I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 379: Unexpected wake-up call


When the sky was just getting light,

the fog began to spread in the forest, like a veil covering the trees and the grass.

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The shadow incident last night made everyone in the camp go to bed until the early morning.

At this time, everyone slept very soundly.

But the bird elves had already started singing happily in the forest.

At this time, a brown and cream-colored bird was moving horizontally on the treetop with its claws.

Move two claws to the left, then three claws to the right, and then...

That's right!

This is the posture!

Bobo found a very comfortable posture and position for himself,

then the bird's butt was raised, and a white mixture flowed out from its tail and fell vertically to the ground.


Yang Yao, who was sleeping, only felt a light on his neck, and then something like water flowed down his forehead to both cheeks.

Yang Yao subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, and then casually put it in front of his nose and sniffed it.


his originally hazy eyes suddenly opened, and his dilated pupils instantly focused on the white mixture in his hand.

A moment later,


angry shouts came out wildly from where Yang Yao was, spreading to the originally quiet forest.

At this moment,

even the elephant cry of Dunjia could only bow down to Yang Yao and feel inferior.

Chen Xizhou, Mao Rongrong, You Zhen... everyone was awakened from their sleep by Yang Yao's shout, and got up in a hurry to check what happened.

Although he didn't rest well,

there was no trace of sleepiness in his eyes, and he kept scanning the surroundings to find the direction of the enemy.

"Brother Yao, what happened?"

Bai Guangjian was the most nervous, and walked carefully to Yang Yao and asked.

Yang Yao looked like he had no desire to live, and stared at a certain elf who was enjoying himself on the treetop.

This Bobo was also courageous.

Although Yang Yao startled a large number of bird Pokémons with his high decibels, this Pidgeot was still standing on the treetop and sticking its butt out happily.

Seeing that the other party was about to fire the second shell,

in a flash,

Slow King raised one hand and shot a weak water gun at the Pidgeot.


Without giving Pidgeot any time to react.

The Pidgeot that was shot had no intention of sticking its butt out. Its body stiffened and it fell straight from the tree, hitting Yang Yao's hand.


When the others saw the white mixture on Yang Yao's forehead, they probably understood what had just happened.

After coming to the river and carefully cleaning the filth, Yang Yao saw that Pidgeot was still not awake, so he threw a Poké Ball to subdue it, and then handed it to Slow King: "Thank you very much for your help."

Slow King immediately indicated that it was just a small favor and no thanks were needed.

It even did not take the Poké Ball.

"You can keep this Pidgeot for yourself, don't feel so bad about it." Chen Xizhou smiled.

As the others finished packing, Chen Xizhou straightened his clothes and stood up and said, "Okay, if everyone is ready, let's go now."

Everyone rode on their own elves and shuttled through the mountains and forests again.


Bai Guangjian has an extraordinary sense of direction.

Following the growth of the trees, he quickly confirmed the approximate location of the mountain city for the team.

Chen Xizhou and his party moved forward along the southeast direction.

When the sun rose completely and the time came to eight o'clock, the mountains and forests had dispersed, and the road gradually became wide and flat.

At this time, the outline of the city in the distance can be seen.

High-rise buildings stand tall, and the glass curtain walls shine in the morning light, like countless diamonds dotted under the blue sky.

The hustle and bustle of the city gradually came, and the traffic in the distance shuttled like a thin line, outlining a busy urban scene.

This is the pearl city in central China, a mountain city in one of the five elf special zones.

"This city is prosperous after all."

"Yes, even without any promotion, it is one of the best cities. Now with the blessing of the Elf Special Zone, it is soaring and cannot be stopped."

Chen Xizhou, You Zhen and others couldn't help but sigh.

"It's about five kilometers away from the mountain city. We can get there soon if we keep going forward." Yang Yao was very excited.

Although this trip was not so comfortable, at least he had conquered two elves.

At this time, he couldn't wait to go back and sort out the harvest.

For example, establish a relationship with the two elves, such as bathing and checking them, and taking them to the Elf Center to register...

