I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 346: Living Environment in Underground Caves

Although it was not very polite, Chen Xizhou still raised his doubts in person.

After all, compared with the safety of the Sea God's Scepter, this impoliteness is actually nothing.

The two bear apprentices understood Chen Xizhou's concerns, and did not care about Chen Xizhou's suspicion, but gestured with their hands and feet.

Chen Xizhou couldn't help laughing, and said to the two bear apprentices: "In fact, you can communicate with me directly in language, and King Dai Dai can help translate."

The two bear apprentices looked at King Dai Dai curiously, and then began to answer Chen Xizhou's questions.

According to them, it was the people of the sea who learned that the Sea God's Scepter had reappeared in the world, and found the prince of Canghai to tell it about it, and the prince of Canghai found the guardian clan for help.

And the two bear apprentices are from the guardian clan.

Chen Xizhou looked at King Dai Dai seriously, and King Dai Dai nodded tacitly.

He looked at the two bear apprentices again and said bluntly: "Although I respect the Guardian Clan, I am afraid that your strength is not enough to protect the safety of the Sea God's Scepter."

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One of them got angry on the spot, but fortunately the other bear apprentice pulled it in time.

Chen Xizhou noticed that the angry bear apprentice carried a black scroll of evil, and the other bear apprentice carried a blue scroll of water.

The bear apprentice with the scroll of water said that the members of the Guardian Clan are all hardworking and diligent, and their strength will soon reach expectations, so there is no need to worry too much.

More importantly, the real meaning of the Guardian Clan's birth is to protect, and the Guardian Clan is not just a name.

If there is any creature that dares to destroy this kind of protection, it will be pursued by the Guardian Clan.

When it comes to meaning, the eyes of the two bear apprentices are full of enthusiasm.

After roughly understanding the construction progress of the sea god altar and the safety of the stone shrine, Chen Xizhou took Wenren Xuesong to the cliff on the side of Yinsha Bay.

Yinsha Bay is a tidal bay. When the tide is high, the road will be submerged by sea water and cannot be passed. Only when the tide is low can you reach the silver beach of Yinsha Bay.

And that cliff is a little further away from Yinsha Bay.

Under the cliff, there is a cave leading to an underground river, where the Toad King clan lives.

Just like the previous time, the sea hare beast served as a means of sea transportation.

The two sea hares took Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong to swim across the tidal bay, and swam forward for a while before reaching the destination, which is also the place where sea hares and shellless sea hares live.

Although the sea hare beast clan and the Toad King clan were two competing clans before, after the Langqi Special District promised to provide enough food for the two clans, the two clans, led by their respective clan leaders, put aside their past grievances and lived in peace.

"With the concealment here, combined with some guards and sentries, it is enough to become a military base with both offensive and defensive capabilities." Wenren Xuesong was very satisfied.

Chen Xizhou said helplessly: "Grandpa, this is the habitat of the elves in the district. It is not suitable to be a military stronghold, right?"

"I mean the top of the cliff."

Wenren Xuesong pointed to the cliff above his head, where there seemed to be a large platform.

Chen Xizhou did not answer, which was considered to be tacitly agreeing with Wenren Xuesong's decision.

Under the leadership of a toad king, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong went against the underground river and moved deeper into the cave.

The underground river flows with dark water, which is difficult to distinguish clear and turbid, but it still silently surrounds the surrounding caves. The dark light makes all the scenery appear blurred.

"There are many caves in this underground cave. In addition to the two tribes, there are also some other wild elves living there."

As Chen Xizhou said, some figures that do not belong to the two tribes ran through the surrounding caves from time to time. Although they are not of the same tribe, everyone is happy in the territory of the two tribes, and there is no hatred or dispute.

When passing by two connected caves, Wenren Xuesong pointed at the caves and asked curiously: "Is this a special place? Why are there Toad Kings and Sea Slugs guarding it?"

"We deliver food to them once on the 10th of every month, and they store the food in these two caves." Chen Xizhou asked, "Grandpa, do you want to go in and take a look together?"

