I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 380 What I Saw in Chibi Cave

Chen Xizhou didn't believe it.

Mao Rongrong and You Qin also didn't believe it.

Because Chen Xizhou has never made any mistakes in various information about elves.


At this time, Mao Rongrong noticed that the eyes of the slightly larger Caracara were twinkling.

He leaned into Chen Xizhou's ear and told him what he had discovered.

Chen Xizhou looked at the caracara curiously.

Taking advantage of the situation, he opened the opponent's sprite panel:

Elf: Caracalla

Gender: Male

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Attribute: ground system

Characteristics: Hard Head (Even if you use skills that will be damaged by reaction force, your physical strength will not be reduced.)

Props: thick bones

Skills: Throwing mud, barking, wagging tail, nodding, headbutt, revenge, throwing, stomping, bone club beating

Teaching Skills: None

Genetic Skills: None

"It's really a male Caracalla."

Hearing this, the little girl stopped immediately: "You're talking nonsense, Dakar is obviously a female Caracara!"

"As much as I want to agree with you, our district chief said that Daka is a male Caracara, so it must be a male Caracara. There is no doubt about it."

Although Mao Rongrong himself could not quite distinguish the gender difference between Caracalla, he still believed in Chen Xizhou unconditionally.

"Little Chengzi, stop making trouble."

A cheerful voice came. It was a domestic guest from the Shancheng Special Economic Zone who was welcoming Jing Yun.

When Jing Yun met Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian, he already realized that the representatives of Langqi Special Administrative Region were coming, and he quickly greeted them.

"I'm very sorry. This is my little girl Jing Cheng, who has caused trouble for you all."

After the little episode,

Yang Yao gave a brief introduction to both parties.

"District Chief Chen, I didn't expect you to come in person this time."

Whether it is a mountain city or several other elven special zones, everyone is most interested in the Langqi Special Zone.

If the other four special zones were all mentioned as elf zones based on factors such as economy, culture, and population, then Langqi Special Zone, which was originally just a small town, was also mentioned as an elf zone because of the elves themselves.

This can be seen from the attribute of the alliance celebration: the empty square array.

Otherwise, no matter what the reason is, it cannot be explained why the headquarters spends a lot of money to do this.

You know, building a city does not happen overnight.

If Langqi Special Zone was not outstanding, and the same resources were given to other first-tier cities, it would be enough to build two super cities, or even a metropolis, and the headquarters would not be so stupid.

However, such an emerging city under construction must also be the most suitable trading target.

Because the two sides lack different resources, the exchange of interests must be optimal.

To be honest, Jing Yun is a little confused now.

Let’s say Langqi Special Economic Zone takes it seriously. They only came with a delegation of three people. Or say Langqi Special Economic Zone doesn’t take it seriously. The three people who came here are very important in the system of Langqi Special Economic Zone.

Chen Xizhou noticed Jing Yun's expression and explained with a smile:

"The Langqi Special Economic Zone does not have enough manpower, and every position is filled with holes and carrots. There is no chance to move, so..."

"Now the situation of all parties is similar. We just benefited from the original foundation."

Jing Yun expressed his understanding, then stretched out his hand:

"District Chief Chen and the two of you come with me. Let's go back to the room and have a good rest. In the afternoon, Xiao Yang and the others will take you around the mountain city. Please forgive me if there is any lack of hospitality."

Jing Yun's attitude towards Chen Xizhou and others was still very enthusiastic, and all kinds of treatment were arranged properly.

After catching up on some sleep in the guest house, the three of them gathered in the lobby again after resting.

Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian have been waiting for a long time.

"District Chief Chen, let's go shopping in the city?" Yang Yao said, "I wonder if District Chief Chen has anything he wants to visit?"

"Elf market?"

Mao Rongrong said: "District Chief, why don't we go to the elf market in the mountain city? I read in the guide that there are many special elf projects in the mountain city."

"Okay, let's go there."

The elf market in the mountain city is located in Chibi Cave.

