I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 189 The ferocious and powerful brown bear

The final result was safe and sound, and Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong breathed a sigh of relief.

The Attribute: Kong that was knocked away stood up tremblingly, shook his dizzy head, and looked at the expressionless Silver Companion War Beast with some fear.

The Silver Companion War Beast snorted, and the Attribute: Kong lowered his head, no longer as irritable as before.

It seems that once the Pokémon given by the system is captured by others with Poké Balls, the special connection between oneself and the Pokémon will be cut off.


If it is an emotional Pokémon, it will still maintain a high degree of intimacy with itself, but if it is a cold-blooded Pokémon like Attribute: Kong, the intimacy will drop directly to zero.

Another point is that this group of guys who don't know what fear is are willing to believe in the powerful leader of the Silver Companion War Beast no matter what.

Even if they are captured by others, they will not be affected.

Although Chen Xizhou really wanted Mao Rongrong to give it a try and give the order to attack the Silver Companion War Beast, the elves were creatures with feelings after all, so it was better not to try this unless necessary.

"Then I will release this attribute: empty?" Mao Rongrong asked tentatively.

"Why release it?"

Chen Xizhou was amused: "Since you have subdued this attribute: empty, it is your elf."

"Besides, didn't you just collect data on attribute: empty? It's just right to study why attribute: empty is classified as an artificial elf."

Chen Xizhou looked at this attribute: empty with lingering fear.

He also had a reason that was inconvenient to say: he, Chen Xizhou, was not so generous as to keep an elf that had attacked him in the town elf group.

At the same time!


A huge circle bear suddenly appeared in front of the man, roaring and throwing a dazzling punch with white light at the man.

With a fierce roar and powerful force, the fist smashed into the man's side, creating a big hole in the ground.

The man was so scared that he wanted to retreat with the elf, but the circle bear was relentless and rushed towards the man.

The man was in a desperate situation, but the circle bear did not attack him immediately.

The circle bear raised its bear foot and stomped on the ground fiercely. Waves of shock waves came, causing the man and the elf to retreat continuously and fall to the ground.

"Help! This bear is crazy! Crazy! Help!"

The man was Comrade Xiao Wang who had followed him secretly. At this time, he ran to Chen Xizhou with his hands and feet, and looked at the brown bear that was nearly two meters tall not far away in horror.

It was the circle bear with the elf database serial number No. 0217.

[Circle Bear! 】

【Circle Bear: Hibernating Elf】

【Although the circle bear is large in size and good at climbing trees, it will eat and sleep on trees, but it usually only uses its front limbs to break the tree trunk and then eat the fallen fruit. 】

【The circle bear can distinguish any smell, even if the food is buried deep underground, it can find it without leaving any. Although it looks fearless, it will smile with joy when it licks its favorite honey. 】

【The circle bear will leave claw marks on the trees in its territory that can produce delicious fruit or fruits. Every day, it will walk in the forest to collect food. It is said that the forest is full of big trees and small rivers where the circle bear collects food. 】

【In the season shrouded in severe cold, the circle bear will wander in the mountains and fields to find the fruit it likes to eat. The anxiety caused by the empty stomach makes the circle bear extremely ferocious. 】

【The hair on the shoulders of female circle bears is longer. 】

Keywords of the entry: hibernation, greed

It's really burly!

Chen Xizhou winked at Mao Rongrong.

Mao Rongrong understood and sent out the Attribute: Kong that she had just subdued.

Attribute: Kong, who received the order, neighed and then kicked and rushed forward. It was no less than the Circle Bear in size, and even more powerful in momentum.

Seeing the opponent's provocation, the Circle Bear suddenly pounced on Attribute: Kong, roaring with a savage momentum. In just a moment, the Circle Bear and Attribute: Kong collided in the air, making a roaring sound.

Attribute: Kong's limbs were extremely thick and as hard as tree trunks. After the sharp claws of the Circle Bear touched Attribute: Kong's body, only a shallow mark was left.

[Cleave] did not have much effect.

At this time, Attribute: Kong took advantage of the situation to counterattack, and a deafening roar sounded. With its huge body, it stood up and stomped heavily on the broad shoulders of the Circle Bear twice, forcing it to the ground.

It's [Two-hit Combo]!

Circle Bear was not inferior, its brown fur was full of powerful aura, its claws and teeth intertwined, in the melee with Attribute: Kong, it fully released its violent nature.

However, in the confrontation with Attribute: Kong, Circle Bear gradually showed flaws.

Attribute: Kong easily dodged the attack of Circle Bear, suddenly leaped to the right, his body formed a beautiful arc in the air, and a silver-shining charge hit Circle Bear's face like a cannonball!

It's [Swallow Return]!

Circle Bear did not fall down, its claws were still dancing sharply, but as time passed, it could clearly feel the decline in physical strength.

