I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 339: Unexpected Evolution and Failure

QQ candy is a popular soft candy.

This soft candy is not only elastic, but also chewy, so it is loved by customers.

Lin Yiyi quickly searched for the common methods of making QQ candy.

"First, prepare the juice?"

Lin Yiyi looked at the orange puree in Ning Yuxi's hand and didn't know what to say for a while.

The centrifuge can separate the pulp and juice, but when they were operating it just now, they chose to mix the two ingredients together, which formed the current puree.

After all, normal QQ candy is mainly for taste, and tree fruits are more important for the energy substances in the pulp.

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If the pulp of the tree fruit is separated and only the juice is left, it is putting the cart before the horse. Only two mixed tree fruit purees can better preserve the energy substances of the tree fruit itself.

"Never mind, it's almost done." Lin Yiyi said domineeringly, "Just use fruit puree, we can always make it in the end anyway, maybe we can make some different new candies by then."

"Yeah!" Ning Yuxi replied softly.

"The second step is to add fruit puree, powdered sugar and gelling agent into the pot and stir evenly." Lin Yiyi continued, "Then heat the mixture over medium and low heat, stirring constantly to prevent the bottom from getting sticky, and cook until the sugar dissolves and the mixture thickens."

"Look, it will still become a paste in the end, so there is no difference between using juice and fruit puree."

Ning Yuxi agreed very much and said: "Using juice instead of fruit puree is mainly to make it more fully integrated with powdered sugar and gelling agent. If we use fruit puree, we can use a blender to complete it."

The three girls bought this house and carefully decorated it into their favorite style, just to make life in Langqi Special District more comfortable.

So common kitchen supplies in life such as heating blenders are still fully prepared.

According to Lin Yiyi's instructions, Ning Yuxi began to operate carefully.

Ning Yuxi, who has no special hobbies except eating, often cooks delicious food at home, so this kind of thing is easy for her.

What's more, tasting delicious food is one thing, and making delicious food is another.

She enjoys this sense of accomplishment.

After being fully stirred during the heating process, the mixture in the blender quickly turned into a viscous mixture described in the video.

"Then pour the mixture into the mold." Lin Yiyi reminded, "Make sure to fill every corner so that the shape is complete after molding."

Lin Yiyi handed over two molds originally used to make ice cubes.

"I will pay attention, sister Yiyi." Ning Yuxi is still very concerned about the appearance of the final product.

She is also very careful at this moment, fearing that because of her own omissions, the shape of the candy will not be satisfactory.

After Ning Yuxi filled in the last grid, Lin Yiyi praised excitedly: "It's perfect, classmate Ning Yuxi! I really don't know who will be so lucky to marry you in the future!"


Ning Yuxi blushed and started the last step, putting the filled mold into the refrigerator.

"It's 9:32 now. We'll take it out in half an hour, that is, at 10:02." Lin Yiyi set an alarm and waited for the tree fruit QQ candy to take shape.

Meanwhile, in the living room.

Riolu was running around with Togepi on his back.

While playing with Togepi, Riolu also took this opportunity to do weighted running training for himself.

Meng Yao was a little sleepy. After a big yawn, he lay on Lu Chenxi's legs and fell asleep.

Meng Yao's sleepiness seemed to infect Gengar. After eating another serving of ice cream, it leaned against Ning Yuxi with satisfaction and fell asleep in a daze.

On the other side, the ugly fish in the fish tank was spitting bubbles.

It has been looking at its two predecessors, with unspeakable envy in its eyes.

When can I become so beautiful?

But when can I become beautiful when I am so ugly?

Since being adopted by Ning Yuxi, the ugly fish has felt warmth from humans for the first time. It would be great if it could continue like this.

Chouchouyu was worried that in the near future, this beautiful lady would gradually lose patience with herself like the people she had met before, and then throw herself away like trash.

If I could become as beautiful as the two seniors, would I not be abandoned?

As he spent more and more time with Ning Yuxi and lived with everyone, Chouchouyu was reluctant to give up this beauty, and his desire for beauty became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, a white light flashed.

"What is it!"

This white light attracted the attention of Lu Chenxi and all the elves in the living room, and everyone looked at the fish tank where Chouchouyu was.

"It's evolution!"




Lalulas and Ice Vulpix came to Chouchouyu at the first time, looking at their little sister in surprise and excitement.

"You guys watch, I'll go call Yuxi."

Lu Chenxi, who rarely spoke, quickly got up and ran towards the kitchen.

Gradually, the white light on Chouchouyu became more and more urgent, but it always felt that something was missing.




Just as the elves were nervously observing the clown fish, Ralts also had a white light on its body.

It was also the light of evolution!

Ning Yuxi, who hurried over, was shocked by the scene in front of her and murmured, "That's great, the clown fish can also evolve!"

Compared with Ralts' evolution, she was more concerned about the evolution of the clown fish.

Ralts was not surprised by Ning Yuxi's behavior, nor was she jealous at all.

This was the tacit understanding between Ralts and Ning Yuxi.

Perhaps because of the early contact with Chen Xizhou and Slow King, and because Ralts and Slow King were both psychic elves, the way Slow King and Chen Xizhou got along became the object of Ralts' learning.

For Slow King, Chen Xizhou and his other elves were all the objects of his care.

In line with the idea of ​​following the predecessors, Ralts also regarded Ning Yuxi and her other elves as the objects of his care, including Ice Vulpix and the clown fish.

Time always gives people different experiences.

The light of evolution continued to shine on the body of the clownfish, and the light was getting faster and faster, but it could not be connected together and could not complete the last step.

Such a wait made the clownfish feel very anxious.

It kept twisting its body and struggling in the fish tank, but it could not evolve.

Finally, the clownfish sighed deeply and gave up evolving.

"This is... a failure?" Ning Yuxi murmured.

Although a little disappointed, after noticing the despair of the clownfish, the distressed Ning Yuxi walked over quickly and hugged the clownfish in the fish tank in her arms.

"It's okay, clownfish, it's just a little setback, wait until next time we evolve again!" Ning Yuxi kept encouraging.


At this time, Lalulas completed his evolution with unusual ease.

The evolved Chirulian has the appearance of a pure girl, with a pair of slender green long legs.

Its hair did not completely cover its eyes like before the evolution, but became shoulder-length bangs. The two red horns also changed their positions and were located on both sides of the head.

"Congratulations, Xiaoguang." Ning Yuxi's eyes were full of apology, apologizing for ignoring the other party before.

"Xiaoguang" is Ning Yuxi's nickname for Kirlia.


Kirlia shook her head first, indicating that she didn't care, and then quietly looked at the fish in Ning Yuxi's arms, with encouragement in her eyes.

Compared with her own evolution, Kirlia was more worried about the fish.

"Kirlia, Kirlia!"

Kirlia leaned her forehead against the fish's head, and the red bark kept flashing, giving the other party the greatest encouragement.

Following Kirlia's actions, other elves came forward to encourage.

Feeling everyone's comfort, encouragement and expectations for himself, the fish rekindled hope for the future in his heart.


Just when everyone thought that the evolution event was over, the light of evolution shone on the fish again.

"This is it!"

"Yes, the second evolution!"






At this time, the Uglius had no hesitation and no burden. At worst, it would fail again. It was nothing!

With firm faith and goals, the Uglius finally completed its evolution and became a stronger, more confident and beautiful elf.

The evolution of the Uglius is not only a change in form, but also a sublimation of the heart and the enhancement of strength! (End of this chapter)

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