I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 365: Diversity of Evolutionary Conditions

The sun shines through the treetops, casting mottled light and shadow on this newly built Elf Ecological Park.

On a carefully manicured green lawn, several young terriers were playing happily on it, their immature little faces filled with carefree happiness.

Not far away, there is a hut built of stone and wood, which is Mahuola's shelter.

This is a habit it learned from humans.

Next to the leader's hut, a clear stream flows slowly and gurglingly.


The entire ecological park designed by Mao Rongrong, whether it is the carefully designed landscape or the carefully planned ecological layout, makes people feel a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere.

Walking upstream along the creek, the dense canopy of trees blocked the sky, and only occasionally one or two beams of sunlight came through, bringing life to the forest.


Suddenly hearing the voice of leader Ma Xuanla, Chen Xizhou and the elves quickened their pace.

As I got closer, I realized that it was the Mahuola who were standing in a circle, watching the battle between the two Mahuolas in the circle.

The Xuanla clan are very aggressive elves, and even a comfortable life cannot limit their desire to fight. They can be said to be the coveted elves for trainers who love fighting.

So they fight from time to time.

At first, the silver beasts thought it was a conflict between the Xuan La and stopped them several times.

Later, it was discovered that the Xuanla simply couldn't sit still, and over time, they ignored them, but they also set certain rules for their battles.

That means you can't fight in public.

This is why the Xuanla people gather to fight in the deep mountains and old forests at the back of the ecological park.

When they saw Chen Xizhou and King Slow, Ma Xuan La and Xuan La had no reaction. When they saw the Silver Companion Beast following at the end, the group of hooked elves, without exception, all trembled.

It can be seen from this that the silver companion battle beast has accumulated great power.

Speaking of which, there is also a funny little story.

Ma Xunla, the leader of the Xuanla clan, did not dare to attack the Silver Beasts when he first arrived at the ecological park, but he always showed a pretentious look towards them with attributes: Kong.

Because the other party did not take the initiative to provoke them, and there was a Silver Companion Beast, they chose to ignore the Mahuola leader.

But some time ago, Chen Xizhou took the Silver Companion War Beast and most attributes: Kong to participate in the alliance celebration.

This made Leader Mahuola's mind become active.

The ecological park provides good food and drink for the Xuanla clan, so naturally the leader of Mahuola will not look for trouble and think about escaping.

The leader of Mahuola wants to confirm his status with the remaining attribute: Kong when the silver companion beast and most of the attribute: Kong are away, and become the "mountain king" for a few days.

So, the leader of Mahuola, who summoned all the tribesmen, found the remaining attribute: emptiness.

Naturally, it does this not for the sake of group fights, but to let its clansmen take a good look at how majestic the clan leader is. Defeat attribute: empty.

So, it issued a combat application to one of the attributes: Sora.

Of course, the ending doesn’t need much discussion.

Facing the relatively powerful Mahuola leader, although this attribute: Sora could not defeat the enemy with one blow, it was able to beat the Mahuola leader violently in a few hits.

Even two of the sharp claws that Mahuola leader was most proud of were broken.

Fortunately, with the remaining power of the Silver Companion War Beast, this attribute: Kong did not kill him. He beat the leader of Mahuola and let him go.

Carrying the half-dead leader and its two broken sharp claws, the Xuanla returned to their base in disgrace.

And during this process, the two beasts holding those two sharp claws actually evolved.

The Elf Research Institute naturally knew the evolution conditions of Xuan La, which were the sharp claws dropped by Ma Xunla. As for the authenticity, further research is needed.

As for how to research, of course, one must always keep an eye on whether the Mahuola leader will drop his sharp claws.

The person responsible for this matter is Gu Santong, a researcher at the Elf Research Institute.

This guy has been staying in the ecological park every day recently, eating and living with the leader of Mahuola, just to wait for the sharp claws of the leader of Mahuola to fall again.

Seeing Chen Xizhou, researcher Gu Santong also walked out from behind a certain tree and said hello to Chen Xizhou.


"It's gone, it's gone!"

Just as Chen Xizhou was about to respond, Gu Santong suddenly started shouting.