On the contrary, Attribute: Kong, because of its stronger physical strength and endurance, gradually turned from being evenly matched at the beginning to a strong suppression.

When the Circular Bear was about to lose, it used its almost exhausted strength to launch a final counterattack, but was easily avoided by Attribute: Kong. In the end, it fell helplessly and could not stand up again.

Attribute: Kong looked at the opponent who had stopped struggling confidently, and roared at Mao Rongrong, as if announcing his victory.

"I failed just like that! I am unwilling to accept it!"

A young man ran to the Circular Bear in a hurry and stuffed fruit, honey and snacks into its mouth.

Who else could it be but You Yun?

"Congratulations, the baby bear has evolved into the Circular Bear."

Chen Xizhou and Mao Rongrong walked to You Yun together and gave him and the Circular Bear the most sincere blessings.

Mao Rongrong and You Yun were the first registered trainers in Langqi Town. Their trainer numbers were CFlq0000000006 and CFlq0000000007 respectively.

"So it's called Circle Bear now."

You Yun looked at the yellow circle on Circle Bear's abdomen, and it was indeed as its name suggested.

He patted Circle Bear's big head again: "It's a pity that it still can't beat Brother Mao, this little elf!"

"What does it matter? Attribute: Kong is born so strong, and your Circle Bear has grown so strong by itself. Not to mention more possibilities in the future, you should be a little proud of it, instead of being too ambitious."

Mao Rongrong directly preached to the boy.

"I know, thank you Brother Mao!"

Although You Yun didn't want to listen, he still listened carefully and expressed his gratitude. He knew that this was Mao Rongrong's way of expressing closeness. This big brother just liked to talk so much.

"Mayor, if it's convenient, please give me the information of the Pokémon of Kuznetsus."

Chen Xizhou immediately understood what You Yun wanted to do and asked, "Are you going to be a combat trainer?"

"There's nothing I can do about it."

You Yun spread his hands helplessly, saying, "Although my father has given me a lot of money to raise Kuznetsus, this guy just can't sit still and runs to the forest. He always fights with wild Pokémons and then steals other people's food and sneaks back."

Territory and food are undoubtedly the two most important things for wild Pokémons. What Kuznetsus did is tantamount to pulling teeth from a tiger's mouth.

Lone Pokémons generally have certain strengths, and group Pokémons have the advantage of numbers. Kuznetsus will have to go through a fierce battle before he can leave with food.

"Although he is often injured, he can gain something every time."

You Yun is still very satisfied with Kuznetsus's point.

Because this means that Kuznetsus will examine the degree of seizure and will not rush blindly. Although he is sometimes seriously injured, he has never lost a fight.

No, it should be except for the time just now.

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but look at the Circle Bear.

According to the entry, this guy's combat power is also increased when he is hungry, right?

No wonder the Circle Bear can successfully complete the evolution and is still quite strong. It seems that it has grown up in every fight and beating.

Chen Xizhou would naturally not refuse You Yun's request.

He opened the Pokémon panel of the Circle Bear:

Pokémon: Circle Bear

Gender: Male

Attribute: General

Feature: Perseverance (If it becomes abnormal, it will use perseverance and its attack will increase.)

Items: None

Skills: Grab, Stare, Lick, Desire, Fake Cry, Scratch, Tooth for Tooth, Sweet Scent, Split, Live in Harmony, Play

Taught Skill: Arm Hammer

Inherited Skill: Belly Drum, Self-Sacrifice Collision

Chen Xizhou handed the note recording the information of the Circle Bear Pokémon to You Yun and praised it: "A very good Circle Bear."

You Yun was very proud: "Speaking of which, what I am most satisfied with is that it can pick up things. It helped me pick up a Pokémon two days ago, but I don't know it. I want the mayor to help me take a look again."

As he said, You Yun took out the Poké Ball and wanted to release the Pokémon.

Because of You Zhen, You Yun was also one of the few people who could get the Poké Ball before the new product was released.

Chen Xizhou stopped his idea and turned to look at Comrade Xiao Wang who was trembling.

This guy should explain himself.

Comrade Xiao Wang was being guarded by the Silver Companion Beast and Attribute: Kong.

Attribute: Kong was suppressed by the Silver Companion Beast and dared not attack Comrade Xiao Wang, but the terrible momentum they released still put a lot of pressure on Comrade Xiao Wang.

Even if the opponent had a demon...

"Hey, wasn't it Xiao Guoran just now? Why did it change to a little elf?"

Chen Xizhou looked at Comrade Xiao Wang with some doubts, confirming that he was not mistaken. The one sitting on Comrade Xiao Wang's shoulder was indeed not Xiao Guoran, but another little elf.

This was a pink little elf.

There was a red bulge on its belly, a red clown nose on its face, and a blue clown hat on its head...

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