I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 176 Laplace Conquest Plan

Lapras is a gentle elf.

Even the male Lapras has a better temper than the gentry.

Chief Laplace was a gentry among gentry. The way he expressed his friendship to Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi was to take out two pearls from under his back shell and give them to them as gifts.

It knows that humans will like this small stone that exudes a beautiful silver glow.

Although he was very keen on the Laplace clan, Chen Xizhou did not immediately try to persuade the Laplace clan to join Langqi Town.

Chen Xizhou understands that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. For this kind of elf who is naturally friendly to humans, he can easily win it by slowly conquering it.

Being too anxious can be counterproductive.

In return for accepting the gift from leader Laplace, Chen Xizhou invited the Laplace clan to attend a banquet specially prepared for them at Longgu Beach in the south of Langqi Island three days later.


Chief Laplace refused at first.

For Leader Laplace, the pearls he just gave away were just his thoughts, and there was no need to trouble humans to go to such trouble to organize a banquet to entertain the tribesmen.

This will make Chief Laplace feel embarrassed.

After some pushback, Leader Laplace couldn't stand Chen Xizhou's active invitation, and with the strong assists of Lin Yue and Octopus, he finally reluctantly agreed to Chen Xizhou's invitation.

After sending Chen Xizhou and others to the entrance of the Yanou River, Chief Laplace bid farewell to the enthusiastic humans and led his tribe to the depths of the sea to look for food.

"Mayor, do you want to attack these Laplaces?"

Watching the Laplaces gradually retreating, Lin Yue's question suddenly arose.

Chen Xizhou was not surprised that Lin Yue discovered his intention. Anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

He replied: "It is indeed the case. The Laplace family is very suitable for the future development of Langqi Town in terms of character, strength and functionality."

"Mayor, I actually have a way to conquer the Laplace clan."

"Oh? Tell me!"

Chen Xizhou was very interested in the method mentioned by Lin Yue. It would save trouble if it was really feasible.

"This Laplace tribe has a belief..."

Before Lin Yue could finish speaking, Zhang Qi suddenly interrupted: "Is Director Lin talking about the Poseidon elf?"

"Brother Zhang also knows?"

Facing Lin Yue's question, Zhang Qi nodded as an answer.

Currently, only the mayor and his family know about the ruins. Without any instructions from Chen Xizhou, they cannot be disclosed casually.

"As people of the sea, the Laplace family has been looking forward to the return of the Poseidon. If we are willing to build an altar to the Poseidon for them, I think they will be very willing to join Langqi Town."

"The people of the sea are elves?"

"Inaccurate, the people of the sea are the collective name for humans and elves who believe in the sea god."


Lin Yue and Zhang Qi started talking, while Chen Xizhou listened silently.

As for the octopus…

He's not that interested in this kind of stuff.

Now he just wants to complete his coastal beach tourism project featuring sea elves as soon as possible.

After making money from this project, he will take his good friend Lin Yue and go on a casual ocean adventure together, becoming the man who is the king of ocean adventure.

Good gay friends walk together for life!

As he thought about it, Octopus couldn't help but glance at Lin Yue, that affectionate look full of a different kind of friendship.

Such an action made Lin Yue want to cut off his robe on the spot!

But if you think about it carefully, cutting off the robe does not necessarily mean cutting off one's righteousness, but it can also mean the habit of cutting off one's sleeves?

Lin Yue put down his sleeves in disgust.

God damn Emperor Ai of Han!

Damn Dong Xian!

"Director Lin, please leave the sewage treatment plant alone for now."

Before Lin Yue could be happy, Chen Xizhou said again: "Next, you and Zhang Qi will be responsible for the construction of the Poseidon Altar, and the location will be in Yinshawan."

Lin Yue originally thought that he was finally freed, but he didn't expect to be pulled into another big pit by Chen Xizhou again.

But then I thought about it. By building the Poseidon Altar and establishing a good relationship with the unknown Poseidon and the Laplace family, my future ocean adventures might be smoother.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue agreed on the spot.

As for Zhang Qi on the other side...

He would never miss the opportunity to learn about the legendary elves.

All the information Lin Yue had about the Poseidon elf came from the Laplace family.

This means that the Laplace family has more legends about the Poseidon elves. I believe that in the process of building the Poseidon altar, I can learn more about the Poseidon elves from the Laplace family.


Zhang Qi suddenly realized that the so-called Poseidon elf was not the elf on the mural who could create tsunamis and flood the city by flapping his wings?

If this is the case, is it still necessary to build the Poseidon Altar?

Zhang Qi followed Chen Xizhou back to the mayor's office with a lot of worries. Only when no one else was present did he tell Chen Xizhou his suspicions and concerns.

