I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 347: Blue Toad's Choice

The current leader of the Toad King is excited when he hears help.

Because once humans need help, they will inevitably give a certain amount of compensation.

With more rewards, the Toad King family can distribute more food.

However, the leader of the Toad King has always had a dream, that is, to receive a job that will last forever, so that his tribe can work and he can retire in the habitat.

That must have been a pretty leisurely retirement.

Just like the current Aplysia leader, this old guy doesn't have to work at all now. He relies entirely on the young and strong tribesmen to work for humans to make money. He lies at home and plays with his grandchildren.

Forget it, who can say that I am strong and can still work for the cubs for two more years.

"Quack!" (Tell me, what's the matter!)

In order to make humans feel more at ease, the leader of the Toad King deliberately tightened his body to highlight the muscle lines on his body.

With such a sturdy and strong body, I can't compare to the old and aged leader of the Aplysia beast opposite me.

Choosing yourself is definitely a sign of discernment!

Chen Xizhou introduced him: "If Head Wen Ren wants to form an elf army, he needs to recruit 500 blue toads from the Toad King clan and establish a cooperative relationship between trainers and elves with humans."

"Quagu?" (Mercenary?)

Although Chen Xizhou was surprised that the leader of the Toad King knew the concept of mercenaries, he still patiently explained to him the difference between the regular army and mercenaries.

"Mercenaries are paid once for each job, but the Wenren leader wants to recruit regular troops. They have a fixed salary every month. However, you need to explain your loyalty to the leader in advance."

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "These drafted blue toads will no longer be under the control of the Toad King clan until they retire from the army."

"Quack? Quack?" (Then Blue Toad's salary is Blue Toad's own?)

"That's right." Chen Xizhou replied, "These blue toads are raised by the army, and their wages are at their own disposal. In addition, part of their monthly subsidy goes to the Toad King family."

Hearing this, the Toad King leader's big eyes lit up instantly.

The agreement between the Toad King clan and the Aplysia clan on food distribution is to distribute according to work, and the more work you do, the more you will get. The extra food will definitely be distributed to the clan members who deal with it first, and the rest belongs to other clansmen.

But according to Chen Xizhou, these recruited tribesmen will no longer need to pay for food themselves.

That means that the food saved can be given to other tribesmen, and even I can eat more.

It seems quite worth it!

The IQ of most elves will increase with their age and strength.

After being the leader of the tribe for such a long time, the leader of the Toad King figured out the key in a few moments. He was afraid that Xuesong would regret it, so he agreed on the spot.

The leader of the Toad King winked at the two Toad Kings following him.

The two toad kings skillfully took out two large towels from behind. While the toads lay down, they covered themselves with the large towels, and then waited for something.

"Quack!" (Lie down.)

Chen Xizhou suddenly remembered a piece of information in the introduction to the Toad King entry, and immediately understood what the other party meant. With the help of King Dude, he lay down on one of the Toad Kings first.

"Grandpa, this is where the leader takes us to experience the characteristics of the Toad King clan."

Although Wenren Xuesong was older, he was still a brave man. He climbed directly onto the other Toad King and found a suitable position to lie down.

Soon, the tumors on the two toad kings began to vibrate.

The intensity of the vibration is just right for massaging muscles and relieving fatigue.

In fact, the Toad Kings also discovered this massage project accidentally. However, most of the villagers in Poseidon Village have not yet become well-off. Although they yearn for this kind of enjoyment, they are reluctant to part with it.

So this project has never been profitable.

Perhaps things will get better only when this Silver Sand Bay is fully developed and gets more tourists.

However, there will also be a problem when the time comes, that is, this project can only be completed in the form of the Toad King.

As the massage reception began, the leader of the Toad King also lay down on the ground with his whole toad.

The leader of the Toad King began to shake the tumors all over his body, causing shaking like an earthquake. This shaking had a weird rhythm. This was the Toad King's clan's special way of gathering the clan members.

