I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 190 Comrade Xiao Wang is trembling

This is a Monini!

[Monini! ]

[Monini: Mime Elf! ]

[Monini likes places where people gather and has the habit of imitating the movements of its opponents. ]

[Monini can imitate the expressions and movements of the opponents it sees, and try to understand all the emotions of the opponent. If the opponent is surprised by this, it will be very happy and even forget that it is imitating this thing unconsciously. ]


[It is said that the opponent being imitated will stare at it, and then he will quickly escape while the opponent is confused. ]

[Sometimes Monini will suddenly appear in a busy market, imitate human behavior like a toddler, and then observe people's reactions with great interest. ]

[Monini will also follow the dancing ice-stepping puppet like an apprentice, and imitate the dance steps of the ice-stepping puppet wholeheartedly and desperately. ]

Keywords of the entry: imitation

Chen Xizhou looked at the little elf who was making a fuss.

At this time, Monini crossed his arms and curled up to show a trembling look, which was exactly the same as Comrade Xiao Wang beside him.

The entry description expressed by the system was indeed correct. Didn't Monini start to imitate it?

Comrade Xiao Wang had no time to pay attention to this guy who was making fun of him. When he saw Chen Xizhou and others finally remembered him, he immediately showed a look of help, which was completely different from the image of the young director in the previous meeting.

Chen Xizhou waved his hand, and attribute: empty dispersed under the leadership of the silver companion war beast.

The strong sense of oppression disappeared instantly, which made Comrade Xiao Wang feel like he was reborn. He sat on the ground and gasped heavily.

Monini naturally made the same action with Comrade Xiao Wang.

"Come to my office?"


"Yes, office."

Chen Xizhou opened the back door with the key and walked straight into the town alliance building. Mao Rongrong and You Yun took back their elves and followed Chen Xizhou into the building.

Comrade Xiao Wang saw this and grabbed Monini and quickly followed.

When the three of them arrived at the mayor's office on the third floor, Qi Zhensheng, holding the contract in his hand, had been waiting for a long time.

"Brother Qi is fast enough."

"Whether we move fast or not depends on whether our project is good or not. A good project will come naturally."

Comrade Xiao Wang was stunned for a moment when he saw Qi Zhensheng.

Comrade Xiao Wang certainly knew that this guy was General Manager Qi who was in high spirits on the host platform just now, but the problem was that he didn't expect that the connection between Qi Zhensheng and the Langqi Town Alliance was so deep.

Does this mean that every step of the Elf Industry Group for so long has been led by the Langqi Town Alliance behind the scenes?

No, Langqi Town has been established as an Elf Special Zone by the Alliance Headquarters this morning.

Now it should be the Langqi City Alliance!

"Mayor, I'll put the contract here. Please take a look at it when you have time."

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Qi."

"It's my job. I still have a lot of things to do here, so I'll leave first."

After greeting a few people, Qi Zhensheng left in a hurry. He had a press conference to hold soon, and an animation and game press conference to be held in the afternoon.

Speaking of busy, Qi Zhensheng is the busiest today.

"Mr. Xiao Wang, please sit down."


Comrade Xiao Wang was flattered and immediately found a sofa and sat down.

This sitting made Comrade Xiao Wang enjoy the gaze of several pairs of eyes, among which there was a pair of eyes that looked down on him.

Can Comrade Xiao Wang, the national husband, tolerate such anger?

When seeing that these eyes came from an expressionless pink, Comrade Xiao Wang's mood that was originally about to get angry became sunny.

Life is still very beautiful, there is no need to make yourself uncomfortable.

"I heard..." Chen Xizhou looked at Comrade Xiao Wang, "Mr. Xiao Wang has an e-sports club and is a frequent visitor to major competitive game world competitions?"

"Oh, yes! That's right!"

Comrade Xiao Wang seemed to be still in fear of the battle just now, and was naturally at a disadvantage when facing Chen Xizhou.

"I wonder if you have heard of the Pokemon Company?"

"The Pokemon Company?"

"It is a company under the Pokemon Industry Group. The company has developed a fun game that can be played online, that is, online battles."

"District Chief, what do you mean?"

Chen Xizhou almost didn't react to the name Comrade Xiao Wang.

"Pocket Monsters: China Red is the name of this game. It is a role-playing game based on the world of elves, with the main plot of conquering elves. Players can travel around the game through characters, conquer their favorite elves, challenge gyms and alliances, and finally challenge the champion to win."

"In addition to the main plot, players can also freely match a standard team of six elves to play online with other players."

In Chen Xizhou's introduction, Comrade Xiao Wang gradually understood the general content of this "Pocket Monsters: China Red". He asked: "Can I try it first?"

"Main plot game or pvp?"

"Pvp." Comrade Xiao Wang explained: "Because according to the district chief, pvp is the final answer to this game."

"The final answer?"

Chen Xizhou nodded, and Comrade Xiao Wang's understanding was perfect.