In order to meet the needs of the Elf Market, the buildings here have been expanded a lot, and the area has also been expanded a lot. In addition to locals, there are also a large number of foreign tourists from surrounding cities and surrounding provinces.

The huge crowds are not enough to describe it.

If you really want to describe it, the number of tourists in Chibi Cave in one day is more than the entire population of Langqi Special Zone.

When Chen Xizhou and his party entered Red Cliff Cave, more and more tourists began to arrive, and the venue gradually became lively.

Yang Yao introduced the local customs and customs of Chibi Cave to Chen Xizhou in front.

Bai Guangjian, who was following behind, introduced to Mao Rongrong the elves who followed the trainer.

Although the mountain city does not allow the act of riding elves on the streets, it does have a certain tolerance for elves following their trainers.

In places like Chibi Cave, trainers can roam the streets with their elves as they please.

Of course, conflict must not be allowed!

"Look, that powerful butt is so perky!" Mao Rongrong couldn't help but admire.

"Dr. Mao, lower your voice, it seems it can hear you."

Bai Guangjian saw that the force pointed by Mao Rongrong actually turned his head and glanced at him, and deliberately raised his buttocks, hoping to make himself look more attractive.

However, after scanning Mao Rongrong and the others and finding that he was not the type, Haoli showed a look of disdain, twisted his hips and disappeared in the crowd.

Looking at Haoli's leaving figure, Mao Rongrong's smile on her face was completely gone.

"What does this Haoli's look mean?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be that we are disliked..."


Haoli and humans look very similar.

Their mate selection criteria are very similar to those of some humans.

For Haoli, only those who are big, tall, strong, hairy, and have obvious muscle lines can attract their attention.

And people like Chen Xizhou's group,

each of them looks white and clean, naturally not Haoli's type.

"Hey, there are people from the International Alliance!"

"It looks like they are from the Snow Russian Alliance. You know, Shancheng is an international city, so trainers from the International Alliance often come here to play."

"Is the Pokémon next to him Infernape?"

Following the direction of Mao Rongrong's finger, Chen Xizhou also looked over.

It was an orange monkey Pokémon.

Its ears, mouth, hands, feet, and abdomen were all dark flesh-colored.

There were red and blue facial patterns on its face, a circle of white hair around its neck, and a swirl pattern on its abdomen.

[Infernape! ]

[Infernape: Naughty Pokémon]

[Infernape will flexibly jump up and down around, using the ceiling and walls to launch aerial attacks, and the flame on its tail is also one of its weapons. ]

[Infernape will make itself look taller by stretching the flame on its tail to intimidate the attacking enemy. ]

[The size of the flame on the Infernape's tail and the brightness of the blue facial pattern determine its status in the tribe. The darker the blue on its face, the stronger its strength. ]

[Infernape constantly pursues strength even in a group, and will seek harsh environments for this purpose. ]

Keywords: Naughty, Competitive

"It's really bold. It dares to leave the alliance at will with the three families." Chen Xizhou couldn't help but sigh.

This is true.

Apart from the African Union, which secretly sells the starter Pokémon,

basically, the starter Pokémon of each alliance will be protected by their respective alliances, and those trainers who have obtained the starter Pokémon are not allowed to leave the country at will.

This is to prevent the starter Pokémon from flowing out of the alliance.

Unexpectedly, the Snow Russian Union has maintained its usual style of a fighting nation.

Of course, this may also be related to the Huaxia Union.

After all, the Snow Russian Union and the Huaxia Union are currently in a good time of love and close relationship.

In addition to the Huaxia Union, the trainers of the Snow Russian Union who have the starter Pokémon are probably not allowed to go to other alliances.

"District Chief, can I go up and say hello?"

Mao Rongrong obviously couldn't resist the attraction of Infernape and took the initiative to put forward his own ideas.


Mao Rongrong followed the Snow Russian trainer.

Unexpectedly, this affectionate greeting directly caused Mao Rongrong to roll his eyes. (End of this chapter)

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