I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 366: Invitation from Mountain City

As expected!

The information of Metal Membrane has also been updated.

[Metal Membrane! ]

[Metal Membrane: A special metal membrane. When it is used, the power of steel-attribute skills will be increased. ]

[Metal Membrane: A Pokémon item that can evolve certain Pokémon. ]

[Use it on Onix to evolve it into Steelix. ]

[Use it on Scyther to evolve it into Claws. ]

The updated content probably made Chen Xizhou curious.

Because both Onix and Scyther are available in Langqi Special Zone and can be used for testing.

However, if Shan Gu is chosen, it is definitely not possible to favor one over the other.

So if you want to test both Pokémon, the only choice for the Onix that participates in the evolution is the giant Onix.

Having made a decision in his heart, Chen Xizhou went to rest early.

No words were spoken all night...

The next morning, Chen Xizhou went to the Pokémon Research Institute.

To his surprise, Director Mao Rongrong was not there.

Chen Xizhou then remembered that Mao Rongrong had promised Wenren Xuesong and Hai Yongjun that he would gather the remaining more than 100 Magikarp for them.

At this time, he should be in the waters of the Yanou River.

After contacting Mao Rongrong by phone and asking about his location, Chen Xizhou hurried to meet him.

The Yanou River, which originates from the depths of Langqi Island, is winding and tortuous. Although the river water is not clear, it is also sparkling and rippling.

On both sides of the river are dense forests and vast fields, with all kinds of flowers and trees scattered among them, birds singing and flowers fragrant, and some rare and strange elves appearing in them from time to time.

At this time.

Mao Rongrong was driving a speedboat and sailing on the Yanou River.

Shining Big Tail Li Xiaoman kept using his tail to brush the elf rations on the boat and sprinkled them into the Yanou River.

Is this making a nest?

In the water at a certain distance from the speedboat, there were two Gyarados rising and diving, constantly surging in the river.

They were driving away all the Magikarp that were attracted by the food.

When Chen Xizhou met Mao Rongrong on another speedboat, the two Gyarados had already gathered a dense crowd of Magikarp.

Although they were countless, the number was definitely more than a thousand.

"With so many Magikarp, more than a hundred bulging Magikarp should be gathered soon, right?"

With the help of the mental power of the Slow King, Chen Xizhou came to Mao Rongrong's speedboat.

Mao Rongrong didn't show much joy when she heard this.

"It's far from enough."

In Chen Xizhou's puzzled look, Mao Rongrong replied: "Don't look at the fact that there are so many Magikarp here, but the proportion of bulging Magikarp is too small. It's hard to pick one out of a thousand."

Mao Rongrong's answer made Chen Xizhou frown.

Such a proportion is indeed a bit difficult to bear.

"So far, how many bulging Magikarp have you caught, Brother Mao?" Chen Xizhou asked.

"There are only more than 30 of them." Mao Rongrong added, "and the bulges of these Magikarp are not as large as those in the high-level Langqi Lake."

"Is there any explanation for this?"

Obviously, this answer means that Mao Rongrong has discovered something.

"I'm not sure either."

After thinking for a while, Mao Rongrong answered seriously: "But I think the bulge of Magikarp is not destined by nature. In addition to the increase in strength, it will also be affected by a certain environment."

"To put it another way, whether it is the increase in strength or the influence of the environment, it affects the degree of Magikarp's bloodline reversion, and the bulge on their heads is the embodiment of the degree of Magikarp's bloodline reversion."

"So what Brother Mao means is that there is some factor in the high-level Langqi Lake that affects this?" Chen Xizhou probably understood.

Mao Rongrong threw out the Poké Ball and subdued a bulging Magikarp pointed out by Zhihuixing, and then Zhihuixing used his superpowers to take the Poké Ball back.

The whole coordination was smooth.

"I want to wait until there are enough Magikarp, and then go to the source of the river that flows into Langqi Lake to have a look. Maybe we can get something." Mao Rongrong said to Chen Xizhou.

"By the way, District Chief, what do you want to talk to me about today?"