Chen Xizhou had long noticed Zhang Qi's strangeness.

Now that he has said it himself, he feels a lot more relieved.

"I won't answer this question now." Chen Xizhou did not answer directly. "My suggestion is that you can stay in Langqi Town for a while. I think you will find the answer here."

If you stay, you will definitely stay.

Whether it is the continued exploration of the Poseidon ruins or the construction of the Poseidon altar, he wants to be involved.

Perhaps, the answer can really be found in Langqi Town...


Mayor's office.

Chen Xizhou is meeting with two guests.

The middle-aged man wearing an administrative jacket on the left is called Zhu Hua, the person in charge of Rongcheng TV Station, and the young man in a suit and leather shoes on the right is called Zhuo Ran, the person in charge of Byte Company.

Zhu Hua and Zhuo Ran came to Langqi Town this time for a project with an investment of up to 100 million alliance coins.

Rongcheng TV and Byte Company are preparing a variety show about the harmonious life between humans and elves. They need to rent the venue and elves in Langqi Town.

Let’s talk about what topics are the hottest in society right now.

It must be the elf.

If a variety show could be filmed about the harmonious life of humans and elves, the traffic it would attract would be absolutely immeasurable.

What's more, the central idea of ​​this variety show is definitely political correctness.

Therefore, both Rongcheng TV Station and Byte Company attach great importance to this variety show that is being prepared.

The reason why we found Langqi Town is that it is currently the place with the most elves in the alliance, the safest place, and the most likely place to negotiate cooperation. Coupled with the picturesque scenery and beautiful scenery, it is definitely the most suitable place for filming this variety show.

Since Langqi Town currently does not have a suitable docking department, all arrangements for the town's elves need to be approved by the town mayor, so the two could only find Chen Xizhou.

After the two parties had a preliminary exchange of opinions, You Qin took the two managers to the Ji Hotel to rest, while Chen Xizhou stayed in the office to wait for others.

"Mayor, are you looking for us?"

There was a knock on the office door, and Cheng Ming brought Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao to the mayor's office.

"come in."

Chen Xizhou recounted what had just happened to the three of them.

As the Minister of Culture and Tourism of Langqi Town, this kind of opportunity to promote Langqi Town naturally requires Cheng Ming to handle it and check it.

In the past few months, Chengming took his Squirtle to almost all accessible places on Langqi Island. While seeing the local customs and customs of Langqi Island, he also made certain plans and plans for the tourism industry of Langqi Town. arrange.

If anyone in Langqi Town is the most qualified to answer questions about variety show shooting, it is definitely Cheng Ming.

As for Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao, after filming the short video of "Centero Taxi's Island Travel", they already have the most experience in cooperating with elves in the entire Chinese Alliance.

Kentero's bad temper gave the two a lot of filming experience.

As for why the three of them were called, it was because Chen Xizhou also wanted to invest in this variety show. To be more precise, he invested in this variety show in the name of Langqi Town.

This will help promote the concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and elves, promote Langqi Town's urban image and tourism, and promote the development of Langqi Town's cultural industry.

"I have three requests."

Chen Xizhou looked at the three people and continued: "First point, Langqi Town will not invest a penny in this project; second point, Langqi Town needs to have some say in the director team; third point, there must be one person in the variety show An amateur trainer from Langqi Town.”

Chen Xizhou's requirements were all based on certain considerations.

First, the first point.

The various advantages currently possessed by Langqi Town are enough to make it the best place to film this variety show. There is no need for the town alliance to invest any more money.

Followed by the second point.

Langqi Town has enough experience to deal with problems caused by elves during the filming process. It emphasizes that this part of the power is to help the program team make better responses if these problems are involved during the filming process.

Finally, the third point.

Chen Xizhou hopes to launch a trainer belonging to Langqi Town as the label of Langqi Town.

He already has a suitable candidate in mind.

"Then, I leave this matter to you."

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "Mr. Cheng, all the final profits from this variety show will be at the disposal of the Cultural Tourism Bureau, so you must be careful about this matter."

Chengming excitedly issued a military order.

"As for you two..."

Chen Xizhou looked at Mu Zhiyun and Mu Xiaoyao: "The person in charge of Byte Company came to discuss this variety show in person. I don't think I need to say more about the next thing, right?"

Chen Xizhou had no intention of keeping Mu and Mu tied to Langqi Town.

They are currently still sophomores temporarily interning in Langqi Town. Now they have this opportunity to come into contact with Internet giants, which will be of great benefit to their future development.

Of course, according to Chen Xizhou's idea, the two of them would be more successful if they stayed in Langqi Town.

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