I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 341 Communication at the shore of Langqi Lake

Elf Research Institute.

The sun shines on the sparkling lake.

A large group of carp kings were jumping around in the lake. Some jumped up and some sank to the bottom of the water, forming beautiful arcs.

There are so many of them that they almost occupy the entire lake, making it dizzying to see.

On the shore of Langqi Lake, three people, accompanied by two Gyarados, quietly watched the lively scene in front of them.

One of them held a camera and took pictures of the beautiful carp kings from time to time. He said to the other two: "This is the largest and only carp king group in this high-level Langqi Lake. There are about two thousand carp kings. "

The person speaking was Mao Rongrong, the director of the Elf Research Institute.

Even the ferocious Gyarados cannot resist the temptation of delicious food.

Since the Elf Research Institute was built and put into use, Mao Rongrong has often taken researchers with him to visit the powerful wild elves living nearby, and has established a harmonious neighborly relationship with everyone through food.


The two Gyarados and Magikarp Clans are one of them.

Mao Rongrong wore a white coat as always, but she wore a pair of jeans with pink plush on her lower body, which looked a bit different.

"Why use the biggest and the only one?" Wenren Xuesong was a little confused.

"Because in addition to this carp group, there are also some carp kings that do not belong to this group living in Langqi Lake."

Mao Rongrong continued to explain: "These carp kings are either stronger than others in some aspects, or have unique personalities, or have abnormal IQs, or have their own habitats, so they live alone or in groups."

Wenren Xuesong nodded to express his understanding.

It's just like humans.

There are always some people who are either hidden masters, have weird personalities, have physical or psychological defects, or are poor, so they live outside the group.

"Brother Mao, do you have any idea about the specific evolution conditions of King Carp?"

The person asking the question was Chen Xizhou. He needed to know the feasibility of establishing an elf force based on Gyarados. If it was not feasible, he could only use alternative plans.

"For now, it's clear that emotions are the conditions for evolution."

Mao Rongrong walked aside and took out a record from the hands of Zhihuangzhi: "The emotions we are currently testing include fear, anger, happiness, and disgust. Among them, King Carp, who has the anger emotion, reacted the most intensely."

"Big brother!"

While the three of them were communicating, a waxy voice came from not far away.

Chen Xizhou looked back and saw that it was Ning Yuxi and the others who had called earlier. He said to Wenren Xuesong, "Grandpa, I'm going to entertain my friends. You and Brother Mao will talk first."

Wenren Xuesong smiled and said: "Since I am your friend, I will get to know each other. The formation of the elf army is not in a hurry."

"Okay." Chen Xizhou nodded.

Soon, the two sides met.

"Dr. Mao, why are you wearing a pink plush scarf on this hot day?"

Lin Yiyi asked a question that even Wenren Xuesong was curious about. In addition to Chen Xizhou, Ning Yuxi and Lu Chenxi also all looked at Mao Rongrong.

"Ah...this is a beautiful misunderstanding."

Mao Rongrong smiled and rubbed the pink plush scarf around her neck. She heard a soft gasp, and then a cute little head suddenly popped out.

It turns out to be a big tailed tail!

"This is Xiao Man, a big-tailed creature with a different color than the same kind." Mao Rongrong said, "I call it the glitter elf."

"Glitter elf!"

"Glitter elf?"


"That's right, glitter elf."

Mao Rongrong said: "This is our name for the heterochromatic elves, but because there are too few samples, we cannot determine whether this color variation can bring more effects to the elves."

"More impact?"

"Yeah, more impact."

Mao Rongrong continued: "These impacts include abilities, physique, attributes, etc."

When Mao Rongrong was popularizing science for everyone, Chen Xizhou noticed Qilu Lian following Ning Yuxi. The little guy had completed his own evolution.

