I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 177: Conflict of status in the crew

Chengming's intervention made things go quite smoothly.

The other party was definitely not attracted by his status as the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Langqi Town, nor by his ability to spray water.

The most important thing in this society is personal connections.

In a certain sense, personal connections are more important than money.

Chengming's Cheng means Cheng No. 3 of the headquarters, which made Zhu Hua and Zhuoran agree to the various requirements put forward by Langqi Town without any hesitation.

Rongcheng TV and Byte Company acted quickly.

After making full preparations, the professional filming team officially settled in Langqi Town with a large number of relevant personnel and professional equipment.


Chengming hinted to the two responsible persons: "I hope the specific news will be announced in July. I think there will be a very good publicity effect by then."

Such a hint is obvious enough.

It is now early June, and there is less than a month left before the announcement of the Elf Special Zone.

The establishment of the Elf Special Zone has been widely circulated throughout the Huaxia Alliance. This is the Alliance Headquarters warming up for the Elf Special Zone first.

Although there is no final conclusion of the red-headed document, some smart people have found several cities that are most likely to be established as elf special zones through clues.

Among them, Kyoto, Magic City, Shancheng and Pengcheng are all within the scope of speculation.

In addition to these cities, there are also cities like Jinling, Sucheng, Xia City, Lanling, Chang'an and other cities with relatively good development.

Interestingly, Langqi Town has never appeared in people's speculation, but a large amount of capital influx is an indisputable fact.

This group of cunning guys talked about this and that, effectively diverting attention, while holding a lot of alliance coins, they rushed into Langqi Town frantically for various investments.

In such a place where everything is waiting to be rebuilt, the cost of investment is lower than other places.

"Sister, it should be here."

Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi walked into the preparation group of the variety show "Travel with the Trainer". The air here was filled with a festive atmosphere, and everyone was excited about the upcoming recording.

This pair of strange combinations attracted the attention of all the people in the preparation group.

Two girls, one holding a Pokémon in her arms, and another Pokémon beside her, she was obviously a wealthy trainer. The other girl didn't have a Pokémon by her side, but she had a heavy suitcase following her and was running forward by herself.

What's the matter? A suitcase is also a Pokémon these days, right?

Chengming and the other two were also in the group at this time.

Mu Zhiyun, who was kind-hearted, took the lead and introduced the two to the preparation group:

"This is Lin Yiyi, she is holding Togepi in her arms, and Riolu is following her. Togepi and Riolu are both very smart Pokémon."

"This is Lu Chenxi, her Pokémon is called Gengar."

Where is Gengar?

Everyone kept looking at Lu Chenxi and the surroundings, but they could not find the Pokémon called Gengar.

For Gengar, Mu Zhiyun simply introduced the name.

He knew that the other party was petty, and once he exposed Gengar, he would be madly targeted by it!

Mu Zhiyun didn't want to see a scary face with a slanted mouth and strange eyes on the wall of the toilet when he got up to pee in the middle of the night.

Don't doubt it, Geng Gui can really do this.

Seeing Mu Zhiyun bringing Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi, Cheng Ming introduced them to the person in charge and the director team around him: "These two girls are the amateur trainers designated by Langqi Town."

After greeting each other, Mu Zhiyun led Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi to various places and introduced them to the people in the preparation team.

Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi are both children from wealthy families. They are born with fine clothes and food. They are not short of money and don't want to be famous.

In addition to seeking novelty, the main reason for participating in this variety show this time is to stay in Langqi Town to work and develop secretly.

They are all free people who advocate romanticism.

The drastic changes in the new calendar have made the whole world different. If they want to go and see it, the first step is to train a few Pokémon with enough strength.

Cheng Ming briefly introduced the backgrounds of the two to the directors, which would make future cooperation smoother.

However, something unpleasant happened soon.

Wang Churan pointed at Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi in front of him and said with disdain: "These are the amateurs that the program team used for my partners, two southern little potatoes?"

Southern little potatoes was originally a nickname, but when Wang Churan said it, it was full of sarcasm.

As a new generation of traffic flower, Wang Churan's arrogance has become the norm.

Lin Yiyi looked at the other party with anger on her face, and when she was about to explode, she was pulled by Lu Chenxi, who was expressionless beside her.

Lu Chenxi looked at Wang Churan expressionlessly: "I think you should apologize to us."


Wang Churan was used to being arrogant and domineering. He pointed at Lu Chenxi directly, raised his head and rolled his eyes: "Who do you think you are? How dare you ask me to apologize?"

As soon as the aggressive words were finished, a black ghost-like thing jumped out from the extremely dark side, with endless fear in its eyes, and silently pounced on Wang Churan.

