I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 101: battle plan

"The hatred between Wakanda and Atlantis cannot be solved with a single sentence," Queen Lamanca said to Arthur.

"Actually, the struggle between Atlantis and Wakanda happened decades ago, and it should be put down after so long," Arthur said to the queen.

"This is impossible. My sister died at the hands of the Atlantis. The grudge between us and Atlantis is not something that can be put down if you let it go," the queen said.

"Let's be honest, the main reason I want Atlantis and Wakanda to unravel the hatred is that my mother is also Wakanda, so I also have Wakanda blood flowing in my body." Ya Se said to the queen.

"Your mother is Wakanda? That's impossible! Who is your father?" the Queen asked, looking at Arthur, startled.

"They died when I was very young! I only know that my father was King Dylan of Atlantis, and I don't know who my mother is, the royal family of Atlantis deliberately concealed this thing." Arthur replied.

"What!! Are you the son of King Dylan? Then you are Lamanla's child." The queen stood up excitedly.

Lamanla is Queen Lamanca's sister. Once Lamanla yearned for the outside world, she secretly ran out of Wakanda. Unexpectedly, she would end up with an Atlantis man. , that man is King Dylan.

Atlantis and Wakanda already have hatred, not to mention the love between the royal families of the two countries.

So at that time, the old king Tchaka was very angry and wanted to let Lamanla be captured, but finally got the news that Lamanla was executed by Atlantis.

Therefore, Wakanda also attacked Atlantis. In this battle, all the royal family of Atlantis except the king and his son were killed, which led to the last royal family of Atlantis. Only Namor was alone.

"Child, let me take a good look at you!" Queen Lamancala took Arthur's hand and told him everything about his parents.

T'Challa didn't think that Arthur was actually related to him by blood. He was the son of his mother's sister, so he should be his cousin.

Everyone heard the entanglement between Atlantis and Wakanda, but they didn't expect Arthur's life experience to be so bizarre, and everyone was happy for Arthur to find his relatives.

"The child has really suffered you!" The queen heard Arthur's experience. Arthur was raised by his adoptive father, and his adoptive father also left Arthur. Now that Arthur is alone, the queen is holding on tightly. Hold Arthur's hand.

"Okay, let's continue to discuss how to find Ultron, and we will celebrate after we defeat the enemy." T'Challa looked at everyone and said.

"Then I will go to the Zhenjin Mine to see if Ultron is there, and you will help T'Challa defeat Eric to regain the throne!" Arthur said to everyone.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to go alone! Ultron has already obtained the Zhenjin body and the Iron Legion, and you will face hundreds of robots!" Steve Rogers refuted Arthur's plan.

"We should be divided into two groups, one group to deal with Ultron, and one group to help deal with Eric!" Tony Stark said.

"Eric is up to me to solve him. The problem is that he has now controlled all the Wakanda troops. We need the help of the Jabari tribe!" T'Challa looked at Mbaku, who was sitting on the seat and did not speak said.

"You want me to help you deal with the Wakanda army? Impossible! I saved your life to pay back the favor in the duel at that time, and we have already cleared the two." Mbaku looked at T'Challa and said.

"You know how powerful Zhenjin weapons are. If you don't help me regain the throne, do you think Eric will let you go?" T'Challa said about Mbaku.

Mbaku was silent, and T'Challa was right. Their Jabari was the only tribe in Wakanda that did not surrender to Eric. If he didn't help T'Challa, Eric would not let him go sooner or later.

"Okay, I'll help you take back the throne! This time you owe me a favor!" Mbaku chose to help T'Challa.

"Great, we are all Wakanda, good brothers! Let's take Wakanda back from Eric together!" T'Challa looked at Mbaku happily and said.

"Since the old king was killed by Ultron, as long as we let Wakanda know that Eric and Ultron have colluded, Wakanda will naturally no longer support Eric." Steve Rogers said.

"That's right, so we have to find out Ultron first, and then expose their conspiracy in public!" Tony Stark said.

"This is the best time for us to eliminate Ultron. Wakanda is isolated from the world. As long as we find a way to block the network, we can completely eliminate Ultron in Wakanda." Arthur said.

"As long as I can reach the control room of the main hall, I can turn on the energy barrier to completely block Wakanda, and the energy shield can also block all radio signals. Not only will everyone be unable to get out, but Ultron will not be able to get out of the network. Run away again!" Princess Su Li said.

"Great! We will completely destroy Ultron in Wakanda this time!" Dr. Banner said happily.

Everyone is very happy, and finally there is a way to completely solve Ultron, so the next step is to discuss who will deal with Ultron and who will deal with Eric.

"Art, Banner, Thor, Stark, Wanda and I deal with Ultron together, as for the others to help T'Challa!" Steve Rogers said, the people he chose were the destructive abilities of the Avengers the strongest.

Everyone obeyed Steve Rogers' orders, and Princess Sully took them to the Kansas Zhenjin Factory in a fighter plane, while the rest of the Avengers followed the Jabari tribe to the palace in Wakanda.

Steve drove a fighter jet to Kansas at the Zhenjin factory under the guidance of Su Li. Kansas is on a mountain, very inconspicuous, with only one entrance to enter.

Steve parked the fighter jet far away from the Zhenjin factory, let Sully and Wanda and Dr. Banner stay on the fighter first, Arthur, Thor, Stark and Steve went first to see condition.

Arthur gave Wanda the venom in his hand, and Wanda told Arthur to be careful, Arthur nodded and touched Wanda's hair so that she didn't have to worry.

Arthur, Steve, Tony and Thor came to the entrance of Zhenjin Factory, and Arthur probed down with his mental power.

"Something is wrong! There is no living person inside!" Arthur said to the three of them, and the three of them suddenly looked solemn, indicating that the Wakanda people inside were all killed by Ultron!

"Don't make a noise! ​​Let's go down and see!" Steve Rogers said to the three, who nodded.

The four entered the Zhenjin Factory quietly along the stairs. They came to a thick metal door. The metal door was not closed. Arthur pushed the metal door open and came to an elevator.

The four of them took the elevator and finally got down to the hall of Zhenjin Factory. They looked at the Wakanda's corpse lying on the ground and felt very uncomfortable.

The hall is very technological, and you can directly see the Zhenjin Mine outside from the glass, as well as the floating train running all the time!

"Everyone is dead! We continue to search for Ultron's whereabouts." Steve Rogers said into the headset.

Princess Su Li in the fighter plane burst into tears when she heard that everyone in the factory was dead. She has always been in charge of Zhenjin Factory, and the staff inside are also people who get along with her every day.

Wanda hugged Princess Sully and comforted her, while Dr. Banner reminded the four to be careful.


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