Through different vibration rhythms, the Toad King leader can issue different commands.

For example, now, large numbers of blue toads have been summoned, but the round tadpoles have not responded at all.

Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong, while enjoying the massage service from Toad King, watched the leader of Toad King convene the clan members. The whole experience was relaxing and pleasant.

Soon, all the blue toads in the cave were called together.

Wenren Xuesong glanced at it and found that there were definitely more than 500 blue toads in this group, which could fully meet the needs of the elf troops.

"Guaguagu?" (Should I help you choose, or should you choose it yourself?)

"Wait a minute."

When Wenren Xuesong stopped him, the grinning face of the leader of the Toad King instantly turned into a bitter melon face.

Wenren Xuesong did not show off, and asked directly: "Chief, the number of blue toads I need is 500. Although there are many here, they are not too many. Will such a sign have a negative impact on your tribe?" Influence?"

Wenren Xuesong's worries are not unreasonable.

The number of people in an elf group determines the number of territories and resources it owns.

Once the number of people in this group decreases sharply, the extra territories and resources will be redistributed by other groups in most cases.

So even if he wants to recruit blue toads, Wenren Xuesong does not want to affect the Toad King Clan.

Although he knows that the Toad King Clan is currently an elf, the above situation is unlikely to happen, but in order to avoid possible problems in the future, Wenren Xuesong still decided to mention it.

In other words, "Don't say I didn't warn you."


The Toad King leader was not worried about this at all.

The reproductive capacity of the Toad King Clan is far beyond the reach of other elf groups living in this area, even the Sea Slug Clan is no exception.

If it weren't for the food restrictions and his intention to control the number of the group, the group size would be at least several times larger than it is now.

After getting the confirmation from the Toad King leader, Wenren Xuesong was relieved.

As for the selection of blue toads, Wenren Xuesong directly handed it over to Chen Xizhou when he was not good at it.

He always felt that his grandson might have mastered some special ability and could explore the information of the elves, so it shouldn't be wrong to have his help.

With the appearance of the elves, a very small number of people in this world have gained various different abilities.

Some of these abilities are related to improving the combat effectiveness of the elves, some can directly communicate with the elves, some increase the owner's intimacy with the elves, and some...

Wenren Xuesong has more or less come into contact with people with these abilities.

As for whether Chen Xizhou really has this ability, everyone can have their own secrets, and Wenren Xuesong chooses not to comment on it for both public and private reasons.

However, Chen Xizhou did not accept it.

After all, the strength of the blue toad, except for real battles, let alone him who has the system, even the blue toad itself cannot make the most accurate judgment.

Chen Xizhou said to the Toad King leader: "Leader, please help me eliminate those blue toads with weaker strength. I want to hand over the remaining screening to the soldiers of the Pokémon Army, and let them communicate with the blue toads themselves."

After saying that, Chen Xizhou looked at Wenren Xuesong again: "Grandpa, do you think this is okay?"

Wenren Xuesong looked very satisfied.

It is indeed the best solution to give the soldiers and the blue toads the right to choose.

The same sentence.

There are no weak Pokémon, only weak trainers.

No matter how potential a Pokémon has, it is better to meet a trainer who is in tune with it. The tacit cooperation between the two is enough to easily defeat those trainers and Pokémon who are forced to pair up.

The truth is that the combat effectiveness of these trainers and Pokémon who are forced to pair up is not high in most cases.

Because of the lack of tacit understanding, they often face various problems in battles, such as trainers not understanding Pokémon and Pokémon not listening to trainers' commands.

Wenren Xuesong has seen a lot of such things.

Especially the super-powerful troop of the Charizard camp, this kind of problem was common in the early stage of formation.

Now, since I have to form a new Pokémon troop, especially in the future, I will absorb the ferocious Pokémon like Gyarados, so I have to pay special attention to this problem...

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