I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 104: Ultron strikes

Natasha and Barton did not go to the frontal battlefield, they followed Princess Suli and Nagiya secretly to the control room.

"As long as I open Wakanda's energy shield, I can block all the spaceships that want to go out!" Princess Suli said.

She took out a bracelet, which was the key to control Wakanda's technology. She connected to the computer and activated Wakanda's energy shield. Then she turned on the signal blocking function, and Ultron could no longer invade the network.

Suddenly, the entire Wakanda was surrounded by a semi-circular blue energy shield. As soon as a transport plane was about to leave Wakanda, it crashed into the defensive shield and chased it down.

"No! Send someone to the control room to remove the energy shield!" Eric, who was fighting Okoye, was very annoyed when he saw the energy shield. He didn't expect Wakanda to have such a thing as an energy shield. He ordered the frontier tribesmen who were fighting with the Royal Guard.

But the people of the frontier tribe were entangled by the female soldiers of the Royal Guard and could not be separated, and Eric could only be anxious.

Su Li let Natasha and Barton get on a Wakanda spaceship by themselves, and asked them to drive the spaceship to attack the transport spaceship outside and the frontier tribal spaceship that was heading here. They got on the spaceship and set off.

The Jabari tribe was helpless in the face of these ten giant rhinos, and T'Challa rushed to stop the rhinos.

Peter Parker kept firing spider silk at the rhino, wrapping the rhino's head, and the rhino couldn't see anything, rushing up the hill and colliding with another rhino.

Scott stared at the rhino rushing towards him, and pressed his left button, Scott suddenly turned into a giant more than ten meters tall, withstood the impact of the rhino, grabbed the horn of the rhino and pushed it to the ground. …

Bucky caught sight of Wakabi who was riding a rhino and hit him. Just as the rhino was about to hit him, he jumped up and grabbed the rhino horn with his metal right hand, turning his body and kicking Wakabi off the rhino The kick flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

Quicksilver Pietro has absolutely nothing to do with this heavy-armored rhino, he can only concentrate on dealing with the frontier tribesmen.

Kansas on the other side of Wakanda

Arthur and the others are facing an uphill battle.

Arthur and Ultron are constantly fighting in the air. Ultron's hand is constantly shooting red energy rays at Arthur, and Att also sends out orange energy rays to bombard him, and the two fly and fight.

Iron Man Tony Stark also kept shooting at the Iron Legion robots in the air, but he found that the Iron Legion robots made by Zhenjin were very strong. His energy cannons could only blast them away, and it was difficult to completely solve them.

Steve Rogers was fighting the Iron Legion robots on the ground. He could only use the vibranium shield to attack the steel robots, and his fists couldn't touch them at all.

Dr. Banner transformed into the Hulk Hulk, and his fists were constantly smashing at the Iron Legion robot. The Iron Legion robot, which was as strong as Zhenjin, was also smashed and deformed under the power of Hulk.

Thor used Thor's Hammer to attack the Iron Legion robot. He hit one of the robots with a hammer, and also summoned thunder and lightning to strike the robot beside Steve.

Wanda uses chaos magic to knock out robots one by one with energy. She has also been around Steve Rogers, and the three of them formed a defensive formation to continuously attack the steel robots.

Like the Hulk, Venom kept attacking the Iron Legion robot with his fists. It moved so fast that it knocked dozens of steel robots flying in a while.

But as time goes by, the Avengers will struggle a bit. These steel robots made of vibranium are too difficult to deal with. Even if they remove their arms and knock their heads off, they will continue to attack the Avengers. It is really difficult. entangle!

"No! There are too many enemies, and we are not opponents at all!" Tony Stark, who was fighting with robots, said.

"Is there anything you can do, Arthur?" Thor asked Arthur from the headset.

"We can only lead them to the Wakanda Palace. I don't know what happened to T'Challa and the others. We must ask the Wakanda people to help us." Ya, who was scurrying in the air to avoid the Ultron energy laser rays Se said.