In short, there are still many things to do.

"District Chief Chen, let's keep going."

Yang Yao said: "Everyone should have a good rest in the guesthouse in the morning. In the afternoon, Guangjian and I will take the two of us to visit the mountain city and taste the special food of the mountain city. Tomorrow is the five districts meeting."

The figures of the group soon appeared on the plain. Their goal was the distant mountain city area.


The flat road provided great convenience for everyone.

With the help of riding Pokémon, the five-kilometer journey was completed in a blink of an eye, and Chen Xizhou and his party soon arrived at the edge of the city.

Just as everyone was about to step into the urban area of ​​the mountain city,

"I'm very sorry, riding Pokémon is not allowed in the city." A guard trainer stopped everyone.

When Mao Rongrong expressed her doubts, Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian were embarrassed. They remembered that they had left the Langqi Special Zone with loose policies and officially returned to the mountain city.

Yang Yao hurriedly pulled everyone aside: "This is the rule of the mountain city. Riding elves is not allowed in the city."

When in Rome, do as the Romans do. The Langqi delegation did not have much resistance.

Chen Xizhou took back the silver companion war beast first, and said to the few people with a smile: "Since you can't ride the elves, hurry up and go to the guesthouse to have a good rest."

At the same time, Bai Guangjian called a nearby special car.

Half an hour later, two special cars took Chen Xizhou and his party and Yang and Bai to the mountain city guesthouse.

Although they are both guesthouses, the guesthouses in the Langqi Special Zone and the guesthouses in the mountain city are really incomparable. The two are very different in appearance and interior decoration.

So far, the best hotel in the entire Langqi Special Zone is still the Four Seasons Hotel opposite the Langqi Square.

I don't know when Comrade Xiao Wang's hotel will be completed.

"It's okay, we will have it in a few years."

After Chen Xizhou comforted himself, he followed Yang Yao into this low-key but luxurious guesthouse.

"District Chief Chen, you take a rest first, I'll go get the room card."

Although the lobby of the guesthouse was relatively quiet at this time, there were a lot of people walking around. It seemed that they were the delegations sent by the other three special districts to attend the five-district conference.

"It's quite lively."

"Yes, there are a lot of elves."

Mao Rongrong pointed to the two elves standing at the front desk not far away.

The two little guys were very short, with gray skulls on their heads, only their eyes were exposed, the edges of the skulls were a little cracked, and there was a bone in their hands as a weapon.

[Karakara! ]

[Karakara: Lonely Elf]

[After being born, Karakara immediately put the skull of his mother who was separated from him forever on his head, and never let anyone see his true face. ]

[Karakara would cry loudly when he was lonely, and the skull on his head would make a rattling sound. 】

【When Caracara cries because of her mother who has been separated from her forever, her sad cry will echo a sad melody in her skull, and she will be attacked from the air by her natural enemies who hear the sound. 】

【It is said that she will evolve when she gets rid of the grief of her mother's death. 】

Keywords of the entry: bones, loneliness, sadness

"What a group of elves born to be lonely."

After reading the entry introduction, Chen Xizhou couldn't help but sigh.

Compared to humans, the emotions of elves are cleaner and purer, which can even become their motivation to become stronger.

"District Chief, please introduce the two elves to me."

Mao Rongrong guessed that Chen Xizhou had recognized the two Caracaras, and skillfully took out a notebook to start taking notes.

Just as Chen Xizhou repeated the entry introduction to Mao Rongrong,

a crisp voice interrupted the two: "You are talking nonsense, the skull on Caracara's head is not its mother's skull."

The two looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was a little girl.

The little girl was wearing a light pink dress and a pair of white sneakers, and she looked young and beautiful.

The little girl pointed at the two Caracaras beside her: "If it's true what you said, then what's wrong with the two Caracaras beside me? Could it be that the mother and son are fake?"

Chen Xizhou was stunned for a moment.

He looked at the two Caracaras beside the little girl and felt confused.

Could it be that the system entries also have errors sometimes? (End of this chapter)

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