I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 338: Using a Centrifuge to Turn Fruit Puree

There is a special private house in Langqi City.

After the renovation of this three-story house, the exterior walls were painted pink and white, and the doors and windows were replaced with modern ones.

The first floor is the living room, with a pink sofa and a pink coffee table. Some cute elf posters and photos are hung on the wall.

The second floor is the bedroom, with pink wallpaper hanging on the pink-white walls, the bed is designed in pink, and there are some cute elf dolls and notebooks on the bedside table.

The third floor is a balcony with some flowers planted and some colorful windmills hanging on it.

The whole house is full of girly atmosphere, making people feel warm and comfortable.

On the bluestone road outside the house.

"Yu Xi, do you really love ice cream so much?"

Lin Yiyi couldn't help but feel a little distressed when she looked at her Riolu, which was struggling to move a centrifuge that was about the same size as a refrigerator.

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But when he thought that Ning Yuxi liked ice cream, he asked Riolu to persist.


After placing the centrifuge at the designated location, Riolu put his hands on his knees and kept breathing heavily: it exhausted the child, but it was also very suitable for extreme training.

While saying thank you, Ning Yuxi went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Moo Moo milk and two orange fruits and handed them to Riolu.

Whether it's moo milk or orange fruits, they can help Riolu regain his strength.

"First, put the ice cream raw materials into the container and add appropriate amounts of sugar, milk and other seasonings." Lin Yiyi read while watching the video.

Following Lin Yiyi's command, Ning Yuxi began to take action.

"Then use a blender to fully mix the ice cream raw materials to make a uniform mixture." Lin Yiyi continued.

Ning Yuxi followed the instructions and turned on the electric mixer to start mixing.

After Ning Yuxi was almost done stirring, Lin Yiyi continued: "The next step is to pour the mixture into the centrifuge, follow the centrifuge instructions, and set the appropriate centrifugation speed and time."

"This step is very important. The centrifugation speed and time must not be wrong." Lin Yiyi reminded.

"I know."

Ning Yuxi solemnly set the parameters and confirmed them three times before turning on the centrifuge and letting it work.

While waiting, Lin Yiyi asked in confusion: "There are so many ice cream shops outside, why do we have to spend so much time building such a centrifuge to make our own ice cream?"

Lu Chenxi didn't understand this either, and looked at Ning Yuxi with the same confusion.

Ning Yuxi replied with some embarrassment: "The cream used to make ice cream is turned out by a centrifuge, so the purity of the ice cream is very high and the texture is particularly delicate. This kind of ice cream is the most delicious."



After about half an hour, the centrifuge stopped working.

With Lin Yiyi's help, Ning Yuxi poured out the separated fat and water, and scooped out the dense ice cream mixture.

"The next step is to pour the centrifuged ice cream into the refrigerator to freeze."

After placing it according to the steps, Ning Yuxi gently tucked one side of her hair behind her ear and said with satisfaction: "That's it. Wait half an hour and the sisters will be able to taste the delicious Ning Yuxi brand." ice cream."

Another half hour passed.

The three girls sat down around the dining table, and there were 12 servings of ice cream on the dining table.

In addition to the three girls, there are also Lu Chenxi's Gengar and Dream Demon, Lin Yiyi's Riolu and Togepi, as well as Ning Yuxi's Lalu Lasi, Bingliuwei and the ugly fish in the fish tank. Elf.

Dream Demon is a new elf that Lu Chenxi has recently conquered.

To be more precise, it should be an elf that was forcibly captured by Geng Gui and attracted by Lu Chenxi.

This dark green little guy has a hair style similar to that of a phosphorus fire. There is a conspicuous string of red beads hanging around his neck. He looks extremely cute with his big red eyes open.

At this time, Mengyao sat obediently next to Gengar, looking at everyone shyly.

"Then, let's start everyone!"


Gengar stretched out his arms with a whoosh, grabbed a piece of ice cream and put it in front of him, his mirrors glowing: "Jie Jie Jie——"

Just when Geng Gui picked up the spoon and wanted to scoop it out, something suddenly occurred to him.

It "squeaks" a few more times, and gives each girl and each elf a piece of ice cream as quickly as possible.

After sharing the ice cream, the purple fat man took out his short legs from under the table, stood on the chair, raised the ice cream in his hand, and nodded to everyone: "Jie Jie!"