Chen Xizhou told him some information about the metal film that he knew.

"It seems that I will only be free in the afternoon, because I need to make at least two more trips today to harvest five Magikarp to complete the day's workload." Mao Rongrong smiled bitterly.

Chen Xizhou immediately said that there was no need to rush and asked him to complete the quota first.


"The Alliance Building should be in this direction, right?"

"The post station manager said that we should go all the way down the Elf Road."

On the Elf Road, two tall and burly men were riding on rented Kentaro and rushing forward recklessly.

Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian are two Alliance trainers in the Mountain City Elf Special Zone.

The so-called Alliance trainers are official trainers who work in the local alliance.

In order to strengthen the communication among all parties, the Shancheng Local Alliance took the lead and held a special meeting of the five districts.

This was the first formal exchange among the five major elf special zones. In addition, Langqi Special Zone was a new special zone, so the Shancheng Local Alliance specially sent Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian to invite the Langqi Elf Alliance to participate in the five districts meeting.

About ten minutes later, after Kentaro's wanton running, Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian successfully stopped at the Langqi Square Station.

"I have to say that the design of the Elf Road and Elf Station in Langqi Special Zone is simply amazing!" Yang Yao couldn't help but praise.

But for many ordinary people, they who have never come into contact with Pokémons can also have the opportunity to get close to Pokémons and interact closely with them, which is absolutely very attractive.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the two trainers Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian were deeply attracted by this project.

At least in the Mountain City Pokémon Special Zone, they have no chance to travel freely in the city by riding Pokémons.

It's really enviable.

"Let's go, business is important."

Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian walked towards the Alliance Building, which looked a bit dilapidated.

Bai Guangjian looked around curiously, with a little surprise in his tone: "Old Yang, have you noticed that there are a lot of Pokémons around?"

"It seems that Pokémons are not prohibited here?" Yang Yao was a little uncertain.

He walked forward and stopped a passerby to ask.

"Prohibited? Why is it prohibited?"

The passerby who was stopped was followed by a cute yellow duck.

This yellow duck is the initial form of Golduck, Psyduck.

It has a flat mouth, tiny pupils, three black hairs on its head, short limbs, and looks like a kappa.

"From your accent, you are not locals."

The passerby rubbed Psyduck's head and looked at Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian with a slightly proud look: "I understand, but you should walk around and see more, and you will get used to it after a while."

Although the hardware of Langqi Special Zone is not as good as other cities, its construction in terms of elves is definitely the best in the whole of China.

This can be felt from the tourists who keep coming to travel.

This is what the Psyduck trainer is proud of.

Seeing the passerby and his Psyduck swaying away, Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian looked at each other awkwardly.

Since when, people from the mountain city are also regarded as bumpkins?

Yang Yao quietly took out his Poké Ball and released a big guy.

This is a unicorn.

The unicorn is gray in color, with a small horn on its head, hard skin, short limbs, a curved notch on the back of the armor, and a small tail.

The unicorn is a Pokémon used by Shancheng to form a square array at the Alliance Celebration.

At the same time, the unicorn is also the standard Pokémon for all Alliance trainers in the Shancheng Pokémon Special Zone.

Seeing this, Bai Guangjian also released his Pokémon.

It was also a unicorn.

"You two, Pokémons over 1m tall and over 100kg in weight are not allowed to enter the Alliance building." The guard Lao Liu stopped the two.

Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian looked at each other, and just as they took out the Poké Ball to take back the Pokémon, they were stopped by Lao Liu again.

"You two, there is a new fixed-point feeding area at the corner, where there are free tree fruits and Pokémon rations, and professional breeders to take care of them. If necessary, you can take your Pokémon there for storage."

Although he is over 60 years old, Lao Liu is still quite fluent.

He enthusiastically led the two to the feeding area and gave them a brief introduction.

To be honest, Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian were reluctant to deposit their elves, but if they didn't, they would seem a bit old-fashioned.

Finally, they gritted their teeth and deposited them in the feeding area.

This alliance building is the official of Langqi, they can't really take our elves, right? (End of this chapter)

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