Wang Churan was frightened and took a few steps back. The arrogance and pride on her face were instantly emptied. She, who was once full of spirit, was now stunned.

She could almost feel the stagnation of her breath as the ghost rushed toward her.

On the first day she came to the crew, Wang Churan decided to use her own way to prove her success and superiority. However, this dark moment killed her pride in an instant.

"Okay, Gengar, come back."


After finishing the prank, the fat purple man returned to Lu Chenxi with satisfaction.

Geng Gui stared at Wang Churan with a sly face. If the other party was still a little unconvinced, it would not mind making the other party feel despair and fear again.

"Elves with trainers are not allowed to attack humans at will. Just wait!"

When Wang Churan's assistant saw Geng Gui's appearance, he suppressed his fear and forced himself to put down his harsh words, and then quickly left here with his little flowy flower who was already scared to pee.

She needed to get back to the RV and change her pants first.

Lin Yiyi was so amused by Gengar's prank that she couldn't help but give Gengar a thumbs up.

Gengar was very, very, very happy that his prank was recognized. He was even so happy that he rolled on the ground holding his stomach.

I don’t know why it is inexplicably excited.

The depressing atmosphere was relieved immediately. Although the prank just now was indeed scary, what Gengar showed to everyone at this time was the image of a funny big boy.

This made everyone no longer as afraid of Gengar as they were at the beginning.

Some brave staff members even took out their own snacks and gave them to Gengar.

As a qualified foodie elf, Gengar accepts everyone who comes, but he is also very generous and takes out a large amount of moo milk and delicious tree fruits from the alien space in his mouth to share with everyone. .

Although the output of Langqi Dairy's Moo Moo fresh milk is increasing day by day, it is still in short supply in the current market.

Even so, Lu Chenxi and Lin Yiyi were able to purchase enough Moo Moo Fresh Milk by virtue of their relationship with the tank leader.

Even if the milk factory has no inventory, the tank leader will use the skill [Drink Milk] on the spot to produce the freshest elf milk for the two of them at any time.

In exchange, the two would often teach the tank leader makeup and find some romantic dramas for it to learn how to please men.

The atmosphere at the scene was quite harmonious.

Mayor's office.

Chen Xizhou's desk is filled with all kinds of novel rations and snacks, which look extremely tempting.

These products come from the hard work of the R\u0026D department of Elf Ration Company over the past six months. They are all products that are suitable for the taste of elves and have sufficient nutrition.

"First, there are three types of basic elf rations, intermediate elf rations and high-level elf rations." Meng Yongle was introducing the products in his hand to Chen Xizhou.

His voice has a slightly shrill edge, a sign of the effects of lower testosterone levels on the length of his vocal cords.

Although he has lost the biological characteristics of a man, Meng Yongle does not have any inferiority complex, but works hard to show off his talents and achieve his goals.

For example, taking the evolved Bibi bird to take revenge on its enemy the toucan, or seeking justice from his eldest brother and father in person.

Facing Meng Yongle, who had some extreme ideas, Chen Xizhou not only did not try to stop him, but even supported him very much.

Can the ninth generation still take revenge? Although it lasts for a hundred generations.

Meng Yongle picked up a bag of elementary elf rations from the table, opened it, tasted one for himself, and then gave it to Bibi Bird, who was leaning his head.

It's different from the greedy little Kirbymon.

Bibi Bird's behavior is not just eating, but an endorsement of Meng Yongle and his products. Even his own elves are eating my products, so everyone can buy them with confidence.

"Give me a few too."

Chen Xizhou looked at Bibi Niao standing on Meng Yongle's shoulder.

【Bibi Bird! 】

[Bibi Bird: Bird Elf]

[The Bibi bird will fly in the air to patrol its vast territory. If anyone dares to invade its territory, it will peck it hard and punish it mercilessly with its claws. 】

[Bibi birds have superior physical strength and a wide flying range. They often fly to very far places in search of food. 】

[The bird's eyesight is quite good, and it can clearly observe every move of its prey no matter how high it is. 】

[The functions of Bibi Bird's claws are well developed, making it difficult for prey to escape and immobilize it. It can grab prey that is not very large and can bring it back even if it is 100 kilometers away from home. 】

Entry keywords: territory, physical strength, vision, strength

If the pre-evolved Bobo can still be described as gentle, then the evolved Bibi already has signs of ferocity.

Chen Xizhou clearly remembered that there was a Bi Diao with the serial number No. 0017 behind the Bi Bi Bird in the elf database, presumably it was the final evolved form of its family.

Bi Diao should be a raptor elf...

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