Everyone cooperated very well with Gengar's actions and raised their ice cream to toast.

Except for the ugly fish, it's not that it doesn't cooperate, but it has no hands in the fish tank and can't hold the ice cream.


Ning Yuxi was about to help Chou Chou Fish with a toast, but she saw Lin Yiyi's Togepi raising her little hand to express that she could help Chou Chou Fish.

"Yu Xi, just let Togepi help."

Lin Yiyi naturally noticed her Togepi's willingness to help others, and immediately offered to let Ning Yuxi become Togepi.

"Togepi, you are such a helpful Togepi." Ning Yuxi gave Togepi a thumbs up, giving Togepi a big encouragement.

While everyone was loving each other, Gengar had finished making his share of ice cream.

The greedy one glanced at the two remaining ice creams on the table, licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and then aimed at the ice cream in Meng Yao's hand.

Meng Yao is a gentle girl, and she is also his junior. She should not refuse to share ice cream with him, right?

Just when Gengar was about to act, Riolu, who was full of justice, glared at Gengar: "Hey!"


Geng Gui stopped his behavior embarrassedly, spread his hands, and then floated away from his seat and floated to the sofa in the living room to sulk.

Lin Yiyi looked at Lu Chenxi strangely.

I didn't expect that this cold goddess Lu could control Gengar so easily.

If Gengar's temper was the same as before, he would have to take away all the remaining three ice creams on the table before he would give up, not to mention opening his mouth to share ice cream for everyone and taking the lead in raising a toast.

Lu Chenxi glanced at Meng Yao.

Seeing that Meng Yao was a little sad because of Geng Gui's anger, and putting down the spoon even though he liked to eat ice cream very much, he pushed the remaining ice cream in his hand to Meng Yao: "Eat these obediently."

As he said, Lu Chenxi took another new ice cream and stood up and walked towards the living room.

After Geng Gui, Riolu was the first to finish the ice cream.

Riolu, who was not satisfied, looked at the tree fruit plate on the cabinet of the divine beast. After a flexible backflip, the tree fruit plate appeared in his hand.

Riolu picked up an orange fruit, bit it with a "crack", closed his eyes and enjoyed the beauty of the juice hitting his mouth.

Ning Yuxi's eyes lit up when she saw this scene, and she said with a little curiosity: "Sister Yiyi, how about we make a tree fruit ice cream?"

"Tree fruit ice cream?"

"No, we can't waste the raw materials of ice cream."

For Ning Yuxi, every time a portion of raw materials is wasted, it means eating less ice cream.

"Why don't we use a centrifuge to make the fruit into puree and try it out first?" Ning Yuxi blinked her watery eyes, waiting for Lin Yiyi's approval.

"Okay, let's try it now!"

The two girls hit it off and began to prepare the necessary materials.

Soon, everything was ready.

Under Lin Yiyi's command, Lu Chenxi began to try to put orange fruit into the centrifuge.

Orange fruit does not have large cores, only small seeds like dragon fruit, which will not affect the operation of the centrifuge.

Soon, the centrifuge started to run, and the buzzing sound broke the silence. As the speed became faster and faster, the orange fruit in the machine began to crush, and the juice splashed all over the place, exuding a rich fruity aroma.

Looking at the fruit in the centrifuge, Lu Chenxi licked his lips unconsciously.

As the centrifuge continued to run, the puree became more and more delicate. The centrifugal force in the rotation separated the pulp and juice, and finally the orange fruit was beaten into a ball of orange puree with a delicate taste.

The fruity aroma gradually dissipated as the centrifuge stopped, leaving only a bunch of tempting fruit puree.

"Why not make these fruit purees into Pearce candy?"

"Pearce candy?"

"Yes, Pearce candy!" Ning Yuxi introduced: "Pearce candy is a kind of fruit candy of the United Alliance, which is very popular among the people of the United Alliance. The taste is very, very good. I like it very much."

"In fact, I think QQ candy is better. Why not make these fruit purees into the shape of QQ candy?" Lin Yiyi has never eaten any Pearce candy. If she is asked to choose, she still prefers Wangzai QQ candy.

"Why didn't I think of it!" Ning Yuxi seemed a little excited, "I like QQ candy more, sister Yiyi, search for tutorials online!"

To be continued...

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