I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 191 Game and animation press conference

Elf Shop Main Store.

Media vehicles with logos were parked neatly in the parking space in front of the main store.

Reporters from various media outlets held press conferences in the morning and returned to the venue on the second floor of the main store after lunch.

There is also a press conference to be held here in the afternoon.

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Reporters armed with microphones, voice recorders and computers, as well as photographers carrying cameras, filed in and returned to their morning seats.

At this time, there were boxes of gifts on the table.

Although it is not as good as the gifts given to executives of various companies, it is still worth several hundred alliance coins. It is already a very good gift for these reporters and cameramen.

In addition to journalists, there are also a large number of game enthusiasts and diverse guests such as celebrities, bloggers, and game teams.

Doing so can make game and animation conferences more attractive and influential. It can not only increase the popularity and sales of games and animations, but also build a bridge between games and players, making games more popular.

Soon, the game and animation conference was officially held.

"Hey! Ahem!"

After Gu Nianxue adjusted the microphone, she went on stage to speak:

"Dear distinguished guests, dear game enthusiasts, and friends from the media, good afternoon. I stand here today. I am very honored to represent our Pokemon Company to bring you this game conference. I am the host. Gu Nianxue.โ€

Gu Nianxue is the koi winner in this promotional and forwarding event.

She is an employee of the publicity department of the Pokemon Company. She is a real beauty. Her height of 175cm is not far behind the model, not to mention the devil-shaped figure that is bulging forward and backward. She is recognized by the Pokemon Company as the No. 1 beauty. A beauty.

Even in the entire Elf Industry Group, it can rank among the top three.

She was chosen to be the host of the press conference this time to add a little gimmick to the press conference.

The large stage in the center of the staircase venue has been arranged into a real stage form. Together with the huge display screen at the back, it simulates the game and the place where the protagonist's dream begins in the animation - Changle Town.

"Now I would like to invite Mr. Qi Zhensheng, the general manager of our Elf Industry Group and the acting general manager of the Pokemon Company."

Qi Zhensheng took the microphone and re-entered the stage under the spotlight: "We have been meeting all morning, everyone should know me."

"Let's get straight to the point. Although our Pokemon Company has not been established for a long time, both games and animations have been developed and created by hundreds of professionals day and night, so players and audiences can rest assured in terms of quality."

At this time, Chen Xizhou and others quietly slipped in from the back door of the venue and sat in the last row.

The venue is very large, and it is not a problem to accommodate 3,000 people. Now when it is full, there are more than 1,000 people, and they are all seated in the front half, with only four people including Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong in the back.

Qi Zhensheng on the stage naturally noticed Chen Xizhou and others who came in. After nodding to them, he started the press conference.

Qi Zhensheng first played the MAD of "Pokemon: China" on the big screen. The ten-minute exciting content left the audience unsatisfied.

After the introduction about elf animation, he started to explain the elf game.

The content of the explanation mainly includes the conceptual form of the elf game, game features, as well as the gameplay and selling points of pvp.

"...Pocket Monsters has an adventure mode and a pvp mode. The two game modes do not conflict. The adventure mode allows players to experience the unique scenery of the elf world. The pvp mode not only allows players to have a deeper understanding of the elf world, but is also a brand new A social competitive game based on the current situation, we will also hold competitions in the future..."

In order to better reflect the excitement of pvp, Qi Zhensheng played another exciting battle on the big screen. It was the battle between Chen Xizhou and Comrade Xiao Wang in the morning.

Even the video of Comrade Xiao Wang throwing a mouse angrily was played three times in a row.

Comrade Xiao Wang, who had learned more about it in the morning, was originally drowsy. When he saw his battle video being played repeatedly, he immediately felt excited and wanted to jump up.

However, after seeing Chen Xizhou's half-smiling eyes, he curled his lips and sat down aggrievedly.

This scene was discovered by several media people sitting in the back and filmed on the spot. This is also good news, isn't it?

The Pokemon animation is expected to broadcast the first and second episodes at 8pm on July 1st, and the Pokemon game is expected to be open to public beta at 8am on July 2nd, and will be fully open for download on the PC side.

The profit model of elf games and elf animations is mainly based on paid downloads, elf peripherals and advertising cooperation.

After introducing the Pokemon Company, the upcoming animation and the upcoming open beta game, it was time for questions from the media.

"The following is the media question time. Media friends who want to ask questions are asked to raise their hands. The staff will hand the topic to you to ask. Each media friend can only ask one relevant question. Only 8 media friends can ask questions. Please also If you get the chance, think about your own problems.โ€

The host Gu Nianxue came out and said.

"Please ask this media friend from NetEase Pig News to ask questions."

