I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 192: Elf Animation's premiere is a big hit


The first episode of "Pokemon: China" officially premieres.

All League 1 sets to League 12 sets will play this elf animation that has a positive promotional effect.

Not only the alliance channel, the official Douyin account of Langqi Special Zone also broadcast "Pokemon: China" live at the "request" of Byte Company.

Who watches TV if they have a mobile phone?

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Just when everyone poured into the official Douyin account of the Langqi Special Zone, the live broadcast room collapsed due to the powerful data flow in less than three seconds. The helpless people could only return to the alliance channel on TV.

In previous promotion activities, Byte Company not only provided free traffic support to Langqi Special Zone, but also paid a large amount of sponsorship fees, so that Langqi Special Zone could meet its small requirements.

Who would have thought that they themselves failed to catch the traffic?

Such a result made Byte Company's executives furious, cursing the technology department as a bunch of waste.

But fortunately the goal was achieved.

At least in the future, when everyone discusses "Pokemon: China", they will inevitably mention a certain idiot company. God has given you food, but you have done it yourself.

Of course, the jokes made by Byte Company are just trivial in this feast.

"Pokemon: China" has already become a highly anticipated animation after being warmed up by MAD.

Qi Zhensheng's words, "If you don't watch our Pokémon animation, it will be your loss" raised everyone's expectations for "Pokemon: China" to its peak.

With the official broadcast of the animation, the audience's expectations have been responded to.

Lifelike character settings!

Logical and smooth script expression!

The ups and downs of the plot!

The perfect background music!

And extremely perfect painting and lens expression!

All of this directly raised the audience's expectations.

Although it is a cartoon, the audience of "Pokemon: China" is no longer concentrated on children and teenagers as in the past. Its high production level and the popularity of Pokemon have made adults and even the elderly also become viewers.

After watching two episodes, Douyin finally caught up with this wave of traffic.

A large number of video editing accounts began to edit highlights from the animation, and "Pokemon: China" quickly spread through these accounts and began to attract more people to watch.

After all, if such a wonderful elf animation cannot be shared with friends around you, it will really feel like something is missing.


[Charmander, I’ve decided it’s you! 】

[Pokemon are the companions of people like you and me! 】

【I want to become a Pokemon master! 】


Multiple entries appeared on the hot search list in succession, and they were rushing up the list at an extremely fast speed, and their rankings were also rising rapidly.

Two hours after its premiere, "Pokemon: China" dominated the front pages of major media.

Such a sudden and terrifying situation immediately attracted the attention of a large number of netizens. Curious, they found the video point to watch and found that in addition to animations, there was also a sea of ​​terrifying barrages.

"Oh my god, my friend just held a knife and forced me to look at it. Now I want to stab myself twice. It looks so good!"

"I've finished reading, and I'm in the trap. If you have something to do, burn paper, don't read it!"

"Where on earth did this company get so many resources to produce such a large production in a year and a half?"

"What should I do? I want to catch a small fire dragon right now!"

"Don't think about it upstairs. I heard that this Charmander is only in the hands of the Alliance and cannot be encountered in the wild."

"I just knelt down!"

"This animation was obviously produced by our Korean Alliance!"

"We in the Neon Alliance didn't say anything about our animation capabilities, so why would your Horned Gada dare to speak out?"

"It seems that two little Karami have sneaked in upstairs!"

"To be honest, it's a Chinese chapter, and it's about Charmander. There are so many Chinese elements here, are you blind?"

"Am I the only one who pays attention to my goddess Su Yanyu?"

"Su Yanyu, that girl who got the water-squirting tortoise?"

"How come no one mentions me, Long Aotian!"

"The cow is booming!"

"There's something wrong with you upstairs!"


One barrage after another is full of eroticism.

If it weren't for the fact that the animation is so good, everyone would have to join in and discuss how Niu Niu became so popular.

The results are out.

At 12 o'clock that night, Chen Xizhou was sitting in the main venue of Elf Store waiting for news.

Qi Zhensheng walked into the venue excitedly with the latest premiere report and other data.

Seeing Qi Zhensheng's uncontrollable excitement, Chen Xizhou knew that the situation was stable.

Chen Xizhou smiled and asked: "How is the data?"


These two simple words soothed everyone's hard work over the past few months.

