I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 348 The lively scene at the beach

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

The customer is God!

The Toad King leader quickly followed Chen Xizhou's instructions and began to eliminate the weaker blue toads.

It may be a bit difficult to identify the stronger blue toads, but it is much easier to identify the weaker blue toads.

Not to mention, the range given by Chen Xizhou exceeded 500.

The whole identification process was very fast.

After the Toad King leader told the blue toads the requirements, some blue toads who did not like fighting took the initiative to withdraw, which saved the Toad King leader a lot of energy.

However, the number of blue toads is still a bit too much.

For this reason, the Toad King leader eliminated those blue toads that had just evolved.

After this wave of elimination, there are still more than 600 blue toads left.

The next step is the last step, and the soldiers of Wenren Xuesong will make the final choice.

After the Toad King leader completed his task, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong's massage service was also over. It must be said that these two Toad Kings are too suitable for this job.

If it weren't inappropriate, Wenren Xuesong would have wanted to take a Toad King back to do massage every day.

After the formation of the elf army was finalized, Chen Xizhou told the Toad King leader that he was going to launch a war against a fire elf tribe.


The Toad King leader immediately said that he would let the tribe come out in full force to avenge Youjia Village.

Although it would be safer to let the sea hare beast tribe join, the sea hare beast is not good at large-scale combat on land, so Chen Xizhou did not notify the other party.

The Toad King leader once again lay on the ground and trembled, summoning all the idle Toad Kings in the tribe.

Although there are only more than ten, it is a force that many elf tribes are daunted.

It can be said without hesitation that these dozen Toad Kings alone can defeat an entire small and medium-sized elf tribe.

What's more, in addition to a dozen Toad Kings, the more than 600 Blue Toads in front of us will be dispatched. This force is enough to compete with any large group of Pokémon.

Of course, the prerequisite is that you cannot encounter Grass Pokémon.

Silver Sand Bay is located in the east of Langqi Island, and the volcanic zone is located in the west of Langqi Island.

In order to facilitate the transportation and dispatch of the Toad King's troops in two days, Chen Xizhou discussed with the Toad King leader and planned to put the Toad King and the Blue Toads into the Poké Ball first.

Having sold himself and his people to the Langqi Special Zone a long time ago, the Toad King leader certainly would not refuse.

After confirming the specific number, Chen Xizhou called Wang Pengfei, who was responsible for the processing of Poké Balls, and asked him to send someone to deliver a sufficient number of Poké Balls.

While waiting, Wenren Xuesong received a call.

"I need to go back to Rongcheng now, and I will bring the assembled soldiers to Langqi the day after tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll take you out."

It is much more convenient to get out of the underground cave than to enter it. You just need to take the Sea Rabbit Beast and drift out along the underground dark river.

After returning to Yantan, Wenren Xuesong said a few more words to Chen Xizhou and left in a hurry.

About ten minutes later, a large number of dark blue Pokémon appeared on the sea outside Yantan. They were the leader of the Toad King and his six hundred tribesmen.

Although the Toad King is a water Pokémon, it is not suitable for trainers to ride across the sea.

However, even without this important ability, compared with other water Pokémon, the Toad King has increased the ability to move on land, which can better cooperate with the actions of trainers.

The superiority of these two abilities depends on the needs of the trainers themselves.

The landing of a large number of blue toads attracted many onlookers.

In addition to the victims in the resettlement area, there are also many disaster relief workers, volunteers and reporters from the news media.

The victims are basically villagers from the surrounding villages.

They know that the Toad King clan is a district Pokémon, and seeing Chen Xizhou's figure on Yantan, they didn't care too much about the appearance of so many blue toads.

At most, they were just curious about what the district chief wanted to do.

This was in stark contrast to the disaster relief workers and volunteers from other alliance branches.

They had all experienced it to some extent, or had seen and heard about the elf tide through various channels, so they looked uneasy about the sudden appearance of so many elves.

As for the reporters from the news media, they acted completely differently from the other two groups.

Some reporters picked up cameras and video cameras, posed in different postures and began to shoot, while others held microphones and prepared to interview. The atmosphere was tense and exciting.

It can be said that they were quite dedicated.

In addition to the crowd on the rocky beach showing all kinds of human life, the sea hares were also very nervous. A large number of sea hares, led by the leader, gradually approached the coastline.

The leader of the sea hares was still very cautious about the strange actions of the neighboring tribe.

