I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 340: The Delicacy of Energy Cubes

What kind of elf is this?

It is as elegant as a sea snake, with cream-colored skin and a pair of red eyes full of charm.

Two red eyebrows extend from the body, sky-blue hair-like fins cover both sides of the head, and the tail is covered with blue and pink scales. There is a red oval pattern in the center of the four large golden scales at the end of the tail.

This is the most beautiful elf in the world - Milotic.

Although Milotic is not as big as Gyarados, its length is more than six meters.

Originally held in Ning Yuxi's arms, it coiled up after evolution and hugged Ning Yuxi in its slender body.

Ning Yuxi felt the cold but warm scales of the beauty snake, enjoying the feeling of being hugged and protected, and there was a joy in her heart called "my daughter has grown up".

"May all the good things come as expected, and may the future life not be compromised or let down." Lin Yiyi sent her blessings.

"All the beauty in the world is nothing more than the four words of satisfaction and happiness. Bless you." Lu Chenxi also sent his own blessing.


With Lin Yiyi and Lu Chenxi taking the lead, the elves sent their blessings to Milotic one after another, and the warm scene made people envious.

"Then, use our newly completed tree fruit jelly to celebrate this beautiful moment!"

As Lin Yiyi brought out the tree fruit jelly that had been solidified in the refrigerator, the elves looked at the crystal clear blue cubes in the mold and swallowed their saliva.

It looks like it's interesting!

As the most common tree fruit used to restore physical strength, the orange fruit is a wonderful tree fruit mixed with various flavors. What taste it can taste depends on the elves' own taste.

Gengar was the first to try it.

The purple fat man came to Lin Yiyi, carefully picked up a tree fruit candy, stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick it, and found that the candy did not have the sweetness he liked most, but was a little astringent.

This was related to the original material, because the orange fruit alone lacked sweetness.

But even so, the tree fruit candy still tasted delicious. Not only was the taste and mouthfeel very good, but the effect of restoring physical strength was also extremely significant.

Rather than saying it was a tree fruit candy, it was better to say it was a concentrated tree fruit energy block.

"How is it, how does it taste?" Lin Yiyi looked at Gengar eagerly, looking forward to its feedback on the tree fruit candy.


Geng Gui gave it a thumbs up and Lin Yiyi happily handed it a few more tree fruit candies.

Geng Gui: γƒΎ(≧▽≦*)o

Is ​​it really so delicious?

Lin Yiyi took one and put it in her mouth.

Biting open the chewy tree fruit candy, the unique taste immediately bloomed on the tip of the tongue.

Lin Yiyi seemed to see a vast ocean in front of her eyes, and a strong surfer on the sea suddenly looked back...

But he showed a hideous face!

"Geng Gui classmate!"

Lin Yiyi was immediately furious. This guy completely ruined her experience.

After gaining confidence from Geng Gui, Lin Yiyi received satisfactory feedback from other elves one after another.

Unknowingly, there were few tree fruit gummies left in the mold. Lin Yiyi first handed one to Lu Chenxi, and then handed the remaining few to Ning Yuxi: "Yuxi! Our first attempt was successful!"

"I have a little opinion."

Lu Chenxi, who tried the tree fruit gummies for the first time, gave a different opinion.

"First, the fineness and taste are not good enough, which can be improved. Secondly, the soft candy seems to have the effect of the tree fruit itself, which can be extended. Finally, ..." Lu Chenxi thought about it carefully and confirmed: "Finally, if the first two points are achieved, it should be a new type of food for the elves, just like compressed biscuits." Hearing this, Lin Yiyi and Ning Yuxi's eyes lit up. Ning Yuxi added: "In addition to being similar to compressed biscuits in function, the taste and mouthfeel are better than compressed biscuits." Hearing the approval of her best friend, Lin Yiyi was also a little excited. She said: "If it can really become an elf product, the tree fruit soft candy will not be suitable as a name." "Sister Yiyi, what do you think it should be called?" Ning Yuxi looked at Lin Yiyi curiously. Lin Yiyi was a bad at naming, and immediately turned her eyes to Lu Chenxi who was holding the dream demon. Her best friend had good literary talent and might be able to give her a nice name. Lu Chenxi understood what Lin Yiyi meant. She said, "Since we want to create a fairy product, we have to use a more popular name. Highbrow is not suitable for the general public. In my opinion, it is better to call it energy cubes, which is more acceptable to people."

