassemble them into parts in an instant...

Steve Rogers and T'Challa are the fastest to kill. T'Challa, who has the power of the black panther and the armor of the black panther, can't match the attack speed of Steve Rogers.

Thor and Arthur are the fastest to destroy the Zhenjin robot. They both have weapons made by Ulu, and they are also full of destructive power in the face of the robot made by Zhenjin.

Tony Stark and James Rhodes chased the escaped vibranium robot from the air. Although Arthur's red energy blocked the space, there were still fish that slipped through the net. Tony Stark and Rhodes searched for the enemy in the high sky.

Natasha and Barton were out of breath. Luckily for Natasha, her body had been strengthened. Barton was just an ordinary person. After Barton killed a vibrating robot, suddenly another vibrating robot raised its hand cannon. Attack him.

Barton's tired body couldn't react a little, but fortunately Natasha saw it from the side, and cut off the robot's hand with one knife, then chopped off its head with the second knife, and then chopped off its limbs.

"Are you okay?" Natasha asked Barton concerned.

"It's okay, I'm really getting old, and my physical strength can't keep up..." Barton replied panting.

"Don't tell me about your age, you are still early, take a rest." Natasha replied.

"It's okay, I can still hold on..." Barton picked up his weapon again, and the two continued to attack the nearby Zhenjin robots.

Bucky and Peter Parker met, Bucky used the broken blade to quickly attack the steel robot, and Peter Parker found a spear.

"Your metal right hand is really cool!" said the skinny Parker.

"Your fighting skills are really good, be careful of the enemies behind you!" Peter Parker said again.

"These robots are annoying, they can't be beaten to death, they have to be dismantled..." Peter Parker chattered beside Bucky.

"Shut up!" The cold Bucky only answered him with these two words.

"Sorry, but your metal right arm is really cool!" Peter Parker said.

"..." Bucky was speechless, why did this child talk so much.

Hulk faced a large group of steel robots, and his feet were all torn apart by him. Hulk seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and the more he fought, the more courageous he became!

Sam and Scott Lang hid in the control room, which was relatively safe. Sully gave Sam an energy weapon to deal with the vibranium robot that wanted to invade the control room.

Scott Lang is now exhausted after getting bigger twice. He drank water and sat on the ground to rest. This time he was really tired from the battle. It was already his who became huge twice a day. limit.

Princess Su Li was operating on the computer, and he and she used the computer to lock all the vibranium robots in Wakanda, in case any fish slipped through the net.

"Your technology is really amazing!" Sam sighed aside.

Princess Su Li smiled proudly. She felt that these foreigners were very cute, and the foreigners were not as coveted by Wakanda as their father said. At least the Avengers get along well.

With everyone's efforts, all the steel robots were eliminated, and only one remained. Tony Stark looked at the last steel robot in front of him.

"Are you afraid? Ultron, it seems that you are also afraid of death," Tony said.

"I'm not afraid of death, but the earth will be destroyed in the hands of your avengers sooner or later! Peace can never be achieved!" The last Zhenjin robot said.

"You're just a frog in the well. You don't even know who the real enemy of the earth is and you still talk about peace!" Arthur said from the side.

Thor's hammer suddenly flew over, the robot was torn apart, and Ultron was eventually eliminated.

"What nonsense with it." Thor spit out.

"Okay, it's finally over. I'm starving to death without eating for a day. I don't know what to eat in Wakanda?" Tony wanted to eat as soon as he relaxed.

"It's not easy, T'Challa will be the king of Wakanda soon, and he must entertain us well!" Arthur replied aside.

"I invite you to attend my king's succession ceremony. Wakanda will hold a grand banquet later, and invite all Wakanda friends to participate!" T'Challa heard their conversation not far away, and shouted to all The Avengers said, and everyone in the audience cheered!


In the huge Wakanda Square, in the witness of countless Wakanda and Avengers, Queen Lamanca brought T'Challa a necklace made of black panther teeth, and T'Challa officially became Wakanda. Dar's King, Black Panther!

The people of Wakanda dance cheerfully in memory of the heroes who died in this battle!

The Avengers all gathered in the Wakanda Palace, and countless Wakanda delicacies were placed on a huge round table, and everyone sat around and ate very happily.

"Thank you very much for the help of the Avengers, allowing me to avenge my father and take back the throne of Wakanda. Thank you! Come and cheer!" T'Challa stood up and raised his glass and said.

"Cheers! ×15" All the Avengers raised their glasses and drank it together.

"The Avengers and Wakanda will always be friends, and I would also like to invite His Majesty to join us as a member of the Avengers as we defend the peace of Earth!" Steve Rogers said to T'Challa.

"Join the Avengers, this..." T'Challa hesitated a little, he was the king of Wakanda and couldn't leave Wakanda alone to go outside and act with the Avengers.

"There is no need for His Majesty to do any task, but Wakanda's support is needed in times of crisis." Steve Rogers explained.

"Of course it's no problem, we Wakanda will take action this time to promote world peace!" T'Challa made up his mind.

The previous king of Wakanda was afraid of the outside world and never participated in all external events. He felt that it was wrong to do so. Wakanda is also a part of the earth and cannot be alone. Wakanda should also contribute to the peace of the earth. Row.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty, with the support of Wakanda, we Avengers are even stronger." Steve Rogers said.

"Come on! Enjoy everyone, cheers!" T'Challa raised his glass to toast to everyone.

Everyone in the Avengers raised their glasses, and only Peter Parker was the student's tea, and Arthur, the student, didn't mind this.

Everyone was feasting on the food on the table. For the first time, they ate Wakanda food, various animal barbecues, bread and some unnamed dishes, which opened everyone's eyes.

The most different thing is Venom, the cat. A cat eats more than anyone else. Holding a roasted antelope leg, everyone has seen Venom's performance on the battlefield. The little cat turns into a huge one. Monsters are extremely destructive!

It can also heal the body of the injured. This time the Avengers were more or less injured, and Venom helped heal them. Now everyone admits that Venom is a member of the Avengers, not a pet cat.

Venom: I'm so hard! o_o


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