I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 174 The Elves from the Shadows

After reading the murals on the left tomb wall, Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi came to the murals on the right.

The mural on the right also depicts a bird-shaped elf.

Unlike the war between the bird-shaped elves and humans recorded on the left mural, the mural on the right records more like the coexistence of the bird-shaped elves and humans.

After browsing all the murals on the right, Zhang Qi sorted them out in his mind: "Although I don't know if it's right, I still want to talk about what I interpreted from the murals."

While writing and drawing in his little notebook, Zhang Qi told his imaginary story:

"In a certain city, humans built two tall towers on the east and west sides. I guess these two towers were built for the friendship between humans and elves.

The tower on the east side is used to wake up the elves, while the tower on the west side makes the elves sleep. The bird-shaped elves live in the tower on the east side, which may be called Ling. The top of the high tower of the Dang Tower.

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But one day, a lightning bolt hit the tower on the west side, and the tower instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. The fire burned for three days and three nights. Finally, a heavy rain put out the flames, but at this time, there was not much left of the tower.

Three unknown elves were burned to death in the fire, and bird-shaped elves fell from the sky and resurrected them. "

Although Zhang Qi was dry-mouthed, he still resisted the urge to drink water and looked at Chen Xizhou with burning eyes.

Chen Xizhou certainly understood Zhang Qi's thoughts. He smiled and praised: "It's a wonderful story, and I feel it is very consistent with what the mural wants to express. "

This is by no means perfunctory.

Chen Xizhou felt that even if he came by himself, the story he made up should not be as appropriate as Zhang Qi's.

"Keep going forward."

This tomb is not the final tomb, because there is another stone door that can be opened.

Unlike the previous passage, this time after opening the stone door, there is a stone staircase leading to the underground.

Under the protection of Slow King and Caterpie, Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi went down all the way and continued to observe the tomb walls on both sides of the stone stairs, trying to explore more clues.

Chen Xizhou and his party walked down the dim and boring stone stairs for about half an hour, and finally saw another tomb.

"This should be the deepest."

Zhang Qi compared the precision instrument in his hand and finally concluded: "According to the display on the locator, our current location should be about 500 meters deep."

Although it is only 500 meters, it is indeed not so easy to walk along the winding road.

Still pushing open the stone door of the tomb without resistance, a salty and humid breath suddenly hits the face.

It's the breath of the sea!

In the center of the tomb, there is a circular stone platform made of three-color evolution stones, and two items are placed on the stone platform.

A scroll and a scepter?

Chen Xizhou detected the two items on the stone platform with ease. The scroll was not an elf item, but the scepter was an elf item called the Seagod Scepter.

[Seagod Scepter! ]

[Seagod Scepter: The Seagod Scepter held by the Sea Warrior can increase the intimacy with the sea elves. ]

Am I really the protagonist?

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but sigh. Who would have thought that before entering the tomb, he was still considering the possibility of developing the surrounding islands. After entering the tomb, there was a Seagod Scepter that could solve the problem.

With this Seagod Scepter, I believe that the development opportunities of the islands around Langqi Island will be very smooth.

As for the scroll...

Chen Xizhou couldn't understand the text on it, so he could only ask King Daidai to help translate it.

According to King Daidai, this scroll was a feathered letter to summon the people of the sea. The main content of the feathered letter was to let the people of the sea rebuild the Seagod altar and the Seagod statue and worship the Seagod again.

Zhang Qi asked curiously: "Is this sea dweller a human or an elf?"

After asking, Zhang Qi realized that he had asked a very stupid question, because only humans can rebuild altars and statues. Although elves are powerful, they do not have such skills.

In addition to the Sea God's Scepter and Feather, the most valuable thing in this tomb is the three-color evolution stone.

The three-color evolution stone is not an evolution stone of three colors, but a stone pillar with green leaf stone, red fire stone and blue water stone piled together.

What should we do next?

After Zhang Qi and Chen Xizhou looked at each other, they immediately reacted: "Mayor, according to regulations, the scepter and scroll should be handed over to the alliance. You should put these things away first, and please allow me to study this place slowly."

Although Zhang Qi is young, he is very clear about many things.

Whether these things finally belong to Chen Xizhou personally, to Langqi Town, or to the alliance headquarters, it has nothing to do with him, Zhang Qi, as long as he can continue to study here.

Chen Xizhou nodded.


A crisp bell sound suddenly rang from above, which frightened the defenseless Chen Xizhou and Zhang Qi!

Before the two could react, Zhang Qi's round land shark jumped up, opened its mouth larger than its body, and spit a violent dragon breath at a certain tomb wall.


