I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 178 Facing Meng Investment Company

Meng Yongle began to introduce the elf rations to Chen Xizhou.

The elf rations currently developed by the company are divided into three levels and three flavors.

According to the level classification, the elf rations can be divided into primary elf rations, intermediate elf rations and advanced elf rations.

The difference between them lies in the proportion of tree fruits added in the raw materials.

Tree fruits have many functions.

They can be eaten directly, used as food raw materials, ground into powder as medicine raw materials, used for printing and dyeing, and can also be used to make fertilizers.

The higher the proportion of tree fruits added to the elf rations, the better the satiety effect, and the higher the level, the more expensive the price.

The level classification is mainly based on the thickness of the trainer's wallet.

Different levels of elf rations have different effects on elves, depending on the financial resources of the trainer.

Meng Yongle introduced: "Above the advanced elf rations, we have also envisioned the possibility of super and special elf rations, but that requires more functional fruit, so it is currently only in theory."

Elf rations can also be divided according to taste.

Different elves like different food flavors, and the development of multiple flavors is to meet the taste buds of most elves.

Meng Yongle said: "At present, the R\u0026D department is still developing more flavors of Pokémon rations. In the future, we plan to set up a company specializing in customized Pokémon rations to meet the needs of trainers and Pokémon with special needs."

Chen Xizhou picked up a seafood-flavored ration and tried it. It was rich in flavor and tasted like a combination of dried tofu and dried fish. It can be said to be very good.

"You try it too."

Chen Xizhou tried it on Slowpoke and got its praise.

Slowpoke is a very straightforward Pokémon. It always says what it thinks. Since it said that this Pokémon ration is not bad, it must be not bad.

"According to the original plan, the relevant press conference will be held on July 1st."

"In short, you must take good care of this matter."

"Don't worry, I will."

"By the way, there is one more thing." Chen Xizhou looked at Meng Yongle, "He has arrived and is now downstairs."

"I know."

"I will create opportunities for you, and you can grasp the rest yourself."

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "Do you remember our previous agreement? First, you cannot do anything illegal or it will be difficult for me to do it; second, you must not damage the reputation of the Elf Industry Group."

"I know, thank you, Mayor."

"It doesn't matter."

"I'll go first."


After Meng Yongle quietly packed up the products on the table, he walked to the window and opened the glass window.

The Pidgeot flew out.

Meng Yongle held the cardboard box in his left hand and pulled the pink claws of the Pidgeot with his right hand. After getting ready, he gave the Pidgeot a whistle.


The Pidgeot flapped its huge wings vigorously and took Meng Yongle out of the window effortlessly.

Seeing the other party land safely, Chen Xizhou smiled and closed the window, and then returned to his busy work.

Not only Chen Xizhou and Meng Yongle, hundreds of people in the town alliance are working hard for the upcoming major event.

There is a saying that there is no smoke without fire.

Although many news are groundless, it does not hinder the enthusiasm of the cadres.

Because Langqi Town has enough potential to go further, they will naturally be able to rise with the tide and get promoted and make money.

A reception room on the second floor of the town alliance building.

As the young director of Meng's Investment Company, Meng Yonghuan paced in the reception room.

At this time, Meng Yonghuan was very annoyed. He had made several appointments to meet with the mayor of Langqi, but each time he was rejected by the mayor's secretary for various reasons, basically because the mayor was out and couldn't find anyone.

But Meng Yonghuan didn't believe it at all.

Would the mayor of a poor and backward town really have so many things to do?

The mayor must be free!

So he went to the fruit plantation, but didn't see the mayor himself. He tried every means to block him at the Langqi breeding farm, but was told that the mayor had not been there for a while, so he had to go back to the town alliance building again.

During this period, Meng Yonghuan was repeatedly asked by his father about the progress of the investment negotiations. In addition to the reply that there was no progress, there was no other news to reply.

The key is that he has not even seen the mayor yet.

Under the continuous urging of his father, Meng Yonghuan felt very anxious.

"Secretary You, just give me a quick answer. When can I see Mayor Chen? I have run no less than five times during this period, but I haven't seen him yet."

Meng Yonghuan's tone couldn't help but become a little heavier: "To be honest, it's not so troublesome for me to meet Rongcheng Mayor Wu Xingguo."

Since solving that confidant, Meng Yonghuan has always maintained a steady and noble persona.

Not to mention, nothing has happened to worry him for so long.

As the young director of Meng's Investment Company, he was always approached by others to flatter him and try to attract investment.

Things change.

Now it's his turn to act like a grandson, begging for help. It would be a lie to say he wasn't angry.

But the nobleman persona he had maintained for many years prevented him from getting angry.

This was even in the alliance organization, when the other party was still the mayor's secretary. If he changed to another place or another identity, he, Mr. Meng, would make the other party pay the price for his rampant behavior.

You Qin still kept a smile after hearing this, but he said helplessly: "Dr. Meng, this matter is really not within my scope of authority. The mayor is really busy these days, and it is difficult for me to arrange time for him to meet with you. , so I’m really sorry.”