Gu Nianxue looked at the enthusiastic media on the terrace seats, and then clicked on a reporter from an information company owned by NetEase Pig Group.

Although NetEase Pig Group is one of the top game companies in the China Alliance, the entire Pokemon Company is full of confidence at this time, and they don't care about any competitors.

With its own high-quality works, strong and abundant funds, and the support of the town alliance, are you still afraid of a NetEase Pig Group?

The goal of the Pokemon Company is to create the world's number one IP.

"Hello Qi Elf! I am Qi Weiping, a reporter from NetEase Pig News. You just said that Pokemon Company is a company that has just been registered for two or three months. So are the games and animations developed and produced by Pokemon itself? "

Qi Weiping, the female reporter who looked somewhat coquettish, asked a pointed question directly.

"I am very happy to answer this question from reporter Qi. I think this question is also what most media friends here want to ask. I will give you a detailed answer next."

"Whether it is this game or this animation, they are excellent works completed by Comrade Chen Xizhou, the mayor of Langqi Special Zone, who personally led a professional team to go through more than a year of day and night research and development and production."

Qi Zhensheng looked at Qi Weiping: "I don't know the answer. Is Qi Weiping satisfied?"

Qi Zhensheng moved Chen Xizhou out, which was agreed upon by everyone in advance.

Before the Alliance announced the Elf Zone, such an answer might make interested people question the mayor of the small town. But now that Chen Xizhou has become a leader under the direct jurisdiction of the Alliance headquarters, who dares to question it?

"Okay, my next question is for our reporter friends from Goose Factory Entertainment."

Seeing Qi Zhensheng finish answering the question, Gu Nianxue quickly motioned to the staff standing next to Qi Weiping holding a microphone to ask someone else.

Although this is the first time to host this kind of game conference, modern college students have read too many TV series and novels, and know that there will always be media reporters who do not follow the rules and are prone to asking questions multiple times.

Generally, these people are just looking for trouble.

"Hello, Manager Qi! This is Jiang Pingping, a reporter from Echang Entertainment. How many downloads do you think this paid Pokemon game of your company can achieve and how many players do you think it can attract?"

Why is the Pokemon game worth paying to download? How many downloads can be achieved? How many players can it attract?

One sentence contains many tricky questions, and Jiang Pingping is very good at it.

"Let me answer Reporter Jiang's question this way."

"First, our company's games and animations are all high-quality products. I didn't try to play or watch two episodes. I can only say that it is everyone's loss. Second, the purpose of establishing our company was promoted by the district mayor Chen Xizhou. , a company that is not for profit, so we donโ€™t have big requirements on the number of downloads and viewership.โ€

Qi Zhensheng cleared his throat and continued: "The third and most important point is that the Pokemon Company aims to promote the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and elves. The support of this concept is the mutual understanding between humans and elves. As this The indigenous people of the world, as well as humans at the top of the food chain, I think we need to take the initiative to understand this group of magical creatures.โ€

"So, let me be arrogant. If you don't download our elf games or watch our elf animations, it will be your loss."

Qi Zhensheng stressed: "You can say these words without missing a word."

"I would like to ask Manager Qi, does your company's use of elves as a gimmick comply with the elf decree issued by the alliance headquarters this morning?"

"Hello, Manager Qi, how does your company ensure that the elf knowledge in games and animations is consistent with reality?"


The game and animation press conference ended at almost five o'clock.

"Everyone, there will still be a bonfire party at Langqi Square in the evening, and many town elves will participate. If you are interested, we allow free participation."

Qi Zhensheng's words attracted everyone's attention.

Although elves have appeared in this world for a year and a half, most people can only learn about them from various channels and have never really come into contact with them.

Now that you have such an opportunity, you will naturally not miss it.

Six p.m.

Langqi Square and nearby streets were bustling with people and elves participating in the bonfire party.

This is an extremely rare scene for most people.

The bonfire was burning brightly, and the aroma of meat was refreshing. People gathered around the elves, either using chopsticks or forks, and immersed themselves in the enjoyment of delicious food.

The streets are lit up at night. The lights flicker and the streets become even brighter.

People dancing in the square sometimes jumped up, sometimes twisted their bodies, and sometimes laughed. The rhythm of the music perfectly matches the pace of the people, creating a wonderful atmosphere.

Not to be outdone, the elves danced their own dance, and some even stood together with people, holding hands and dancing a waltz of ten people.

The light in the windows flickered, and these people who did not like liveliness quietly watched the happy scenes on the street from the windows.

It was a perfect night. People and elves participated in this bonfire party together, forgetting all the unpleasant things and enjoying the passage of time.

Maybe humans and elves can really live together in harmony.

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