Qi Zhensheng calmed down: "For the first time on TV, the ratings of "Pokemon: China" reached an exaggerated 74.8%."

What is the concept of 75%?

In the past 20 years, the highest viewership rating of the China Spring Festival Gala was 37.6%.

Of course, the biggest contribution to this achievement comes from the alliance headquarters' move to allow all channels from Alliance 1 to Alliance 12 to broadcast "Pokemon: China".

"As for the data on the Internet..."

Qi Zhensheng continued, "Only four hours after the broadcast, the first and second episodes of "Pokemon: China" have been played more than 12 million times on Douyin! Half of the playback volume was added in the last hour before the statistics were counted."

"As for other data such as likes, reposts, editing and other platforms, we have no way to count them for the time being."

Qi Zhensheng took a deep breath: "District Chief, "Pokemon: China" is a success!"

Although he was prepared and knew that "Pokemon: China" would definitely be a success, Chen Xizhou was still greatly surprised when he heard the data.

74.8% ratings, 12 million+ playbacks, this result is better than he expected.

However, Chen Xizhou did not get carried away, but emphasized to Qi Zhensheng: "Next, we must continue to pay attention to the audience's response and online public opinion."

The success of the animation playback volume is certainly important, but Chen Xizhou is more focused on people's evaluation of "Pokemon: China".

Qi Zhensheng nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will always pay attention to it."

Chen Xizhou stood up and clapped his hands, picked up the microphone and said, "Everyone has worked hard during this period. I have decided that from top to bottom, every hard-working employee in the company will be given an extra three months' salary as a bonus!"


A tsunami of applause suddenly sounded in the venue.

"Pokemon: China" is enough to make every employee of the Pokemon Company proud, but it is far less practical than the bonus of three months' salary for each person, which makes them satisfied and excited.

Although the Pokemon Company is under the Elf Industry Group, both the animation "Pokemon: China" and the game "Pokemon: China Red" come from Chen Xizhou.

For the bonus, Chen Xizhou is fully qualified to make decisions.

Even the entire Elf Industry Group, Chen Xizhou is qualified to manage and operate.

On the way back, Chen Xizhou said to Qi Zhensheng, "We can't favor one over the other. Employees of several other subsidiaries can also be awarded bonuses according to this standard."

Qi Zhensheng nodded.

For this part of the generous bonus, Qi Zhensheng certainly would not refuse.

Because in the entire Elf Industry Group, Qi Zhensheng's status is the highest after Chen Xizhou, and his salary is naturally the highest.


The next day.

"Knock, knock!"

There was a knock on the door of the district chief's office at the right time.

You Zhen walked in with a stack of information in his hand: "District Chief, General Manager Qi asked me to inform you that Pokemon has been launched on major platforms on time, and all kinds of publicity on the Internet have been fully launched. You can log in to the server backend to check the data at any time."

"Okay, I know." Chen Xizhou nodded.

After You Zhen finished reporting his work and left, Chen Xizhou turned on the computer on his desk and logged into a software connected to the backend server of the Pokemon Company.

This software can display a series of data on the operation of the game.

For example, how many people paid to download the game; how many people downloaded it from each channel; how many people are online in real time, all of which will be clearly displayed in the software.

This is the latest software developed by the company's technical department. It is a very easy-to-use fool-style software. Even if Chen Xizhou doesn't know much about computers, he can easily operate it and get the data he wants.

The network has been boiling after eight o'clock.

The front pages of major news media, major video websites, and major social networks are all about the news, promotion, and download pages of this epoch-making "Pokemon: China Red".

No one wants to take advantage of this wave of traffic.

Next, let the bullets fly for a while.

Chen Xizhou glanced at Comrade Xiao Wang who was having fun in the corner, shook his head and smiled, and then continued to work.

The withdrawal of the town and the establishment of a district is a good thing for Langqi Town, but it is definitely a very big test for the Special Zone Alliance, which is now short of soldiers and generals. Everyone needs to complete several times the workload before.

However, for the sake of promotion, everyone is happy and painful.

Comrade Xiao Wang noticed that Chen Xizhou glanced at him, but he didn't say anything, but played by himself.

After all, he is the future successor of Wanda Real Estate Group. He knows very well that this mysterious district chief is waiting for the data of "Pokemon: China Red" to come out.

That's when he can show his ability...

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