I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 187 Conflict behind the Alliance Building

Qi Zhensheng finally picked out three real estate companies.

Among the ten planned cities, Wanda Real Estate Group was allocated to four cities, namely Kyoto, Magic City, Flower City, and Chang'an; MIXC Wanxiang Real Estate Group was allocated to three cities, namely Shancheng, Jinling, and Jiangcheng; and Plaza66 Real Estate Group was allocated to three cities, namely Pengcheng, Gangcheng, and Suzhou.

Overall, Wanda Real Estate Group got the biggest piece of cake, and the other two companies each got an Elf Special Zone, which was not a loss.

After Qi Zhensheng returned to the stage to announce the results, he said in a serious voice: "To all those who were not selected, the Elf Industry Group has prepared exquisite small gifts for everyone to express our apologies. Although they are not worth much, the gifts are small but the sentiments are heavy."

"General Manager Qi, our group's location in Jiangcheng is better than Wanxiang, why can't we win!" someone shouted in the venue.

"General Manager Nie, are you sure your location is better than ours? The location chosen by our Wanxiang Plaza is well connected and is also along the subway line. It is convenient to go anywhere, not to mention that there are so many high-end residential areas nearby." Another person counterattacked.

He is the person in charge of this investment promotion conference of MIXC Wanxiang Real Estate Group.

"Hmph, wait and see!" General Manager Nie said harshly.

Since the results of this investment promotion have come out, those who did not win the bid will naturally go back to their own homes and find their own mothers.

Although they did not get a share of the cake, at least they know that the next round of investment promotion will be held at this time next year, and each company can go back and make preparations early.

What's more, this time is not a waste.

No matter how many people come from each company, no matter what position, even if it is a driver, everyone can get a can of Moo Moo fresh milk, a bottle of Linlang perfume, a bottle of tree fruit honey and a bottle of tree fruit pollen.

These are the gift sets that Chen Xizhou and Qi Zhensheng discussed and gave.

Family is a warm haven in everyone's heart. If the family is not harmonious, even if you are rich and powerful, you will not be happy.

And these things in the gift set, Chen Xizhou thinks should help everyone enhance their relationship with their family, which is also the purpose of Chen Xizhou's sending these things.

The world is bustling for profit, and there will be opportunities to cooperate with everyone in the future. It will naturally be right to have a good relationship.

The three winning real estate companies naturally needed to stay to negotiate the details of the cooperation, and Qi Zhensheng also brought the heads of the three companies to his office.

"Everyone, please take a seat." Qi Zhensheng said.

At this time, his tone was calm and he looked very polite, which was completely different from the arrogant look just now.

"General Manager Qi is too polite!"

"General Manager Qi is young and promising, which really makes us ashamed."

"Hahahaha, General Manager Qi is so young that he can take charge of such a huge elf industry, which really puts a lot of pressure on us."

Since everyone has already divided the cake, it is natural to have some interpersonal communication.

"Thank you for the praise, seniors. As a junior, Zhensheng will need your support in the future." Qi Zhensheng cleverly brought the two sides closer.

While Qi Zhensheng was negotiating with the representatives of the three real estate companies, Chen Xizhou rushed to the back mountain of the town alliance building.

"What are you doing!"

At this time, a fierce battle was taking place here.

The three groups of insect elves led by Scythe are besieging the Attribute: Sky tribe. However, each of them is extremely brave and beats the three tribes with their own strength.

Even if the opponent is numerous and famous for its strength, they can only be crushed in front of the powerful Attribute: Sky. The ground is full of injured insect elves.

The leader of Scythe has fallen to the ground miserably, and the two leaders Heracross and Kairos are protecting it.

The tall and burly Silver Companion War Beast is the one who pressures the three leaders of the insect elves.

In Chen Xizhou's shout, the Silver Companion War Beast stood up and screamed, and the Attribute: Sky quickly retreated and lined up, and uniformly performed a knight's salute to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou first checked the injury of the Scythe leader, and then looked at the Silver Companion War Beast: "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Let me tell you."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Xizhou turned his head in confusion and found that it was Mao Rongrong who walked out of the woods with lingering fear under the protection of Daweili.

Mao Rongrong was holding one hand on his chest, and there was still blood at the corner of his mouth.

It looked like he was seriously injured.

"This is my fault." Mao Rongrong said a little embarrassedly.

Because of the withdrawal of the town and the establishment of the district, Langqi Research Institute had a rare day off. Including Mao Rongrong, all the people in the related departments rushed to Langqi Square to participate in the celebration here.

Mao Rongrong knew that there were newly captured insect elves here, so he deliberately turned around to establish a relationship and prepare for subsequent research.

As a result, Mao Rongrong discovered the silver companion war beast and attribute: Kong that he had never seen before.

He was happy to see the prey, so he naturally would not miss the opportunity to study the new elves, so he took the initiative to approach and wanted to collect some data on the new elves.

Unexpectedly, attribute: Kong had a very bad temper and kicked Mao Rongrong away directly without saying a word.

When he was about to attack, the Scyther leader took the initiative to take charge of the matter and started fighting with the Attribute: Air.

This fight directly triggered the clan war between the two sides.

Other Attribute: Air all joined in. When the bug elf saw this, he naturally did not allow his leader to be bullied. Before the other party formed a circle around the Scyther leader, he took the initiative to meet him.

So, there was the current scene.

After understanding the general course of events, Chen Xizhou didn't know what to say for a moment.

If it was Mao Rongrong's problem, she just wanted to collect some data. This behavior is normal in the current Langqi Town, and she was the first to attack without showing any threat.

If it was the problem of Attribute: Kong, these guys became particularly irritable because of the power of the mask seal. It can be said that except for Chen Xizhou, they don't listen to anyone and don't like anyone.

It's no wonder that Mao Rongrong was attacked when she approached them casually.

This was a misunderstanding.

The most wronged must be the severely injured Scyther leader and the bug elves.

The ferocity of the Silver Companion War Beast is definitely not comparable to the Attribute: Kong before evolution, and the gap in aggressiveness and attack is even greater.

It can be said that it was fortunate that it was not Mao Rongrong who was attacked by the Silver Companion War Beast, otherwise this weak and powerless Dr. Jin would probably die on the spot.

Elf: Silver Companion

Gender: Genderless

Attribute: General

Feature: AR system (depending on the storage disk you hold, your own attributes will change.)

Items: None

Skills: Seal, Multi-attribute Attack, Big Bang, Swallow Return, Horrible Face, Iron Head, Poisonous Fang, Flame Fang, Frozen Fang, Lightning Fang, Impact, Bite, Double Hit, Metal Sound, Tearing Grab, Air Blade, Triple Attack, Cross Scissors, Bite, Slam, Self-sacrifice Charge, Throw Down a Fierce Word

Taught Skills: None

Inherited Skills: None

Silver Companion is the elf with the most skills that Chen Xizhou has ever seen, and it is also the most powerful one in the town alliance so far.

Although he has not competed with other leaders, the warlike Scyther leader has challenged all the tribe leaders in the past few months.

In the case of wins and losses, no leader has ever been able to defeat it so easily.

Even the giant Venus Flycatcher cannot quickly take down the Scyther leader.

From this, we can infer the terrifying strength of Silver Companion.

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