I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 193 Elf Game's First Sales Exploded


District Governor's Office.

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Qi Zhensheng came to report: "District Chief, the marketing department has sent us a statistical report. In the seven hours from 8 a.m. to now, the Pokémon platform has sold a total of 8.72 million copies, and this data is still there Increased in real time.”

The Pokémon Platform is a platform built by the Pokémon Company during this period to provide download and operation services for the PC game "Pokemon: China Red".

However, this is not the end of the Pokémon platform.

In Chen Xizhou's vision, this platform will be expanded into a comprehensive platform that supports multiple devices and operating systems.

The Pokémon platform will not only provide video games for players to download and purchase, but also provide a platform that includes community functions, multiplayer games, game live broadcasts, and user creations.

In addition, the Pokémon platform will support various systems, mobile devices, and game console platforms.

Chen Xizhou smiled and said: "It's not bad, but the game department's celebration banquet can only be postponed. When the game situation stabilizes after a while, let the company give everyone a holiday and have a good rest."

In the gaming industry, the early stages of a game's release are the most difficult period.

During this period, various departments will need to continue to observe and accept feedback from players on the game after its release.

For example, where the numerical difficulty will be too high or too low, and whether there will be any bugs, these will require subsequent patch repairs by the R\u0026D department.

However, even if patches are pushed later, players’ archives still need to be paid attention to.

Although "Pokemon: China Red" comes from a system gift package, there are still things that should be included in the normal release process of the game. Chen Xizhou will not be arrogant enough to do such unreasonable things.

"Then I'll thank the district chief for everyone."

When Qi Zhensheng left the office, Chen Xizhou suddenly noticed that Comrade Xiao Wang was looking directly at him, with a kind of fanaticism shining in his eyes.

"8.72 million copies were sold in 7 hours. This sales volume is viewed from the perspective of Mr. Wang. Is it more or less?"

"High! Very high!"

Comrade Xiao Wang emphasized: "It's so high that it's ridiculously high!"

Among the countless games in the League of Nations, there are very few games that are really liked by a large number of players and that players are willing to spend money for. Among these games, there are even fewer games that can sell 8.72 million copies. exist.

In the eyes of industry insiders like Comrade Xiao Wang, "8.72 million copies" is simply a data that can be called a "miracle".

Chen Xizhou smiled and said: "It is really an honor to be praised by Xiao Dong."

"No, no, I'm just telling the truth."

Comrade Xiao Wang already knows that the creators of animations and games are all Chen Xizhou, but what he admires more is the elf battle system established by Chen Xizhou.

Although the illustrated serial number is only 151, many aspects including the evolutionary chain and skills are imperfect.

But these things alone can tell how much effort Chen Xizhou put into it.

Comrade Xiao Wang, who thought of this, immediately corrected his attitude: "Except for my father, Lao Wang, I have not admired many people in my life, and now you, Chen Xizhou, are one of them!"

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but tremble when he saw Comrade Xiao Wang staring at him affectionately.

correct! Change the subject quickly!

"How about it, do you want another elf battle?" Chen Xizhou said.

Comrade Xiao Wang became excited instantly. He asked excitedly: "Does the district chief want to have a real battle with me, or a pvp in the game?"

Chen Xizhou did not answer immediately, but looked at Comrade Xiao Wang up and down. His eyes fell on his waist, but he only saw two elf balls, which contained Xiao Guoran and Mo Nini.

"Are you sure you have an elf suitable for real-life battles?"

"Not yet."

"So it will happen in the future?"


"Is it your elf?"

"No, I asked my dad to borrow it."

Chen Xizhou curled his lips, not surprised.

Wanda Real Estate Group is among the best among the top 500 companies in the Alliance. It is also rumored that the chairman has a close relationship with the previous generation of leaders of the Alliance headquarters. It is not surprising that it can acquire some powerful elves.

Chen Xizhou is very much looking forward to which elf Comrade Xiao Wang will borrow and which one is stronger and weaker than his own elf.

"Shall we play a game of pvp first?"

While Chen Xizhou was lost in thought, Comrade Xiao Wang sent out his invitation.


“Let’s make an agreement first, don’t use shrinking tactics this time!”


After trying out the game for a day, Comrade Xiao Wang seemed to have his own unique understanding of the elf battle.

The best defense is offense, and he likes to attack hard!

On the parrot island with lush grass, Chen Xizhou commanded a sharp-edged giant needle bee, and Comrade Xiao Wang commanded a heroic fire-breathing dragon. The battle between the two sides was about to break out.

"Hahaha, the district chief is off to a bad start!"

Comrade Xiao Wang couldn't help but feel a little proud when he saw the starting lineups of both sides.

"It seems that you have mastered the relevant knowledge of attribute restraint." Chen Xizhou praised.