"You flew to the palace with Ultron. Ultron killed the King of Wakanda. When they saw Ultron, they knew Eric's conspiracy. We also retreated while fighting!" Captain Steve Rogers said.

"Then come with me!" Arthur rushed in the direction of Wakanda Palace, followed by Ultron and countless Iron Legion robots.

Tony Stark came to Steve Rogers, hugged him into the sky, and chased in the direction of Arthur.

Thor spun Thor's Hammer, got up and chased after Arthur. Hulk sprinted in the direction of Arthur, very fast!

"Venom!" Wanda launched chaos magic, and his body flew under the red energy package. Venom jumped high, rushed to Wanda's body and kept shrinking, and then turned into a white kitten and jumped into Wanda's arms. Da took it to follow them.

Countless steel legion robots also flew behind the six people, and countless energy cannons shot at the three people in the air.

Tony held Steve to keep dodging the energy cannons coming from behind, while Thor charged straight forward. The energy cannons staggered him on his body, and he continued to fly forward.

Wanda wrapped himself in red energy, and the energy bombardment of the steel robot only produced a circle of ripples on the red chaotic energy.

The Hulk is the worst. He can only run on the ground and receives the most attacks, but the Hulk is rough and fleshy. This attack is nothing to him. He jumped high while running, punching a robot .

Arthur, who was moving forward, suddenly saw a blue energy shroud wrapping Wakanda. Good job! Ultron can't escape this time!

Arthur, who only flew for a while, came to the frontal battlefield. He saw the Avengers who were fighting the rhinoceros, and the people of the Jabari tribe and the frontier tribe who were fighting together.

Everyone also saw the fast Arthur, but they suddenly saw Ultron and countless Iron Legion robots chasing after Arthur!

"It's him! It's him who killed the old king!" Wakabi looked at Ultron and shouted, and he would never forget the murderer who killed the king in front of him.

All the warriors of the frontier tribes stopped fighting when they heard Wakabi's voice, and the warriors of the Jabari tribe also stopped their hands and looked up at the flying Iron Legion robots in the air.

"The people of Wakanda! This is the man who killed my father, Techaka, and the steel machine army around him was made of our vibranium! And Eric did it all!" Techa Looking at the enemy who killed his father, Ra suddenly became angry and said to all the Wakanda on the battlefield.

Ultron also heard T'Challa's shout, he stopped, looked down at everyone and said loudly.

"That's right! I killed your father T'Challa, and I also got the vibranium that you Wakanda people are proud of to build my vibranium army! To thank you, I will kill you all. !"


A missile hit Ultron in the air. It was Natasha who came back in Wakanda's spaceship. He and Patton, with the help of Lord and Sam, completely shot down all the transport planes, as well as five of the frontier tribes. spaceship.

"Wakabi, now you understand, you were all deceived by Eric!" T'Challa said loudly to Wakabi.

"Frontier tribe! Listen to my orders, stop fighting! Our enemy is it! Avenge the old king!" Wakabi pointed to Ultron in the air and said.

"Jabari tribe! Attack the steel robot!" Mbaku ordered loudly.

Tony Stark descended from the sky with Steve Rogers, Thor followed and descended, and Wanda came here with Venom.

Hulk jumped down from the air and came to the side of the Avengers. Arthur also flew back and landed next to Steve, and the frontier tribe and the Jabari tribe lined up again.

Countless steel robots fell from the sky and landed on the opposite side of the Avengers. Ultron also fell from the sky. Eric came to Ultron in a black panther armor.

On one side is the army of Wakanda and the Avengers, and on the other side is Ultron leading the steel robot army and Eric, and the two sides confront each other.

"Avengers! Attack!" Steve Rogers yelled.

"Wakanda warriors, go!" Chakra shouted.

"Hey, kill them!" Ultron ordered coldly.

Both sides rushed towards each other, and the battle kicked off!

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