I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 381: Unexpected Encounter of Elven Plants

Yang Yao originally proposed to take a group of people to experience the food culture of the mountain city.

However, since he had already had a buffet at the guest house at noon and it was still early, Chen Xizhou wanted to go to the core area of ​​the market for a stroll.

The core area of ​​the Elf Market is where elf-related products are sold.

"Have you obtained permission to trade with elves?"

When Chen Xizhou saw that there was actually a stall selling elves here, he couldn't help but ask.

Although China currently does not support the trade of elf, there is no express provision prohibiting the sale, so it is a relatively sensitive behavior for the time being.

There is currently no relevant trading business in Langqi Special Zone, but it will inevitably be contaminated in the future.

The idea of ​​a natural hunting area is essentially related to the elf trade.

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It's just that the decision-making power has shifted from the human trainers to the elves; the object of the transaction has shifted from the elves to tickets and other income.

Of course, the core concept still supports the elf's own ideas.

"My authority is not enough to know these things." Yang Yao replied awkwardly, "But as far as I know, there shouldn't be any, but Shancheng did not stop it."

"You two, why don't we hang out here by ourselves? Meet at Haoran Building later?"

Chen Xizhou is somewhat interested in the elves sold here, and he plans to buy some elves that are not available in Langqi Special Zone. Naturally, he does not want to show it in front of Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian.

Both of them were thoughtful people and very aware of current affairs. They just apologized and left.

They will wait for the Langqi delegation at Haoran Building.

Without Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian, the atmosphere of Chen Xizhou and his party would immediately be different.

The group of people walked about a hundred meters.

Chen Xizhou was suddenly attracted by a small stall.

This is a small stall in the corner.

There were many flowers and plants on the stall, but these things did not attract passing tourists, so no one paid any attention to them.

The stall owner is an old man who looks to be in his seventies.

Chen Xizhou stepped forward and asked curiously: "Old man, you are setting up a stall here. Is anyone coming to see you?"

Although the old man is older, he still looks sharp.

He answered with great certainty: "This street is five hundred meters long from beginning to end. When everyone comes and goes and sees all the stalls, they will definitely come to my place to take a look."

The old man's mentality is very good.

What he said makes sense, but only if there are people who are really interested in what he is selling.

Visitors can walk through this elf market in just over ten minutes from beginning to end. Counting the time spent wandering around various stalls, it can take up to half an hour to complete the visit.

But in the few minutes that Chen Xizhou was talking to the old man, no one came to this stall except Chen Xizhou and his party.

No one was interested in the flowers and plants on the stall.

Chen Xizhou looked at several plants on the stall.

【Wangwang Valley! 】

【Beautiful and vibrant grains. It is a favorite food of elves on land and can attract them to the place where they are thrown. 】

【Rolling beans! 】

【Big, firm and plump beans. It is a favorite food of bird elves and fish elves, and can attract them to the place where they are thrown. 】

【Nuonuo Mushroom! 】

【Big and mature mushroom. It is a favorite food of monsters and dragon elves, and can attract them to the place where they are thrown. 】

Three completely different elf plants with similar effects!

"Old man, what kind of plants are these?" Chen Xizhou asked knowingly.

The old man waved his hand: "Actually, I don't know, but the elves seem to like them very much. I often see them being eaten by the elves, so I thought of buying some at the market."

"So it can be used to make elf snacks?"

Naturally, the old man could not understand what Chen Xizhou wanted to express.

All he knew was that these plant elves would eat them, so he collected a few and wanted to sell them for some money.

Seeing that the old man didn't answer,

Chen Xizhou understood that the other party might not understand this very well, so he changed the question: "Old man, if the price is right, how many of these plants do you have and I will take them, what do you think?"


"Guaranteed replacement if fake!"

"Actually, I don't have much."

Perhaps because of his excitement, the old man added: "These plants grow near my house. They were common last year, but now they are becoming less and less. They have all been eaten by the elves."

"But I also grow a little of it myself, so I can still put together a few kilograms."

Chen Xizhou nodded: "What about the price?"

"One hundred yuan per pound?"

Chen Xizhou was a little surprised when he heard the prices of these plants.

"Is it too much?"

The old man looked a little panicked: "If it's too much, eighty pounds per pound is fine. My old lady is sick and needs to take medicine every day, so the price will be a little more expensive..."

Chen Xizhou did not answer directly, but instead asked: "Old man, did you just say you could grow these plants?"

The old man replied: "I thought elves liked to eat, so I tried to grow some. Who knew that the more I grew, the more skilled I became, but no one bought me. Most of them were given to the elves nearby to eat."

Chen Xizhou changed the question again: "Is the old man a native of Shancheng?"

"Yeah, local."

"How many people are there in the family?"

Hearing this, the old man looked alert: "Do you need to check the household registration when selling things now?"

You Zhen, who was standing by, stepped forward and interrupted: "Old man, you misunderstood. We are from Langqi Special District. If you can grow these plants, we would like to invite you to Langqi."

"Langqi? Where is that?" The old man waved his hand, "I haven't heard of it, I haven't heard of it."

This made the three people present a little embarrassed.

"Rongcheng, Rongcheng, Fujian Province." Chen Xizhou explained.

"Oh, so it's there."

The old man seemed to know, but also seemed to not know. He only replied one sentence and then nothing happened.

"If you really have the skills to grow plants, our Langqi Special District is willing to provide free treatment for Auntie. Even if we can't treat her, we can reimburse Auntie for the money to buy medicine."


"It couldn't be more true."

For the current Langqi Special District, there is a huge demand and gap for similar elf plants and talents.

Especially this trip to the mountain city.

Although he just arrived here today, Chen Xizhou has already felt the huge gap.

Since the other four special zones are to be pursued, the normal order will definitely not work. Only by finding another way and overtaking on the curve can the goal be achieved.

"Are you human traffickers?"


"Old man, have you ever seen such blatant human traffickers?" Mao Rongrong said.

Who knew that the old man really nodded.

Such a silent answer directly choked Mao Rongrong on the spot.

"Actually, there is one more thing."

At this time, the old man already believed Chen Xizhou and the other two. He stammered and said: "My wife and I also raised some elves, and their food was provided by us..."


"It's a group of mushroom worms. They were all raised by my wife and me."

"Mushroom worms?"

Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong looked at each other and immediately guessed the identity of this elf.

"It doesn't matter, just take them to Langqi Special Zone together."

Chen Xizhou said to You Zhen: "Sister You Zhen, this matter will be left to you to handle. You must arrange it properly for the old man."

"Okay, I know..." (End of this chapter)

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