I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 103: Battle of Wakanda

The square next to Wakanda Palace

The warriors of the frontier tribe put the manufactured vibranium weapons into boxes and put them on the transport spaceships, ready to transport them out of Wakanda and send them to the forces that Eric contacted.

"Everything is going according to plan, Your Majesty!" Wakabi said to Eric.

"Have my people been notified?" Eric asked.

"Yes, but there are some members who are opposed to our new mission, and the organization in London, New York and Hong Kong is always on call!" Wakabi said, Eric nodded after listening, and there were still people in at least a few places who supported him. .

Waiting for these subordinates to hand over the Zhenjin weapons to the previously contacted forces, the world will start a war, and the forces with Zhenjin weapons will be invincible!

"We attack some places first, others will judge the situation, and then they will contact us." Eric said to Wakabi.

The captain of the Royal Guard, Okoye, frowned. She couldn't oppose the new king's idea. She knew that Wakanda might be doomed under Eric's leadership!

"The vibranium weapon is incredible, the world will eventually know our true strength!" Eric said proudly while playing with a spear made of vibranium, looking at the first transport plane that went away.

boom! !

At this moment, only an explosion was heard, and the transport plane was knocked down! crashed on the plain not far away.

Eric ran to the square with everyone to see what happened. How could there be an enemy attack?

Only one person was seen on the wreckage of the transport plane. He was wearing a black panther armor. The nano helmet on his head disappeared and his face was revealed.

He is Prince T'Challa who was thrown off a cliff in the King's Challenge! He is back!

Eric saw T'Challa suddenly have an ominous premonition, while Okoye and the members of the Royal Guard were very happy that T'Challa was not dead!

A figure landed next to T'Challa from the sky, it was the war machine Rhodes, and Falcon Sam also appeared in the air circling, the Winter Soldier Bucky, Ant-Man Scott Lang, Spider-Man Peter Parker and Quicksilver Pietro walked to the special place together. Next to Chara.


It was Mbaku who came here with the apes of the Jabari tribe. They appeared behind T'Challa in a phalanx with long hammers, shouting neat slogans.

Eric watched T'Challa and the army of the Avengers and the Jabari tribe who appeared. He clenched his fists. He didn't expect these people to come back, and they couldn't let them destroy their plans!

However, when he thought of Ultron, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Ultron's steel legion should almost be completed. If it fails, he will contact Ultron. The big deal is to kill everyone in Wakanda!

"Eric!!" T'Challa yelled Eric's name.

"What do you want?" Eric asked loudly.

"You colluded with Ultron to murder the king! You are not qualified to be the king of Wakanda, I will continue to challenge you! Avenge the father!" T'Challa said loudly.

When the Wakanda heard T'Challa's words, their expressions changed! The death of the old king has something to do with Eric?

"What evidence do you have that I murdered the king? You colluded with outsiders, and you are still with Jabari, what qualifications do you have to challenge me? I am the king now, Black Panther!" Eric shouted to T'Challa said.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, the spaceship continues to set off, and Wakabi will kill him for me!" Eric ordered to the frontier tribe.

The frontier tribes hesitated after hearing Eric's order and continued to start the transport spaceship, preparing to take the Zhenjin weapon out of Wakanda.

"The Wakabi challenge isn't over! You can't do that!" Okayewakabi said.

Wakabi looked at T'Challa and the Outlanders in the distance, as well as the Jabari tribe, and he chose to trust Eric.

"Frontier tribes! Destroy them!" Wakabi ordered loudly.


Frontier tribes wearing blue cloaks and holding machetes shouted neat slogans and rushed towards the Avengers. A frontier tribe's spaceship in the air also headed towards them after taking off.

"You! You have something to do with the death of the old king, and you want to start a war! You are not fit to be a king!" Okoye pointed his spear at Eric, and all the royal women's guards raised their weapons to prepare for Eri gram attack.

Eric also took out his dual knives, his whole body flashed gold, and a black panther armor with gold inlaid appeared on his body.

"Come on!" Eric fought with the Royal Guard...

"Jabari tribe! Go!" Mbaku led the army of the Jabari tribe and rushed towards the frontier tribes with T'Challa.

The Avengers followed the Jabari tribe, and Sam and Lord took to the air, firing at the frontier tribe's ships in the air.

"Defensive formation!" A frontier tribe leader said, and all the frontier tribe warriors who were running in front stopped, fought in a line, and raised their blue capes.

Suddenly, blue energy shields appeared in front of them. Their cloaks were made of vibranium, which could generate energy shields.

T'Challa's black panther armor had accumulated energy when it was bombarded by the energy laser of the frontier tribal spaceship. T'Challa jumped to the center of the frontier tribe warrior formation and instantly released the energy of the armor.

Immediately, the frontier tribe warriors holding the blue protective shield were blown out, and the defense formation of the frontier tribes was instantly broken.

The machine guns of Sam and Colonel Rhodes have been attacking the frontier tribal spaceship, but they cannot break the defense of the spaceship. The outer shell of this spaceship is also made of Zhenjin.

T'Challa picked up the spear and threw it at the spaceship in the sky. The vibranium spear immediately penetrated the spaceship, and the spaceship exploded in the air and fell to the ground.

The Avengers and the Jabari tribe also rushed to the frontier tribe's warriors, and the two sides immediately fought together.

Bucky rushed towards Wakabi, and the metal right fist slammed into Wakabi, knocking him out instantly.

Peter Parker and frontier tribe warriors fought in close quarters. Faced with the knife made of vibranium in the hands of the enemy, Parker did not lose in the slightest, and even used spider webs to fight back against the people trapped in the frontier tribe.

Scott Lang was also the one who kept jumping up and attacking the frontier tribes after getting smaller. The enemy couldn't see him and was beaten to the ground.

The most exaggerated one is Pietro. More than a dozen enemies could not see his figure and were knocked to the ground by him. Pietro dealt with these Wakanda people very easily.

The people of the Jabari tribe are very heroic, and they are not at a disadvantage when they fight with the people from the frontier tribe.

Wakabi saw that the situation was wrong, and the frontier tribe was at a disadvantage. He climbed the boulder and took out a horn made of rhino horn from his arms and blew it.

T'Challa's face changed when he heard the sound of the horn, and he knew that this was the summoning method of the rhinos raised by the frontier tribes.

Suddenly the ground shook, and more than a dozen gigantic rhinos rushed towards the Jabari tribe wearing vibranium armor.

The rhino quickly rushed into the crowd, and the warriors of the Jabari tribe were knocked over by the person who was hit by the rhino, causing heavy casualties.

Bucky was also knocked out by a rhino. Fortunately, he blocked the impact with a metal arm, and he was not injured. Wakabi jumped on the rhino and hit the others...


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