"Well, have you chosen?"


"Then let's get started!"

"Okay, I will definitely beat the district chief's dog head!"

The six carefully selected fully equipped Pokémon seemed to give Comrade Xiao Wang great confidence. His smug look seemed to be swearing: I, Xiao Wang, will never be inferior to others in my life!

On a field covered with rocks and gravel, Chen Xizhou commanded a cute Happy Egg, and Comrade Xiao Wang commanded a Jolteon with fluttering hair.

"Jolteon, 100,000 volts!"

Although it was a computer game, it did not prevent Comrade Xiao Wang from using his hands and feet and commanding passionately.

Crackling sounds came from Jolteon's upright hair, and dazzling electric sparks formed an arrogant lightning snake rushing towards the opposite Happy Egg.

Happy Egg did not resist at all, and only lost a little blood after being hit by [100,000 Volts].

"What? Isn't this scraping?"

Comrade Xiao Wang looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He really couldn't understand it.

"The attacks of Pokémon are divided into special attacks and physical attacks, and defense is divided into special defense and physical defense. The Jolteon you command is a special attacker, while my Chansey is a special defender, and has a lot of HP."

Comrade Xiao Wang has been immersed in the game for many years. Chen Xizhou gave him a little guidance and he immediately understood the game's combat mechanism.

As Chen Xizhou said, in the game "Pokemon: China Red", Chansey's speed is worrying, but its special defense is at the top level among all Pokémon, and its HP is the highest.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Jolteon's special attack skill is scraping.

Chen Xizhou gave Chansey the command [Shrink].

Chesteon's two short hands quickly closed, and while his body was glowing with mysterious white light, he shrank his body in circles.

Comrade Xiao Wang was not to be outdone, and Jolteon continued to attack, using a move [Discharge] to make the electric light run wild, and the electric sparks spread violently around in the form of an electric field.

Chesteon still used [Shrink] without any pain.

"I just don't believe it!"

Comrade Xiao Wang continued to attack, this time letting Jolteon use the electric ultimate move [Thunder].

Amid Jolteon's screams, a violent and dazzling electric current rushed into the clouds like a lightning snake, and then the thunderclouds rolled, and a thick lightning column fell down and hit Happiny.

This time Happiny frowned slightly, and his health bar dropped a little bit.

But it doesn't matter, a skill [Egg] immediately filled up the health bar that was about to drop to half.

Comrade Xiao Wang continued to attack with perseverance!

When Jolteon used [Thunder] in the fifth round, Happiny had already stacked up his dodge through three [Shrink].


The thick lightning column continued to fall, but...

"What the hell? It can even hit you in the face!" Comrade Xiao Wang smashed the mouse in his hand on the spot.

Happiny, who disappeared from the field of vision, easily dodged Jolteon's [Thunder] attack and chose [Meditation] to continue strengthening.

Comrade Xiao Wang, who was desperate, could only command Jolteon to continue attacking, but nine out of ten attacks were in vain, and one time he scratched the skin, and the health bar of Happiny was not affected.

"How to fight this?"

"It's not over yet, it's my turn to attack next."

Comrade Xiao Wang, who was tortured to the point of despair, witnessed a real wave of health bar disappearance under Happiny's [Assisted Power].

Jolteon was defeated in one blow and lost his combat effectiveness directly.

So far, all four skills of Happiny have come out, namely [Shrink], [Egg], [Meditation] and [Assisted Power].

Chen Xizhou explained lightly: "The [Shrink] skill can improve the dodge of Pokémon in the game, and combined with Happiny's tankiness and endurance, as long as it is strengthened in place, it can easily defeat six people with one."

After that, the battle continued.

Gyarados, can't fight!

Kuma, can't fight!

Pidgeot, can't fight!

Charizard, can't fight!

Strength, can't fight!


A Happiny kills the whole team!

In order to make Comrade Xiao Wang understand more thoroughly, the kind-hearted Chen Xizhou demonstrated what it means to defeat six enemies at once.

Chen Xizhou did this not because of Comrade Xiao Wang's remarks before the battle that he would "smash the dog's head".

From the initial high spirits to the trembling when trapped; from the bold words before the battle to the dead heart after the battle; from being despised by the Dai Dai Wang to being ravaged by Chen Xizhou, Comrade Xiao Wang wanted to go home to find his mother.

Be a man, District Chief Chen...

You Yun, who was watching the battle on the side, looked at Comrade Xiao Wang with heartache, then looked at Chen Xizhou and asked: "Brother Mayor, is the battle in the game of reference value to the battle in reality?"

"It has a certain reference value, but it is not entirely correct."

Chen Xizhou explained: "For example, [Shrink] can also improve the elf's dodge ability in reality, but some large-scale attack skills such as [Earthquake] and [Surf] are still difficult to avoid."

Hearing this, Comrade Xiao Wang's eyes seemed to light up again...

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