If the Toad King tribe really had a conflict with humans, the leader of the sea hares would definitely lead his tribe and stand firmly on the side of humans who could bring a better life to the tribe.

On the rocky beach, Chi Qijin jumped out of the crowd with his son and came straight to Chen Xizhou.

Chi Baixia boldly asked, "Brother District Chief, do you want us to have everyone evacuate the crowd?"

Chi Qijin immediately followed up when he saw his son asking, "If necessary, Nong Ka will have the villagers of Poseidon Village take action right now to ensure that the work of the alliance is not affected!"

Chen Xizhou looked back at the turbulent crowd and didn't care too much: "It's okay, I'll be done soon. If we evacuate the crowd now, it will cause panic."

Seeing that Chen Xizhou said so and had no intention of driving him away, Chi Qijin took his son to stand behind Chen Xizhou.

But inadvertently, Chi Qijin would look back at the heads of each village: Did you see it! Given the relationship between Nong Ka and District Chief Chen, the village chief of this Poseidon Village can only be Nong Ka!

More than half an hour later, a car appeared on the side of the road.

A fat man got out of the car and quickly came to the rear of the car to open the trunk. The trunk was filled with two large boxes of Poké Balls.

The fat man was Wang Pengfei, the person in charge of the Poké Ball manufacturing factory.

Wang Pengfei took out a Poké Ball and released the Pokémon inside, an Iron Palm Warrior who was taller and stronger than the retired Yao Ming.

[Iron Palm Warrior! 】

【Iron Palm Warrior: Pushing the Pokémon】

【Iron Palm Warrior is known for its extraordinary strength, but when it gets old, it will stop fighting and take charge of training the Makuhita Warriors. 】

【Iron Palm Warrior likes to compete with the big Pokémons in strength. It has enough strength to block an oncoming train with one palm and can knock away a 10-ton truck with one palm. 】

【Although Iron Palm Warrior likes to compete in strength, it is kind-hearted and pays attention to etiquette, and will comfort its opponents. 】

【Iron Palm Warrior will practice palm moves hard in various places and stomp the ground with both feet to accumulate strength. If it is attacked by its strong palm, even a telephone pole will be split in two by one palm. 】

【The sturdy Iron Palm Warrior is not necessarily strong. There are also short, light-as-a-swallow Iron Palm Warriors who are good at clever strength. 】

Keywords of the entry: Warrior, kind, pay attention to etiquette

This Iron Palm Warrior is the evolution of Wang Pengfei’s Makuhita Warrior.

"Warrior, we each have a box."

The two boxes contained a total of 700 Poké Balls, an average of 350 Poké Balls in one box, and a Poké Ball weighs about 200g, so 350 Poké Balls is 700,000g, or 70kg.

So even Wang Pengfei can move it easily.

"Hey Rui, keyi!"

The Iron Palm Warrior easily lifted the two boxes with his two big hands, and then looked at Wang Pengfei with a smile.

Wang Pengfei patted the Iron Palm Warrior's red belly and gave him a big smile: "Then I'll trouble you, but let's go quickly, don't let the district chief wait anxiously."

"Hey Rui, keyi!"

The more than two-meter-tall Iron Palm Warrior and the fat man from Northeast China, Wang Pengfei, are very conspicuous, and it is difficult not to be seen in the crowd.

Chen Xizhou took the initiative to greet him: "Pengfei, let you enjoy yourself today."

Looking at the densely packed blue toads in front of him, Wang Pengfei's face lit up, and he instantly understood what Chen Xizhou meant. He smiled and said to Chen Xizhou: "Thank you, District Chief, this is really a good way to enjoy yourself."

While Wang Pengfei looked at the blue toads, the Iron Palm Warrior also looked at the Toad King leader, who was equally huge, with a pair of bright eyes full of fighting spirit.


The Toad King leader took the lead in inviting him to a fight.

The Iron Palm Warrior did not immediately accept the challenge, but looked at his trainer.

Wang Pengfei glanced at Chen Xizhou, and seeing that the other party did not object, he said to the Iron Palm Warrior: "Go, Warrior, let the other party feel the power of the Iron Palm Warrior."

Hearing this, the Iron Palm Warrior became visibly excited.

As his hands spread out, the petal tarpaulin on his waist trembled slightly, and the muscles of the Iron Palm Warrior's body became as hard as rocks...

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