"How can I not master it?" Comrade Xiao Wang looked a little resentful, "Which good person uses a rock-type gym for the first gym? I chose Electric Mouse and went out to level up to 30+ before I beat it."

I can only say, a handful of bitter tears.

"Then why didn't you choose Bulbasaur of the grass type, or Squirtle of the water type?"

"How is it possible! Electric Mouse is the first Pokémon I chose, how can I give up so easily!"

Comrade Xiao Wang is a man.

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but give a thumbs up, and then said: "But, Rock type doesn't restrain Electric type?"


Comrade Xiao Wang had a black question mark face: What was I fighting this morning?

Chen Xizhou explained: "The Geodude used by the first gym leader is a dual-attribute Pokémon of the ground and rock types. The reason you can't hit the opponent is because the ground type is ineffective against electric attacks."

"Besides, even if Pikachu can't beat it, you can go to the forest to catch two bugs to upgrade, and then use skills such as poison powder to pass the level."


Comrade Xiao Wang thought about it and it seemed to be the case. He wanted to praise Chen Xizhou for his cleverness, but he realized that this game was made by others and it was completely unnecessary for him to do so.

"Charizard, flame vortex!"

Comrade Xiao Wang was still so passionate, using his hands and feet to give instructions to the Charizard on the computer.

Charizard roared, and a mouthful of hot flames shot out of its mouth, spinning in the air at the fastest speed to form a flame vortex.

Unfortunately, the game pvp is not real after all. Beedrill can basically not dodge the attack of Charizard, and can only choose to bear the damage of this flame vortex.

"Aha! No more scratching this time."

Although the power of [Flame Vortex] is not great, it still caused considerable damage to Beedrill under the condition that the fire type restrains the insect type twice.

Obviously, Comrade Xiao Wang still can't forget the fear of being dominated by Happiny.

Killing is not Comrade Xiao Wang's main purpose. He wants to use the additional effect of [Flame Vortex] to take advantage of the attribute advantage without letting Chen Xizhou replace Beedrill.

Obviously, Comrade Xiao Wang started to think.

However, this choice is exactly what Chen Xizhou wants. He issued the [High-speed Movement] command to Beedrill. Because of this enhancement, Beedrill's speed directly surpassed Charizard.

The speed attribute has a certain connection between the game and reality, but it is not very large.

In the game, the speed of the Pokémon affects the speed of attack. Whoever is faster can attack the enemy first.

But it is different in reality.

In reality, the speed of the Pokémon not only affects the attack speed, but also affects the Pokémon's dodge ability. The two aspects of movement speed are relatively complex attributes.

In the second round, the faster Beedrill attacked first.

However, Beedrill did not use any offensive skills, but used [Poison Spikes] under Chen Xizhou's command, a skill that Comrade Xiao Wang had never heard of.

In this round, Charizard used [Jet Flame].

A mouthful of hot old fire spewed out of the dragon's mouth, directly pressing Beedrill's blood line to red. Just one more attack would send Beedrill home.

Chen Xizhou didn't care and still commanded Beedrill to scatter [Poison Spikes] in the third round.

Although he didn't understand this skill, Comrade Xiao Wang knew that Chen Xizhou was definitely not a person who shot without purpose, and immediately asked Charizard to use [Jet Flame] again.

It's better to die early in the night to avoid more dreams.

"First round, win!" Comrade Xiao Wang looked a little excited.

Chen Xizhou smiled and shook his head, and released his second Pokémon, a Pokémon covered with rock spikes all over his body - Sandslash.

In the first round when Sandslash appeared, it scattered [Invisible Rock] under Chen Xizhou's command.

In this round, Comrade Xiao Wang did not choose to attack.

Charizard twisted its huge body and danced a mysterious and awkward dance, which was the [Dragon Dance] that increased speed and attack!

This gave Chen Xizhou and Chuanwang another chance. After [Invisible Rock], it was the [Sprinkling] in the third round.

At this point, Chen Xizhou's nail tactics were completed!

Charizard also completed the three-time [Dragon Dance] enhancement, successfully increasing the physical attack and speed by three levels each.

Chuanwang, who completed the tactics, performed [Circle] again and began to strengthen his defense.

This made Comrade Xiao Wang feel more and more threatened. When Charizard completed the fourth enhancement, it directly took Chuanwang away with a physical attack skill [Dragon Claw].

"Why don't you attack?"

Facing Comrade Xiao Wang's doubts, Chen Xizhou said lightly: "Chuanwang's fourth skill is [Quicksand Hell]."

Hearing the answer, Comrade Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief. He was too concerned. [Quicksand Hell] is a ground skill, which is indeed ineffective against Charizard with flying attributes.

So, why would Chen Xizhou send out the Sandshrike King who has mastered [Sprinkle], [Invisible Rock], [Circle], and [Quicksand Hell] when facing Charizard?

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