"Energy cubes!" Lin Yiyi repeated the name given by Lu Chenxi and felt it was very appropriate.

She looked at Ning Yuxi: "Yuxi, what do you think?"

"I also agree with the name given by Sister Lu." Ning Yuxi said, "Why don't we use more kinds of tree fruits, make more energy cubes with different flavors, and then ask the big brother to show us?"

"Good idea, with the vision of the district chief, he will definitely give us accurate suggestions." Lin Yiyi raised both hands in agreement.

Three hours later.

Lin Yiyi looked serious and nodded to Ning Yuxi.

Ning Yuxi looked at the refrigerator nervously, waiting for Lin Yiyi to take out the things.

Lu Chenxi still maintained a blank expression, but his eyes were always staring at the refrigerator, with no intention of moving away.

"First, the energy cube made of wood fruit as raw material."

The three girls and the elves in the kitchen stared at the energy cube in Lin Yiyi's hand.

It was tender green and fragrant, with a crystal clear jade luster.

"Have you noticed that even if it is the same batch of energy cubes, some look very pure, while others look like they have impurities?" Lu Chenxi said what he observed.

"Geng Gui, please try to see if there is any difference between the two energy cubes with different fineness."


As the most gluttonous among all the elves, Geng Gui accepted Lin Yiyi's request and prepared to test two energy cubes with obviously different fineness.

However, in order to test the effect, before tasting, Geng Gui asked his little sister Meng Yao to use the skill of Strange Light on him.

Strange Light can cause confusion in the elves, so that the effect of this energy cube can be tested.

After all, if we talk about the difference, there must be a difference in taste and flavor between the two. There is no doubt that the only problem is the difference in effect.

Let's take the simplest example.

If the energy cubes are really sold, the difference in taste and flavor will make the price three times higher under the same effect, and the difference in effect will make the price five times higher under the same taste and flavor.

This is the difference.

Meng Yao hesitated, but still used the strange light on Geng Gui with the encouragement of Lu Chenxi.

A thin light slowly passed through the air, and Geng Gui only felt a strange feeling coming, and his body instantly became dizzy, but he still maintained some rationality.

It first picked up the energy cube with poor fineness to test, and it resolved the confusion in about two seconds.


Meng Yao used the second strange light, and Geng Gui fell into a state of confusion again.

Feeling the dizziness in his brain, Geng Gui picked up the energy cube with higher fineness and threw it into his mouth. This time it took only one second to resolve the confusion.

"Better effect?" Lin Yiyi asked.

"Hey!" Geng Gui nodded.

"In addition to better texture and taste, the effect is also better." Lu Chenxi concluded, "It seems that the improvement in fineness has indeed improved the energy cube in all aspects."

"This is a piece of fruit puree from a centrifuge, and it is put into a blender to make an energy cube. Even so, there is a big difference, and it still looks unstable."

Lin Yiyi also gave her own opinion: "If we want the same quality, we need to prepare better machines."

"Let's go to big brother first, I think he can give some better advice."

In addition to asking about energy cubes, Ning Yuxi also wanted to get the elf information of Kirlia and Milotic from Chen Xizhou.

After getting the consent of the two sisters, Ning Yuxi called Chen Xizhou.

"Big brother is now in the elf research institute, it is estimated that it will take a long time, but he said we can go there directly to find him." After the call, Ning Yuxi told Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi the information she had obtained.

"Then let's go now?" Lin Yiyi looked at Lu Chenxi again, "By the way, go to the nearby fruit plantation to inspect it."

Lu Chenxi nodded, indicating that he had no opinion.

After deciding on the next itinerary, the three began to pack the more delicate energy cubes separately... (End of this chapter)

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