I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 367 Invitation to Participate in the Fifth District Conference

"Hello, we are from the Mountain City Elf Alliance. We are here to see District Chief Chen and invite him to attend the Fifth District Conference."

Seeing the District Chief's secretary You Zhen, Yang Yao explained his purpose to the other party.

"Mountain City Elf Alliance?"

You Zhen said to the two people: "The District Chief is not in the office now. I will contact the District Chief right now. Please wait patiently."

"Excuse me."

"You're welcome. This is my job."

After exchanging polite words with the two people, You Zhen turned and walked into an office to make a phone call.

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After the call was connected, You Zhen said: "District Chief, are you busy now?"

"I just finished the things at hand and am now preparing to return to the Alliance Building. What's wrong? Is there anything?" Chen Xizhou's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Two people came to the Alliance Building, saying they were from the Mountain City Elf Alliance, and invited you to attend the Fifth District Conference."

"Fifth District Conference?"

Chen Xizhou on the other end of the phone was a little confused, he had never heard of this conference.

"Tell them to wait for a while, I will rush back as soon as possible."

"Okay, got it."

Chen Xizhou returned to his speedboat, followed the water of the Tern River downstream, and returned to the Alliance Building in less than half an hour.

District Chief's Office.

"Alliance trainers Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian, both from the Mountain City Elf Alliance?" Chen Xizhou drank a sip of tea and then asked.

"Yes, District Chief Chen."

"Can you two introduce me to the Five Districts Conference?"

Bai Guangjian replied: "The full name of the Five Districts Conference is the Five Elf Special Zone Conference, and its main functions are three aspects."

"One is to strengthen the connection between the five major elf special zones, deepen the division of labor among special zones and the reasonable allocation of elf resources among special zones, promote the unification of the elf environment and the popularization of elves, and promote the transformation of the functions of the special zones."

"One is to promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment in the elf industries of each elf special zone, as well as technical cooperation."

"Another is to expand the alliance influence of the five major elf special zones, and play a major role in promoting the full alliance of elves for the headquarters."

Chen Xizhou frowned. This answer was too official.

Yang Yao noticed this and said immediately: "In fact, it is to give full play to the advantages of the five major elf special zones and strengthen communication and contact between all parties."

"Have the other three elf special zones agreed?" Chen Xizhou asked casually.

"The three elf special zones of Pengcheng, Modu, and Kyoto have agreed, and are currently waiting for your reply, District Chief Chen." Bai Guangjian replied.

Chen Xizhou looked at the two people: "So, my Langqi Special Zone was the last to get the news?"

"It's mainly because of the two of us."

Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian looked at each other awkwardly, and decided that Yang Yao would answer Chen Xizhou:

"First of all, there is no direct transportation to Langqi Special Zone, so we wasted a little time on the road. Secondly, the construction of elves in Langqi Special Zone was unexpected, which delayed us a little bit..."

Two reasons, one reveals the shortcomings of Langqi Special Zone, and the other emphasizes the attractiveness of Langqi Special Zone.

Chen Xizhou smiled and stopped entangled in this issue.

He looked at the two people and asked: "When will the Fifth District Conference be held? What do we need to prepare for the conference?"

Yang Yao continued to reply: "The Fifth District Conference is mainly based on the cooperation of elf resources, including but not limited to elf tribes, elf industries, elf information, elf technology, etc."

"What about the time?"

"In view of the fact that Langqi Special Zone still has a youth training camp and a youth training conference to be held, we will set the time of the Fifth District Conference on November 1st."

"Let's do this, I need to hold a meeting to discuss it and give you an answer in three days." Chen Xizhou said.

"No problem. My colleagues and I can stay in Langqi Special Zone for a few more days and have a good look around here. We have never been here before."

It can be seen that Yang Yao and Bai Guangjian are indeed very interested in Langqi Special Zone.

Chen Xizhou proposed to send someone to take them to Langqi Special Zone for a planned walk, and the two readily agreed.

"I'll see you off."

