I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 175: Conquering Doron Messiah

Dragon-type Pokémon are rare solitary Pokémon.

Except for living in families, they rarely live with their tribesmen and are very sensitive to the smell of other dragon-type Pokémon.

This is why Land Shark discovered Doron Messiah before Slowking and Caterpie.

The appearance of Doron Messiah verified Zhang Qi's previous guess: there must be another tomb that has not been discovered outside this tomb.

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"No, I must find it!"

Zhang Qi began to test the mechanism more seriously, trying to open the stone door leading to another tomb.

Having a certain range can make things easier.

In just over ten minutes, Zhang Qi found a very hidden mechanism on the curtain wall, and opened the stone door that was integrated with the curtain wall with a light push.

This tomb is deep and dark, filled with a strong stench and dampness, which makes people shudder. There are several hollow stone pillars extending around, and the walls are covered with dark moss, which makes it look even more gloomy and terrifying.

Walking to one side of the tomb, the bones of several dragon-shaped creatures are placed, which is creepy.

In the corner, there is a small young dragon floating there, as if staring at something. Its eyes are shining, and its face is full of ignorance. It doesn't look scary at all.

This is a mysterious place full of weird atmosphere. Desolation and death are the main themes here, but there is no lack of hope and rebirth as accompaniment, giving people a feeling of living towards death.

Zhang Qi glanced at Chen Xizhou, and Chen Xizhou gave him an encouraging look.

Since he has obtained the scepter of the sea god from the previous tomb, he will naturally not fight for another elf.

This is the pattern.

Zhang Qi took out the delicious roasted dried fish from his backpack and began to gradually approach the dragon Messiah. Every time he approached, he threw a piece of roasted dried fish to the dragon Messiah, and waved to the other party to try it.

Smelling the aroma of roasted dried fish, Duolong Messiah had no defense at all and enjoyed the delicious food carelessly.

This scene broke the heart of the round land shark that was left there.

These are all my dried fish!

Fortunately, the slow king was quick-witted and released his superpowers to trap the round land shark in place and unable to move.

Otherwise, once the round land shark came forward to disrupt the situation and disturbed Duolong Messiah, Zhang Qi's capture operation would probably fail.

Zhang Qi certainly saw the behavior of the round land shark.

After he slightly turned his head to show a grateful look to Chen Xizhou and the slow king, he began to concentrate his attention and tried his best to approach this Duolong Messiah.

Not only physically close, but also emotionally close.

The delicious roasted dried fish made Duolong Messiah experience what a delicious food is, and Zhang Qi's touch made it feel the warmth and comfort it had never had before, all of which made the dragon unable to stop.

Duolong Messiah, who had not received the teachings of his elders, soon fell.

"Then..." Zhang Qi felt the cool and smooth skin of Duolong Messiah, "Little Duolong, are you willing to see the beautiful scenery of this world with me?"

Facing Zhang Qi's warm eyes, Duolong Messiah agreed.

It was not until Duolong Messiah appeared above Zhang Qi's head that the King of Dai Dai released the restrictions on the round land shark.

The round land shark was fearless and greeted the King of Dai Dai fiercely, then rushed straight towards Zhang Qi, its target was Duolong Messiah above Zhang Qi's head.

Duolong Messiah looked at the bloody mouth getting closer and closer to him, and glided away from his sight.

The original target of attack disappeared!

The round land shark looked at the unusually round head in front of it awkwardly, and found that he could not dodge in time.

Forget it, destroy Zhang Qi!


Zhang Qi took out the medicine and gauze from his small bag, applied the medicine and bandaged himself very skillfully, so skilled that Chen Xizhou and the King of Dai Dai felt distressed.

It can be seen that this guy is often bitten by the round land shark.

The Dragon Messiah reappeared, this time landing on Zhang Qi's left shoulder, symmetrical with the Round Land Shark on his right shoulder.

20.5kg Round Land Shark and 2kg Dragon Messiah, Chen Xizhou actually wanted to remind Zhang Qi that it was easy to have uneven shoulders!

"Mayor, there seems to be a waterway leading to the outside world here!"

Zhang Qi made another new discovery. Under the leadership of Dragon Messiah, he came to the back of the dragon-shaped creature's skeleton. In addition to the tooth-shaped dragon bones scattered on the ground, there was also a pool of water.