"Speaking of which, isn't it your mayor who is hiding from me?" Meng Yonghuan was slightly suspicious, "Even if you don't give me face from someone else, you should give me face for the 3 billion alliance coins in my hand, right?"

Meng Yonghuan directly showed his trump card.

If Langqi Town can't even look down on 3 billion alliance coins, then Montessori Investment and Mr. Meng will really have to find another way out.

You Qin continued to smile: "Dr. Meng, you are too worried. But I will tell Mayor Chen about this as soon as possible, and I will call you to inform you of the specific arrangements later."

During this period, Chen Xizhou has been visited by various capital giants to discuss investment or other cooperation matters.

The way he treated Meng Yonghuan was indeed intentional.

If Meng Yongle hadn't happened, Chen Xizhou would of course warmly welcome Meng Yonghuan and his 3 billion alliance coins into Langqi Town.

But since he agreed to Meng Yongle's revenge, now he not only wants to take the investment, but also helps his younger brother Meng Yongle in the dirty work of the Meng brothers.

You Qin appeared in the mayor's office and told Chen Xizhou the trump cards revealed by Meng Yonghuan.

All I can say is, it's time.

Chen Xizhou immediately said that he would meet Meng Yonghuan the next day.

After You Qin left, Chen Xizhou looked at King Dadai who was sitting on the sofa reading a book: "Dadai, do you think I did this right?"

Daidaiwang knew that Chen Xizhou was not asking himself whether he was right, but seeking his own affirmation of this approach, so it gave Chen Xizhou an affirmation.

Of course, everything Xiao Xizhou wants to do is right...

You Qin didn't find time until the afternoon to call Meng Yonghuan and agreed to meet him at 9:30 the next morning.

"Very good!"

After so many days of waiting, Meng Yonghuan finally heard the good news.

The next day.

Town League Hospitality Room.

Chen Xizhou looked at the successful man in his thirties before him.

His face was a little pale and haggard, but the gold-rimmed glasses made him look very shrewd, and his sinister eyes were also very uncomfortable.

"Hello, Mayor Chen! It's really harder to meet you than to meet the mayor. You must be very busy." Meng Yonghuan looked a little proud, "I am the vice chairman of Montessori Investment Company Meng Yonghuan, nice to meet you.”

Sure enough, 3 billion funds are still very attractive.

Although Meng Yonghuan's attitude changed a little, he could still distinguish the priorities. He half-bent, stretched out his hands to shake hands with Chen Xizhou.

"Haha, Dong Meng's perseverance these days is really admirable. It must be very hard. I wonder if you have taken the time to see the scenery of our Langqi Town and taste the delicious food of our Langqi Town."

While shaking hands, Chen Xizhou secretly hit back at Meng Yonghuan with words.

This guy doesn't really think that an investment of 3 billion alliance coins can impress Langqi Town and himself, right?

"Mayor Chen, please be honest, I am very optimistic about the development of Langqi Town, but there are still many shortcomings, such as infrastructure construction, population and labor force, low productivity, etc."

"Our Montessori Investment Company is also a well-known investment company not only in the China Alliance, but also in the International Alliance. We have many successful investment cases. If Langqi Town is willing to carry out comprehensive and in-depth cooperation with us, I believe we can definitely make it happen. Langqi Town occupies a leading position in the development of the new era! ”

Meng Yonghuan went straight to the point and briefly introduced the various advantages and past of Montessori investment.

These are all things that can be traced and can be found at any time. They are not deceptive. Meng Yongqian did this to increase his initiative in negotiations.

Chen Xizhou just smiled after hearing this.

If Meng Yonghuan had an elven group in his hands at this time instead of 3 billion alliance coins, he would only think that Meng Yonghuan was a little arrogant.

What can allow Langqi Town to occupy a leading position in the development of the new era is other than elf industry, or more elf industry. There is no other option.

What's more, will the alliance institutions really be short of 3 billion alliance coins?

Chen Xizhou could already see that the guy in front of him was short-sighted and eager for quick success without realizing it.

"It seems that Director Meng has done some research on our Langqi Town. I wonder how Mr. Meng wants to cooperate?"

In order to give Meng Yongle a chance to take revenge, Chen Xizhou resisted the urge to refuse and listened to how Meng Yonghuan planned to impress him. He could also learn from it and increase his future negotiation experience.

"Mayor Chen, we want to invest in part of the elf industry."

"As a professional in this field, I think if we, Montessori Investment, directly manage it, it would be no problem to make the annual income of these elf industries reach tens of billions. I want to invest 3 billion to finance Langqi Dairy Industry, as long as 51% of the shares shouldn’t be too much, right?”

"Of course, if Langqi Town needs it, we can spend an additional 1 billion to purchase some town elves."


Not to mention Chen Xizhou, even You Qin, who was in charge of recording, was speechless.

To You Qin's surprise, Chen Xizhou did not refuse immediately. He said to Meng Yonghuan: "Langqi Dairy is impossible, but we recently have an elf ration project that still lacks funds. If Meng is interested, we can Make an investment.”

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow..."

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