I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 188 Attributes: Sora's obedience

Mao Rongrong's goal is to become an elf doctor.

As an elf doctor, mastering the habits and temperament of elves is the most basic thing.

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Obviously, Mao Rongrong thought that he had not done a good job at this point, otherwise what just happened would not have happened.

Mao Rongrong did not embarrass Chen Xizhou.

He took the initiative to take over all the responsibilities for this conflict, thus giving an account to the bug elves, and also to the Attribute: Kong clan.

Mao Rongrong quickly found the first target.

The bug elves all listen to the leader of the Flying Mantis. As long as the leader of the Flying Mantis can be made happy, the grievances suffered by the bug elves in this conflict can be eliminated.

"Chief, thank you and the insect elves for your help just now."


The leader of the Flying Mantis waved his sharp arthropod scythe, signaling to Mao Rongrong that you are welcome and that it is trivial to act bravely.

"To express my gratitude to everyone, I will provide the insect elves with elf rations for the next month."

Seeing that the leader of the Flying Mantis wanted to refuse, Mao Rongrong quickly added: "As a rescued person, this is a thank you to the kind little insect elf. If you don't accept it, I will be very guilty."

What Mao Rongrong said is no exaggeration, because many insect elves were injured in the battle with Attribute: Kong.

In order for the leader of Flying Mantis to accept his thanks, Mao Rongrong called Meng Yongle on the spot and explained the situation to the other party and received a positive reply.

The relationship between Mao Rongrong and Meng Yongle is pretty good.

When Meng Yongle was developing elf rations, he asked the elf research institute for advice on nutrition and taste. The enthusiastic Mao Rongrong provided patient and professional guidance.

In order to achieve long-term cooperation with the Elf Research Institute, the Elf Ration Company will provide sufficient rations as sponsorship every month.

Meng Yongle knew that he and Mao Rongrong would have a lot of cooperation in the future, so he generously took the thank you to himself and was willing to provide the insect elves with free elf rations for a month.

When Mao Rongrong wanted to refuse, Meng Yongle hung up the phone directly.

Mao Rongrong, who could not refuse the kindness, naturally would not let the leader of the Flying Mantis refuse, and announced the matter in front of him to the insect elves.

The leader of Flying Mantis had no choice but to agree, but he still expressed his gratitude to Mao Rongrong with famous gestures.

Because in the eyes of the leader of Flying Mantis, what he and his tribe had just done was really not worthy of Mao Rongrong's big thank you gift.

Mao Rongrong saw a small gap in the arthropod sickle raised by the leader of the Flying Mantis: "Chief, I have a small gift to give you alone in two days."

As a repaying elf among the elves, the leader of Flying Mantis is also secretly calculating in his heart.

Although he and his tribe had contributed to the conflict just now, he would definitely be embarrassed if he really accepted Mao Rongrong's thanks, so he still had to think of a way to deal with it.

For example, a return gift or something?

Naturally, Mao Rongrong didn't know the little thoughts of the leader of the Flying Mantis. He was now having a headache on how to communicate with the attributes: Kong and Silver Beast.

"Actually, even if you apologize to them, it won't help." Chen Xizhou reminded.

Although he didn't want to dampen Mao Rongrong's enthusiasm in this area, it was better than watching the other party do useless work.

Seeing Mao Rongrong looking at him, Chen Xizhou explained: "These guys have a bad temper. They can tolerate everything from me, but they are dismissive of outsiders and are extremely aggressive, so I don't know what to do with them." ”

Attributes: Due to the power sealed by the control mask, the Kongs have become particularly irritable. It can be said that except Chen Xizhou, they don't listen to anyone and don't want to see anyone.

This situation will only improve when they break through the shackles, get rid of the control of the mask, and their senses become more acute.

Although the temperament of the silver companion beasts has become more wild, they will also be more emotionally rich and able to communicate with people or other elves normally, instead of being as "cold and heartless" as they are now.

Although this clan is powerful, judging from the geographical location of Langqi Town, there will not be anything like an elven invasion in the short term.

As for those attacks that may come from the ocean.

Although I don't know how Lin Yue and Zhang Qi are doing with the Laplace clan, they still have a Poseidon scepter in their hands, which is somewhat useful against the ocean elves.

After listening to Chen Xizhou's introduction, Mao Rongrong became even more curious about the elf with attribute: Kong.

"How do they break through the shackles?" Mao Rongrong looked at Chen Xizhou, "Is it strength? Props? Or something else?"

Chen Xizhou shook his head: "I don't have any clue about this right now."

The third upgrade to the system did not add too many functions, and it was not known when the next upgrade would be, so Chen Xizhou could only rely on himself regarding the elf's evolutionary chain.


Mao Rongrong asked: "If you order the attributes: Kong to listen to me directly, will they listen to your orders?"

"No." Chen Xizhou replied, "I have already tried it. This kind of order is logically wrong for them. As a paradox, they will not obey it."

"What if I use a Poké Ball to tame one?"

Chen Xizhou was enlightened and quickly asked Mao Rongrong to take out an elf ball and try it.


The Poké Ball was thrown by Mao Rongrong in a perfect parabola, landing accurately on the Attribute: Air that had just attacked him.

Because of Chen Xizhou's command, Attribute: Air entered the Poké Ball without any resistance.

With the sound of "beep, beep", the Poké Ball began to shake in place. After three seconds, the Poké Ball stopped shaking with a "beep" sound, and the red light automatically went out.

Successfully captured!

But now it is only half done, and the next step is the most important.

After picking up the Poké Ball, Mao Rongrong threw the Poké Ball again and released the Attribute: Air that he had captured.

Mao Rongrong noticed that the moment Attribute: Air came out, there was a little confusion in his eyes, but when he looked at himself, that trace of confusion returned to clarity.

"Can I touch you?"

Mao Rongrong slowly approached the Attribute: Air that had previously attacked him, and tried to reach out and touch Attribute: Air.


Except for snorting, Attribute: Air did not do anything to hurt Mao Rongrong.

This verified the two's previous speculation.

"Mayor, why don't you try it too?" Mao Rongrong suggested.

Chen Xizhou was a little confused, but he still carefully approached the Attribute: Air that Mao Rongrong had just subdued.


The disturbed Attribute: Air stood up and was about to kick Chen Xizhou.

Fortunately, the Silver Companion War Beast and the Slow King reacted in time. The Slow King moved in an instant to protect Chen Xizhou, and the Silver Companion War Beast hit the Attribute: Air and sent it flying...

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