"Okay, take a look." Wenren Xuesong nodded.

After Chen Xizhou greeted the elves in charge of guarding, he took Wenren Xuesong into the cave.

In this dim underground cave, the two connected caves appear unusually bright. These lights come from several large pearls inlaid on the cave wall, which emit beautiful silver light.

In addition to the basic elf rations and tree fruits, there are also many fresh vegetables and meats in the cave.

These foods are classified and neatly placed in their respective positions. There are also many places in the cave where ice is formed, which is to ensure that these foods will not expire or deteriorate and can be enjoyed at any time.

Chen Xizhou introduced: "These elves' rations and fruits are given to them by the Special Zone, and those fresh vegetables and meat are provided to them by the villagers of Poseidon Village."

"Poseidon Village?"

"Poseidon Village was renamed from the original Guchi Village, in order to specialize in the Poseidon Altar project. Now there is the Poseidon Festival, and I think their lives will only get better and better.

Wenren Xuesong patted Chen Xizhou's shoulder. He was really satisfied with this grandson.

"The food here is also the most important factor in ensuring the peace of the cave."

Chen Xizhou said: "Both tribes are gentle elves. They will share their food with other elves living in the cave, so we will give them an extra 10% share every month."

At this time, Chen Xizhou pointed to a gem starfish in the corner.

[Gem starfish! ]

[Gem starfish: Mystery elf]

[Gem starfish can rotate its geometric body like a propeller to swim in the water. It will rotate its body at high speed while swimming and absorbing tiny plankton. ]

[But in the seabed, gem starfish are the favorite of neon fish. ]

[Gem starfish can grow a huge left-right symmetrical geometric body in any environment. ]

[When the gem starfish releases strong spiritual power, it will emit mysterious radio waves from the red core in the middle of its body to the night sky, as if it is communicating in some way. If you get close to it, you may get a headache. ]

[The part in the middle of the body of the gem starfish, called the core, emits colorful light, so it is called the gem of the sea. 】

Keywords: mystery, spiritual power, gemstone

"That gem starfish is responsible for organizing and storing these foods." Chen Xizhou introduced, "It also has ice skills. The ice gravel on the wall was made by it."

The gem starfish flashed its central core, greeted Chen Xizhou, and floated in a small pool.

After a brief tour, Chen Xizhou took Wenren Xuesong to continue upstream, walked deeper into the cave, and finally arrived at a very spacious muddy area.

This is where the Toad King Clan and the Sea Hare Beast Clan had a clan war.

Now the muddy area is only peaceful, with shellless sea hares and round tadpoles playing together everywhere. The two clans get along very harmoniously without conflicts.

The arrival of Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong did not alert these little guys.

This is enough to prove that the cubs of the two clans are already very familiar with humans.

At this moment, an unusually large Toad King came out of a cave, and Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong went to meet him.

"Chief, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you've gained a lot of weight."

Chen Xizhou walked up and patted the Toad King's big belly, not worrying that the other party would attack him.

"Quack! Quack!"

The Toad King looked a little dissatisfied, pointing to the other side of the swamp and muttering twice.

Although the Toad King clan and the Sea Rabbit Beast clan have reconciled, there is still a certain competition between the high-end combat power of the two clans.

However, this competition has changed from fighting to making money.

With its own advantages, the Sea Rabbit Beast often helps the fishermen of the Sea God Village go out to sea to fish, increase the catch, and earn much more than the Toad Kings who can only do hard labor.

Therefore, in the distribution of food, the Toad King clan has always been at a disadvantage.

If there were no extra work such as acting and disaster relief from time to time to increase income, the income gap between the two clans would be even greater.

However, this was a fair competition between the two sides, and the sea slugs won in an open and aboveboard manner, so even if the toad kings were dissatisfied, they could only bear it.

Who told them that they only had so many abilities!

"Don't get excited, I'm here to introduce you to a job."

Chen Xizhou made way for Wenren Xuesong and introduced him, "This is my immediate boss, and now he needs the help of the Toad King clan..."

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