I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 102: Zhenjin Machinery Corps

"There's a passage here, go from here!" Tony Stark found a passage and didn't know where it led.

The four walked into the passage and walked inside. There were no lights in the passage and it was dark. Arthur took out two flashlights from his trousers bag and handed one to Steve.

The three of them wondered how Arthur put the flashlight in his trousers pocket, but didn't ask. They are all moving forward cautiously now, without making any sound.

They walked along the passage for ten minutes and finally came to the end. This is a cylindrical stone cave, surrounded by machinery, and countless automatic robot arms are making steel robots one by one.

Overhead is a huge and complex machine that controls these robotic arms.

Arthur and the others were shocked by the sight in front of them. Unexpectedly, Ultron built so many steel robots in only three days. Fortunately, they discovered it early.

"These are all made of vibranium?" Steve Roger asked, observing the steel robots.

Tony Stark nodded. The two of them had a chill on their backs. They knew how powerful Zhenjin was. How could they deal with so many Zhenjin robots?

Arthur and Thor didn't feel anything. One of them was a Protoss from Asgard, and the other always had two of the strongest infinity gems in the universe. They didn't take these Zhenjin robots seriously at all.

"You can't let them go on like this anymore, start destroying this place!" Tony Stark said.

Arthur took out the trident and shot a huge orange energy at the huge machine above his head. In an instant, the huge machine exploded, and all the mechanical arms stopped moving.

"Done?" Thor asked.

At this moment, Ultron's voice came from all directions and four people, "You are finally here! It's a pity that you can't stop me. I will use my Zhenjin Legion to destroy all people on the earth! Only in this way can we bring True peace!"

All the robots in all directions of the cylindrical cave spoke, their eyes lit up at the same time, the engines behind all the robots started, they raised their right hands at the same time, and countless energy cannons shot at the four of them.

At this critical moment, the red gem in Arthur's right hand lit up, and the red energy instantly wrapped the four of them. The four of them disappeared in place. The cylindrical stone cave burst into flames, and the explosions continued. The entire Zhenjin mine was shaken by earthquakes.

boom! ! !

boom! ! !

After this round of explosions stopped, the red energy dissipated and the four people reappeared in the same place. A huge semi-circular hole had been blown out under their feet.

"Scared me to death, I thought I was dead!" Tony Stark said exaggeratedly.

"It's too small here, it's too bad to fight them here, we have to get back to the ground," Steve Rogers said.

"Let's blast it through together!" Arthur said, and the trident used all its strength to send out a huge orange energy that shot directly at the top of the cave above.

Tony's chest emitted yellow energy and shot towards Arthur's orange energy. Thor held Thor's hammer high, and a huge thunderbolt energy shot out immediately. The three energies converged and shot to the rock at the top of the cave.

boom! !

The top of their heads was suddenly blown up by these three energies, and the sunlight shot directly into the mine where they were.

Arthur took Steve Rogers into the sky, and Tony Stark and Thor also flew up.

Just as they were taking off, countless robots raised the energy cannons in their hands and shot at the four people. Arthur's right hand flashed red light and the four people became transparent again. After countless energy cannons passed through the four people's bodies The bombing hit the wall, and some Zhenjin robots were accidentally injured.

"This trick of yours is really useful!" Tony said, looking at the energy attack passing through his body.

Just as the three of them flew out of the Zhenjin Mine, a figure appeared in front of the three of them. Before Arthur could see who it was, he was bombarded by a huge red energy on his back. Arthur and Steve Rogers were together. At the same time fell to the ground.

And Thor and Tony reacted, Tony shot the energy cannon at the person in front of him, and Thor smashed the man who suddenly appeared.

This person is Ultron, wearing a black cloak and being hit by Tony's energy cannon and then knocked away by Thor's hammer.

"Arthur! Steve! Are you all right?" Dr. Banner, Su Li and Wanda heard the huge explosion and came out of the fighter plane, just to see a big hole in the ground not far away from three strands of energy.

Then the four flew out of the hole, and a shadow behind quickly caught up with Arthur and knocked Arthur and Steve down together.

"It's okay!" Wanda helped Arthur up, and Steve stood up by himself. The attack just now was blocked by Arthur's armor, and he was not injured.

"Su Li! Get your fighter plane out of here and find your brother to find a way to completely seal off Wakanda!" Arthur said, looking at Ultron in the sky.

Su Li nodded, turned and walked towards the fighter.

Tony and Thor fell to Arthur and Steve's side, and the six looked up at Ultron in the air. Ultron was not what they looked like last time they saw him.

Ultron is now about the same size as a normal person, with a mixture of red skin and metal all over his body, and the way Arthur looks at him is no different from the vision in the movie.

"Ultron! We finally found you! You can't run away this time!" Tony Stark looked at the monster he had created, and had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

"Hahahaha! You guys actually delivered it to your door, so I'll go to you, now I have a new body and some Zhenjin robot army! I want to destroy all human beings, take the Infinity Stones, and make the world truly Peace!" Ultron looked down at the six and said.

"Are you overestimating yourself, and you want to beat us just relying on these Zhenjin robots, you are a bit over yourselves!" Arthur looked at Ultron and said contemptuously.

"Hahahaha, you'll know how good I am right away!" After Ultron finished speaking, countless steel robots flew out of the hole just opened by Arthur and the others, covering the sky and the sun for a while. Thousands of them.

"It's just right, I'll deal with you all at once!" Arthur in golden armor raised his right fist, and the red gem emitted a huge energy field that enveloped all the robots.

Arthur squeezed his fist hard, and all the robots were red, but there was no response. In an instant, a blue energy energy shield appeared on all the robots at the same time, breaking Arthur's red energy.

"Haha, this is a robot made by Zhenjin! Although you have an infinite gem, you can't use the gem's strongest ability. You can't help me!" Ultron looked at Arthur and laughed.

Arthur used the Reality Gem to deflate for the first time. He really couldn't exert all the abilities of the Reality Gem. If he was assisted by the Power Gem, he could destroy all robots in an instant.

The yellow gem on Arthur's right hand lit up. He wanted to try to control these robots, but he still failed. The metal of vibranium is really amazing, and it can actually block Arthur's mind gem control!

Arthur had no choice but to confront them. Arthur picked up the trident, got up and prepared to rush towards Ultron, and Tony Stark followed him.

Dr. Banner roared loudly, his body instantly turned green, and the Hulk appeared!

Steve took off the shield on his back and looked firmly at the enemy in the sky. Wanda stood beside Steve ready to take care of Steve Rogers.

Thor picked up the hammer and stood at Steve's right hand, ready to attack!

The black liquid in the body of the white kitten Venom kept expanding, and it instantly turned into a very tall monster, screaming in the sky, and several people were startled by it. I didn't expect such a cute kitten to turn into such a terrifying monster. !

Great war! Immediately!


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