I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 337: The Wise Monkey at the Langqi Lake

Gaowei Langqi Lake.

The lakeside is lush and green, and the elves are playing happily.

There are Butterfree dancing in the flowers, Bobo flying between the branches, and Walking Grass basking in the sun on the grass, and the most are the water elves who are free in the lake.

The lake surface is rippling, sparkling under the sunlight.

The lake water is very clear, and you can even see the stones at the bottom of the lake. The water plants sway and float in the clear water, as if playing a soft music.

Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong rode their own elves and walked around Gaowei Langqi Lake.

Their target is the several Gyarados in the center of the lake.

[Gyarados! ]

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[Gyarados: Fierce Pokémon]

[Gyarados has a very ferocious personality and likes to destroy. ]

[It is said that when Magikarp evolves into Gyarados, the structure of brain cells will be reorganized, so the character will become violent. ]

[Although Gyarados rarely appears, once it goes crazy, sometimes even a big city will be destroyed, and even a storm will burn everything. ]

[Gyarados will not calm down until everything in the mountains is burned to ashes. ]

[Gyarados is considered to be the true form of the dragon recorded in ancient books. There are records in the literature that it spewed out burning rays from its mouth and burned down the entire village where the dispute occurred. ]

[The destructive rays emitted from Gyarados' mouth can burn everything. It is said that in the past wars, Gyarados appeared and turned everywhere into a sea of ​​fire. Some regions also call it the God of Destruction. ]

Keywords of the entry: vicious

"If I choose Gyarados from the beginning, will it be too difficult?" Wenren Xuesong hesitated.

He plans to select the soldiers used to form the elf troops from the active troops. These soldiers have only received relevant elf knowledge training.

Wenren Xuesong was worried that something might go wrong if he tried to train a Pokémon like Gyarados all at once.

"It's definitely difficult, but Gyarados is one of the few Pokémon that meets all the requirements."

Chen Xizhou pointed to several Gyarados not far away and continued, "Gyarados evolved from Magikarp. As far as I know, the evolutionary conditions should be related to their emotions. We can start training from Magikarp based on this."

"Gyarados evolved from Magikarp?" Wenren Xuesong looked very surprised.

The Chinese people claim to be descendants of dragons, so they are naturally very concerned about Pokémon like Gyarados that look like dragons.

But even wild Gyarados are rare, and this Pokémon is powerful and has a bad temper, so the research on Gyarados is not detailed.

The speculation of the evolutionary chain from Magikarp to Gyarados has not been mentioned by anyone.

But Magikarp and Gyarados are very different in appearance, color, temper and character, not to mention that no one has seen Magikarp evolve, so this speculation ended up in vain.

It is no wonder that Wenren Xuesong showed such an expression when he heard this evolutionary chain again today.

However, since this evolutionary chain was proposed by Chen Xizhou, Wenren Xuesong could not help but believe it. He did not believe that his grandson would be aimless.

Besides, he made the evolutionary conditions clear.

"Can emotions really become evolutionary conditions?"

Wenren Xuesong could not help but ask. It was not that he did not believe what Chen Xizhou said, but that he had never heard of this evolutionary path before.

"Let's go to the Elf Research Institute first." Chen Xizhou said.

The Elf Research Institute was built on the other side of Gaowei Langqi Lake. It only took more than ten minutes to get there from where the two were.


In front of the Elf Research Institute.

There was a Zhihui ape sitting on the futon, its eyes firm and focused.

The purple hair on its shoulders swayed in the wind, and the leaf feather fan in its hand kept waving, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, as if conveying a silent command.

Dozens of throwing monkeys lined up neatly under the command of Zhihuixing, waiting for instructions for the next training.

Zhihuixing paused for a moment, then began to wave the fan in his hand again.

"Oh - fake!"

The throwing monkeys followed the instructions and threw the durian shells in their hands. They threw about 100 meters away, and the durian shells returned to the throwing monkeys like a boomerang.

Among all the throwing monkeys, the leader of the throwing monkeys threw the farthest, about 150 meters.

Zhihuixing nodded, this special shooting training was very successful.

These durian shells in the throwing monkeys' hands were specially prepared by Zhihuixing at Mao Rongrong's request.