Zhang Qi was so angry that he wanted to kill the round land shark.

"Huh, fortunately, fortunately."

After seeing that the mural attacked by the dragon breath was intact, Zhang Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Land Shark didn't understand what his trainer meant, and tilted his big head to look at Zhang Qi. With its big eyes and innocent face, it was hard to blame it.

"Is there some kind of creature? Or some kind of Pokémon?"

Zhang Qi couldn't bear to look at Land Shark's eyes, so he could only change the subject and answer: "Although I don't know what it is, there should be another tomb besides this one."

His eyes fell on the transparent bell hanging on his head.

This is something that no one, including Slowking, has discovered.

[Calming Bell! ]

[Calming Bell: A bell with a pleasant tone. Pokémon carrying it will be soothed and become close to the trainer. ]

Another Pokémon item?

No, it should be many Pokémon items.

Chen Xizhou raised his head and counted carefully, a total of 36 transparent bells.

"Xiao Qi, is there anything special about this bell in the tomb?"

"Generally speaking, the bells in the tomb are used to summon souls. As for the bells here..." Zhang Qi frowned and replied, "To be honest, I don't know."

"Or, are there corpses in other tombs?"

Zhang Qi began to knock on the surrounding walls, as if looking for something.

Seeing Zhang Qi's actions, Chen Xizhou's eyes widened. He felt like he was in a new world.

Chen Xizhou couldn't help asking, "Aren't you from an archaeological family and an archaeology major? How come you are still exploring tombs now? Are you also a part-time tomb robber?"


Zhang Qi opened his mouth and was unable to refute.

Why are most of the archaeological relics discovered from tombs?

That's because the ground relics have basically been destroyed after historical changes or wars, and the unearthed relics such as tombs are well protected because of the ancients' tomb site selection, some dynasties' advocacy of lavish burials, and the large number of buried relics, plus legislative protection.

This is why most of the cultural relics are discovered from tombs.

Therefore, it is normal for people who study archaeology to know a little about grave digging.

After Zhang Qi's very detailed explanation, Chen Xizhou nodded awkwardly and said that he had a very deep understanding of the archaeological profession and would not have such misunderstandings in the future.

Zhang Qi was very very very satisfied to see that Chen Xizhou finally understood his profession, but he had wasted more than 20 minutes, so he should hurry up.

After a while, Zhang Qi finally stopped at a certain position.

"If I am right, this should be a stone door, and behind the stone door will be the next tomb. As for how to open it, I need some time to study."

Just as Zhang Qi and Chen Xizhou were discussing, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of Zhang Qi's shadow.

Finally revealed the true face of Mount Lu!

This is a little elf that looks like a dragon.

It has a wide and flat head, two prominent eyes, a sharp mouth, and a relatively narrow body.

[Dragon Messiah! 】

【Dronesia: Sorrowful Pokémon】

【Dronesia once lived in the ancient sea. After being reborn as a ghost Pokémon, it will wander around its former residence. 】

【In the evening, Dragonesia will quickly swim around the sea in groups, poking the Pokémon in the water to play with them. It will bite the shrimp Pokémon even though it does not eat them. It is said that this is its activity habit left over from its life. 】

【Although it is so weak that it cannot even defeat a child alone, it will cooperate with its partners to train together and become stronger through evolution. 】

Keywords: cooperation, ghost dragon, quasi-god, full of potential

Another quasi-god Pokémon with great potential!

Chen Xizhou quickly opened the elf panel of Duolong Messiah:

Elf: Duolong Messiah

Gender: Male

Attribute: Dragon, Ghost

Feature: Penetration (can penetrate the opponent's barrier or stand to attack.)

Item: Soothing Bell

Skills: Bite, Lightning Flash, Fright, Endless Entanglement

Teaching Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Dragon Tail, Surprise Attack

After looking back at Zhang Qi curiously, Duolong Messiah plunged into the tomb wall and disappeared.

"It's a dragon-like elf!" Zhang Qi looked quite excited.

Zhang Qi has the idea of ​​encountering all kinds of elves, and has always aimed to pursue those dragon-like elves. What he wants to find most is the owner of the largest dragon-like elf figure on the mural of Cuishan Ruins.

Now that he has met another dragon-like elf, he feels that he is one step closer to his goal.

"No, I must find it!"

Zhang Qi has already felt Duolong Messiah's curiosity about him from his eyes.

There is a popular saying in the love world: women's fall begins with curiosity about men.

Drawing analogies and putting himself in other's shoes, Zhang Qi concluded that the elf's fall must also have started with curiosity about humans...

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