Turning around to look, it turned out that the loose sharp claw of the leader of Mahuola had finally fallen off!

The leader of Mahuola had three sharp claws on one hand. Only two of them fell off when he was injured. Now the last claw has finally fallen off.

Chen Xizhou took advantage of the situation and opened the system.

This sharp claw is indeed an elf prop.

【Sharp claws! 】

[Sharp Claws: Sharp claws. After being carried, the skill will become easier to hit vital points. 】

[Sharp Claw: An elf prop that allows certain elves to evolve. 】

[Use it on Huola at night to evolve it into Mahuola. 】

And it is also an elf prop that combines battle effects and evolutionary carrying items.

However, in the evolutionary conditions, a restriction of one night is also added.

Watch until the clouds open and the moon shines brightly.

Gu Santong was extremely happy holding the Sharp Claw. He immediately pulled over a Xuanla with whom he had a good relationship. After turning on the video, he solemnly handed over the Sharp Claw to the other party.

"Hey, why didn't you evolve?"

Gu Santong waited and found that Xuan La had not evolved even with the sharp claws.

"Is our guess wrong?"

Gu Santong patted his head in annoyance. He had been in the ecological park for more than ten days waiting for the sharp claws to fall. Now he was told that this way of evolution would not work?

"So, will there be other conditions?"

Seeing Gu Santong looking at him, Chen Xizhou guided him: "Is it possible that he needs to increase his strength or a certain environment?"

Gu Santong shook his head and said: "It is unlikely that the increase in strength is because the attribute: Kong did not chase the two 狃拉 at that time, so this condition is not met. As for the specific environment..."

"The jungle is impossible because the environmental conditions are the same." Gu Santong thought for a while: "If there is really a difference, one is daytime and the other is nighttime."

"This idea is novel."

Chen Xizhou continued to guide: "Daytime and nighttime may really become the evolutionary conditions of some elves."

In order to satisfy this damn curiosity, Chen Xizhou plans to stay in the ecological park tonight and verify his guess about the influence of time periods on evolution with Gu Santong.

Soon, the moon quietly hung in the air.

When the moonlight shone through the gaps in the trees, the Xila holding the sharp claws really began to glow.

A few minutes later, a brand new Ma Xila appeared in front of the two.

"So the evolutionary condition of Ma Xila is really sharp claws plus night!" Gu Santong looked very excited.

Although he knew the evolutionary method of Ma Xila from the system, through this guidance method, Gu Santong opened up his own ideas and had a self-thinking process, which was definitely more useful than telling the other party directly.

The difference between elf researchers and other professions is that they need more thinking and novel thinking.

It is far better to teach people how to fish than to give them fish.

And they need fishing more.

After expressing his gratitude to Chen Xizhou, Gu Santong said goodbye to the Xila tribe.

His mission was completed, and he had obtained enough research materials. It was time to return to the Elf Research Institute.

The leader of Ma Xila waved his hand in disdain.

It wanted this annoying guy to leave quickly, so that he would not think about his claws every day.


At this time, the newly evolved Mahuala pulled Gu Santong, and it was a little reluctant to leave this researcher who often took care of it.

Gu Santong knew that Mahuala belonged to the Huala tribe and the alliance. Without the approval of the Mahuala leader and Chen Xizhou, he had no right to take this non-wild elf away.

The Mahuala leader didn't care about the whereabouts of the tribe, but Chen Xizhou...

Before Gu Santong could speak, Chen Xizhou took the initiative to say: "All the elves belonging to the district, as long as they can get their approval, anyone has the qualifications to subdue them."

Of course, anyone mentioned by Chen Xizhou also has restrictions.

One is people who work for the Langqi Special District, and the other is people who have obtained the permission of the Langqi Special District.

Gu Santong belongs to the former.

"Thank you, District Chief!"

"It's getting late, you should hurry back to the institute."

"Yes, yes, I'll leave now!"

After returning to the Alliance Building, Chen Xizhou did not go back to the dormitory to rest immediately.

He went to the warehouse on the first floor first.

As soon as I entered the warehouse, I saw two pieces of silver metal films that were shaped like steel coils.

Since the system was updated, the information of some elf props has also been updated... (End of this chapter)

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