Compared with the shells of other fruits or tree fruits, the durian shells are very good in terms of hardness and attack power, and are very suitable for use as weapons for throwing monkeys.

"Oh oh——"

As the training continued, Zhihuixing increased the speed of waving the leaf feather fan, and his body began to sway slightly.

The throwing monkey leader who received the instruction followed the frequency of the fan and swayed as if dancing. Other throwing monkeys followed suit, which seemed to be quite interesting.

Zhihuixing waved his fan faster and faster, and the throwing monkeys also swung faster and faster.

About five minutes later, the leaf feather fan in Zhihuixing's hand stopped, and the throwing monkeys also stopped their movements under the leadership of the leader, standing there quietly, waiting for Zhihuixing's next instruction.

At this time, the originally calm lake surface not far away suddenly rippled.

Two wild Gyarados suddenly jumped out of the lake.

The huge difference in numbers was nothing to Gyarados, and they still roared at Zhihuixing and the Throwing Monkeys.

"Oh-fake!" (Advanced training begins!)

The leaf feather fan in his hand was raised again, and Zhihuixing prepared to command.

The Throwing Monkeys immediately jumped up and prepared to start this special advanced training.

Suddenly, the two Gyarados began to vigorously stir their tails that were still underwater, and two tornadoes with water waves quickly formed and merged together, attacking Zhihuixing and the Throwing Monkeys.

Zhihuixing's eyes condensed, and he waved the leaf feather fan without hesitation to command.

The Throwing Monkeys followed the instructions of the leaf feather fan, dispersed, and used the shaking posture they had learned before to resist the pressure of the water tornado, and then launched a counterattack under the command of the leader.

A large number of durian shells were thrown out, hitting Gyarados hard, and then bounced back into the hands of the throwing monkeys with force.

Although the spikes could not break through Gyarados's hard scales, the pain of being hit by a large number of shells still made Gyarados violent. Its huge size made it impossible for them to avoid the attacks of the throwing monkeys.

In the end, the two Gyarados roared together and quickly retreated back to the lake.

Seeing that the enemy was successfully defeated, the throwing monkeys applauded each other and celebrated this successful training happily.

Zhihuixing nodded with satisfaction, and then waved the leaf feather fan again.

Seeing this, the leader of the throwing monkeys saluted Zhihuixing and left with his tribesmen in the direction of the research institute's ecological park.

Next, it was lunch time!

After the throwing monkeys left, Zhihuixing let out another long monkey cry, and the calm lake surface rippled again, and two big heads appeared from the lake.

It was the two Gyarados that were dizzy from being hit.

Zhihuixing looked at them with a smile, then waved his leaf feather fan, as if calling for something.

At this time, two colts came out of the research institute, one carrying a bag of elf rations and the other carrying a fan of beef, and came to Gyarados without fear.

The colt soldier carrying elf rations used the sharp weapon in his hand to pull the packaging bag and evenly poured the rations into the two iron basins brought together.

The colt soldier carrying beef waved the sharp weapon and skillfully cut the beef into two equal pieces, and then placed them in front of the two Gyarados.

In the woods not far away, Chen Xizhou and Wenren Xuesong, who witnessed the whole process, were talking.

"These two Colt Sword Soldiers are the ones you bought from Feng Wei, right?"

"Grandpa is right, those are the two."

"Where are the Gyrocopter and the Throwing Monkey? Were they sent in by the smuggling ship of the African Union?"

"Yes, there are also a few bronze elephants and the King Bronze Elephants."

"Everything that happened just now is what you want me to see?"

"That's it." Chen Xizhou replied, "Although Pokémon like Gyarados are ferocious, they are not incapable of obeying orders. As long as you know their needs or create needs for them, they can obey the trainer's command very well."

"I understand."

Wenren Xuesong nodded slightly, and then looked at the leisurely Gyrocopter, and suddenly felt a familiar feeling.

Yes, the temperament is very similar to that of Slow King.

Wenren Xuesong turned his head and looked at Slow King who had been following Chen Xizhou, and confirmed his feeling even more.

"Let's go, Grandpa, I'll take you to meet..."

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