【Chirulian! 】

[Chirulian: Emotional Elf]

[Chirulian can feel the trainer's emotions keenly. The trainer's cheerful mood is the source of its spiritual power. It will spin and dance when it is happy. 】

[It is said that Kirulian who is often exposed to the trainer's cheerful mood will grow up to be very beautiful. 】

[Chirulian can use her developed mind to control spiritual power, and she can see what will happen in the future from the space gap formed by superpowers. 】

[It is said that when using the spiritual power enhanced by the horns on the head, the surrounding space will be distorted, and you can see scenery that does not exist in reality. 】

[It is speculated that the secret lies in the red hair ornament. 】

Entry keywords: emotion, spiritual power, mystery

All I can say is that "mysterious" is a very appropriate keyword to describe Chirulian.

There are five entries in total, three of which begin with "It is said."

This proves that even people from another world have done very little research on elves like Kirulian, and most of the information is based on guesswork.

As if she sensed that Chen Xizhou was looking at her, Qilulian gave him a gentle smile.

As the red horn on his head lit up slightly, a voice similar to Ning Yuxi sounded in Chen Xizhou's heart: "Big brother, can I learn from Senior Slow King for a while?"

Chen Xizhou was a little surprised, but not because Kirlia had mastered telepathy, but because of the other party's abrupt communication.

Chen Xizhou, who did not agree immediately, glanced at the Slow King beside him and saw that the ruby ​​on the other party's forehead was also glowing red, so he knew that it was also affected by Kirlia's telepathy.

"Make your own decision."

Chen Xizhou did not blindly help Slow King make a decision, but threw the choice to it.

"By the way, Xiao Yuxi, you came all the way here to find me, is there something?" Chen Xizhou asked curiously.

Ning Yuxi replied: "Well, there are two things I want to trouble you, big brother."

"The first thing is that my Lalulas and Ugli have completed their evolution, so I want to get some information from big brother, so that it will be easier to get along with them later."

Hearing this, Chen Xizhou immediately became interested.

"Chouchou has evolved too?" Chen Xizhou pointed at the Gyarados not far away and asked, "Did it evolve into a small Pokémon like the Serpentine that is similar to Gyarados?"

"Big brother, how did you know?" Now it was Ning Yuxi's turn to be shocked.

As expected.

The conversation between Chen Xizhou and Ning Yuxi attracted the attention of others, and everyone looked over.

"I think the district chief guessed it based on Magikarp."

Mao Rongrong took over the conversation and said:

"The Magikarp is known as the 'weakest Pokémon in the world', but after evolving, it becomes a powerful and violent Pokémon. The Ugliochou, which is similar to Magikarp, is known for its shabby appearance. It is not surprising that it will evolve into a serpentine similar to Gyarados."

"I think that's what you think, district chief?"

Chen Xizhou just handed the note to Ning Yuxi when he heard Mao Rongrong's question. He nodded and replied, "Yes, that's right, because I found that there are many similarities in Pokémon."

"Next is the second Pokémon." Chen Xizhou reminded Ning Yuxi.

As the Poké Ball threw out a beautiful arc, a slender serpentine appeared after the red light.

Not only Chen Xizhou and the other two, but also the two Gyarados who were rubbing their ears by the Langqi Lake were deeply attracted by Milotic.

【Mienshao! 】

【Mienshao: Kind Pokémon】

【Mienshao lives at the bottom of a clear lake. It is said that when people start fighting, it will appear from the bottom of the lake to heal people's restless hearts and calm the fight. 】

【Mienshao's beautiful scales, which are said to be rainbow-colored, will change into various colors if you look at them from different directions. 】

【When Mienshao emits a bright pink glow, it will emit a wave that can soothe an irritable heart. It is said that after seeing the graceful figure of Mienshao, all the resentment in the heart can be soothed and the fighting emotions will be completely forgotten. 】

【Mienshao is said to be the most beautiful Pokémon. It seems to be very subtle for the trainer who bred it because he loved the Clowfish. 】

【Mienshao is also used as a subject for painting and sculpture, and has always inspired many artists. 】

Keywords for the entry: Kindness, beauty


Mienshao looked at the clear lake in front of him with surprise, and after a few seconds, he lowered his head to look at Ning Yuxi, his eyes full of expectation.

"Go!" Ning Yuxi gave the other party an encouraging look.

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