The pool exuded a dampness, and the azure blue water exuded an attractive light, illuminating everything in the pool.

Chen Xizhou's attention was attracted by the tooth-shaped dragon bones, because these tooth-shaped dragon bones were identified by the system as an attribute enhancement item called Dragon's Tooth.

[Dragon's Tooth: The dragon attribute skill power of the elf carrying this item is increased by 20%. ]

After all, these three dragon teeth are the relics of Dragon Messiah. Chen Xizhou thought about it and introduced the dragon's teeth to Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi is also a straightforward person.

He consulted with Doron Messiah, left Doron Messiah one dragon tooth, and gave the remaining two dragon teeth to Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou knew that Zhang Qi's two elves were both dragon attributes, and immediately said that if Zhang Qi needed them in the future, he could come to the Town Alliance to find him.

So far, the two have divided up all the good things they have found in the Sea God's Tomb, except for the soothing bell still hanging in the air of the main tomb.

His eyes returned to the pool.

"Let's go down and take a look?"

Zhang Qi found that there seemed to be an inexplicable light coming from the bottom of the pool. His natural curiosity made him want to explore it. He began to induce Chen Xizhou and Dai Dai Wang to go together.

With the powerful Dai Dai Wang escorting him, everything would go smoothly.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

Under the protection of Dai Dai Wang, Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi followed the water flow and reached the light in just two minutes, a cave that was more spacious than the tomb.

After landing, the two walked forward along the dark river.

In just half an hour, the two walked out of the cave and saw a vast sea. Small waves were rippling on the blue water, and fine sand was gently caressing the water.

An undeveloped bay?

The water in the bay is clear and the sand is white, and the sea and sky are clear. Microwaves gently pat the fine sand, accompanied by the breeze, like caressing the face of youth, bringing endless comfort.

It's Yinsha Bay!

Chen Xizhou recognized the undeveloped bay at the exit of the cave.

Unexpectedly, the other exit of the Sea God's Tomb is in the Silver Sand Bay in the western part of Langqi Island.

Speaking of which, shouldn't there be a group of Lapras living here?

Chen Xizhou remembered that he had exchanged the news of the Dragon Bone Beach with the octopus for the place where the Lapras appeared, which was this Silver Sand Bay.


A loud and light sound suddenly came from the distant sea.

Chen Xizhou looked in the direction of the sound, and a group of elves shaped like plesiosaurs were slowly approaching in the azure sea.

"Dragon-shaped elves?"

"Although these elves called Lapras look like plesiosaurs, they do not have dragon attributes."

"Is that so..."

Zhang Qi pointed to the sea and shouted in surprise: "Mayor, look at the group of Lapras, are there two people on them!"

Chen Xizhou looked in the direction of Zhang Qi's finger, and it was his own idle sewage treatment plant director Comrade Lin Yue and his good friend Mr. Octopus!

They really have a very close relationship with the Lapras.

Lin Yue and the octopus seemed to have also discovered the two people on the beach, and drove their respective Lapras away from the group and headed for the shore.

"One of us."

Seeing this, Chen Xizhou took Zhang Qi to meet him.

There is no place in life where we don't meet each other!

Lin Yue didn't expect that he would be able to see Chen Xizhou in Yinsha Bay when he was busy. He was caught as a bag, and he couldn't help but smile awkwardly when facing his own mayor.




Chen Xizhou introduced Zhang Qi to the two of them.

After the few people greeted each other, Lin Yue asked curiously: "Mayor, how did you get to Yinsha Bay?"

Yinsha Bay is a tidal bay. When the tide is high, the road will be submerged by sea water and cannot be passed. Only when the tide is low can you reach the silver beach of Yinsha Bay.

Now is the high tide. Except for taking a boat or riding a fairy, it is impossible to get here.

As for the other way...

Lin Yue glanced at the cliffs behind him that were dozens of meters high and directly passed this possibility.

Seeing that Chen Xizhou had no intention of answering, Lin Yue tactfully did not ask any more questions.

The best way to ease the embarrassment was to quickly change the subject.

Seeing that the Laplaces were preparing to dock and rest not far away, Lin Yue's eyes lit up and he said to Chen Xizhou: "Mayor, come with me, I will introduce you..."

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