The two refused again and again, but when they learned that Chen Xizhou was going out, they just accepted his kindness.

After all, he is the head of a district, so it would be too polite to send him off.

"Is this your elf?"

This is not the first time Chen Xizhou has seen a unicorn, but it is the first time he has seen it up close.

[Unicorn! ]

[Unicorn: Pointy Elf]

[Unicorn has a very small brain, and its single-cell brain can only think about one thing. ]

[Once a unicorn starts to rush, it will quickly forget the reason and even forget why it is running. ]

[Although the unicorn has a bad brain, it is very strong and has a body that can break anything with a collision. It is said that it can smash a building into pieces. ]

[The unicorn's four short legs are not good at turning, and it cannot stop before hitting something. ]

[Because the unicorn has a bad brain, it can't help people with work. ]

[Female unicorns have smaller horns and very strong bones, which are 1,000 times harder than humans. ]

Keywords: brainless, reckless, powerful, hard

"Yes, District Chief Chen, this is the standard configuration of all our Mountain City Alliance trainers." Yang Yao explained.

Yang Yao patted the unicorn's big head.

The unicorn also enjoyed Yang Yao's actions and nudged his trainer in response.


Chen Xizhou was still very willing to participate in the five-district conference.

Promoting exchanges between the five elf special zones is conducive to Langqi Special Zone's external learning. More importantly, it will increase the alliance influence of Langqi Special Zone in order to attract more talents.

Since the elf tribes, elf industries, elf data, and elf technology can all be used as bargaining chips for exchanges, Chen Xizhou plans to sell some elves and some elf data.

As for the elf industry and elf technology, which are the core competitiveness of Langqi Special Zone, it is better to hide them.

Chen Xizhou went to the newborn volcano first.

Chen Xizhou originally gave the 12 duck-billed fire beasts captured in the volcanic war to the Haiyong Army for arbitrary disposal. The Haiyong Army exchanged 24 sea slugs with the Langqi Special Zone.

This depends on the strong strength of the duck-billed fire beasts.

So after a lot of twists and turns, these 12 duck-billed fire beast captives finally returned to the hands of Langqi Special Zone.

These duck-billed fire beasts actually have their own tribes.

But for some reason, just like the Night Thief Salamanders, there are only more than 20 unhatched elf eggs.

Now the 12 captive duck-billed fire beasts are locked up in the volcanic cave, guarded by two law enforcement elf tribes, and the more than 20 elf eggs are placed in the chocolate fruit forest, taken care of by the stupid fire crocodile tribe.

These 12 captive duck-billed fire beasts are the bargaining chips for Chen Xizhou to participate in the cooperation.

After informing the detained duck-billed fire beasts of his decision, their originally irritable tempers gradually calmed down.

Living in a different environment is always better than being detained without freedom and waiting endlessly.

As for the unhatched elf eggs in the tribe, these duck-billed fire beasts with fiery appearance and cold heart don't seem to care so much.

Although I don't know whether this indifference is the special of these 12 duck-billed fire beasts or the nature of this tribe.

At least Chen Xizhou himself doesn't have to bear the guilt of separation from his flesh and blood.

Of course, even if he had to bear such a sense of guilt, he would still send away the 12 duck-billed fire beasts that participated in the volcanic war, and he would not hesitate at all.

After informing the duck-billed fire beasts of the results of the treatment, Chen Xizhou went to the chocolate fruit forest again.

After a few days of recuperation, Flame Queen Lizard A has recovered from its serious injury. After solving the enemy and completing the revenge, the responsibility of reviving the night thief fire lizard clan will fall on it.

Flame Queen Lizard A no longer insists on the queen style of the past.

At this time, it and its dozen night thief fire lizard servants are diligently waiting for the new tribe members to hatch.

Not far away, a newly evolved bone pattern giant crocodile is also doing its best to hatch the elf egg.


Obviously, in this round of secret competition of hatching eggs, it is the bone pattern giant crocodile that won... (End of this chapter)

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