I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 166 The leader who failed in a single challenge

Just when Chen Xizhou was puzzled, Slow King gave his own explanation.

A burnt branch was picked up by Slow King with his superpowers, and then a drop of water was created and dripped on the burnt branch.


The high temperature on the surface of the burnt branch caused the water to vaporize immediately.

Chen Xizhou took a breath of cold air when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the burnt branch would have such a high temperature.

Could it be that all these burnt branches are elf props?

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar →𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥

Chen Xizhou opened the system to check:

[Burnt tree heart! ]

[Burnt tree heart: A tree heart with signs of life, maybe it can evolve into a certain elf in the future? ]

It is the same kind of elf prop as the lava heart.

If the lava heart can breed the Dolann, what kind of elf can the burnt tree heart breed?

What is certain is that the scorched tree heart can only breed ordinary elves.

Chen Xizhou looked at the steel behemoth on the stone platform of the magma pool again: "Sidolan, how should we breed these scorched branches?"

Sidolan, who closed his eyes, did not answer.

Chen Xizhou did not ask any more questions, because that would be boring.

"There are a lot of these scorched branches. Let's go back first and send Dalubi to clean them up later."

Chen Xizhou roughly counted the scattered scorched branches on the ground, looked at Sidolan again, rode on the aho-haired Houndoom, and returned along the way he came.


A low voice sounded behind him, it was Sidolan's voice.

Chen Xizhou knew that this should be Sidolan reminding him how to breed these scorched branches.

After turning around and saying "thank you" to Sidolan, Chen Xizhou and the elves began to return to the first floor of the volcanic cave.

The first floor was not calm at this time.

Brother Houndoom was confronting another group of elves with Dalubi.

Although they are not afraid of the other party in terms of strength, the current Dalubi clan is the elves of Langqi Town, and its brother Hrouga is also an official elf in the alliance system. How can they easily take action?

Of course, this is not the main reason.

The main reason is that the leader of the group of elves on the opposite side is a beautiful flaxen beauty dog.

Its hair is as smooth as silk, its body shape is elegant, and its cold eyes are shining with wisdom, which looks very charming.

Spring is just right!

Brother Hrouga feels that he is in love.

When Chen Xizhou and others returned to the first floor of the volcanic cave, the Dalubi group had already become one with the other party.

Brother Hrouga even took the fresh beef he secretly hid and showed great courtesy to the flaxen beauty dog ​​on the opposite side.

However, the other party seemed to ignore Brother Hrouga.

When seeing this scene, Chen Xizhou and his party even wondered if they had gone the wrong way.

The one who rejected Brother Hrouga was a large dog-like elf. Although its appearance had changed a lot, it was obviously evolved from a Caterpie.

The Caterpie that was shared food by the Dalubi around also confirmed this.

Like a lion, it has fluffy flaxen hair covering its face, black and orange stripes on its body like a tiger, and flaxen hair around its feet, which makes it look quite graceful.

Graceful is used to describe a girl who is both beautiful and cool. Why can Chen Xizhou judge that the other party is a girl?

Anyone who sees the pig-like look of Brother Houndaro can't think that the other party is a boy, right?

[Windspeed Dog! ]

[Windspeed Dog: Legendary Pokémon]

[Windspeed Dog is a majestic Pokémon in ancient Eastern legends. It is said that it once fought side by side with a certain general and governed the country a long time ago. ]

[Although there are many legends and it is called a legendary Pokémon, the number of times it has been discovered is unexpectedly high. ]

[Windspeed Dog's majestic bark is full of majesty. No matter who hears it, they will kneel down involuntarily. 】

【The gorgeous mane of the Windy Dog has fascinated countless people. Countless people have been attracted by its light running posture. Since ancient times, it has been a beautiful elf that has captured the hearts of many people. 】

【The Windy Dog can use the blazing flames in its body as energy to run across the earth, and can run as lightly as flying. It is said that it is a fast elf that can run a distance of 10,000 kilometers day and night. 】

Keywords of the entry: legend, majesty, speed

After reading the introduction of the Windy Dog, Chen Xizhou was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that the Windy Dog would be classified as a legendary elf.

However, the legendary classification of the Windy Dog should be different from the legendary classification of the Bud Crown King and the Sidoran. This can be seen from the entry introduction.

The evolution of the Caterpunk into the Windy Dog requires the Fire Stone.

This should be the reason why humans rarely saw the Windy Dog in the ancient times of another world.

Until later, when the Fire Stone was discovered in large quantities, the number of times the Windy Dog was discovered increased, and it became less rare than before, but the legend of the Windy Dog was still passed down from generation to generation.

Chen Xizhou felt that he might have guessed why the Windy Dog was classified as a legendary Pokémon.

Of course, this is not important.

The graceful Windy Dog leader immediately noticed Chen Xizhou and his party.

To be more precise, the Windy Dog leader noticed the Aho-Horge carrying Chen Xizhou and the Caterpie.

After seeing that Growlithe was in good health, the leader of the Windy Dogs turned his attention to the Aho-Horega, who also had the aura of a leader, and there was a fighting spirit in his eyes.

This area turned out to be the territory of the Growlithe clan.

The leader of the Windy Dogs was not a stingy Pokémon, and he was willing to accept the other party.

But facing this group of outsiders, the leader of the Windy Dogs felt that even if he was willing to accept them, both parties must go through a leader single challenge and establish a good superior-subordinate relationship before they could accept them.

This is the survival rule of the wild Pokémon clan.

Everything is based on fighting.


"Awoo, Awoo--"

The fighting spirit of the leader of the Windy Dogs came to him, and the Aho-Horega, as the leader, also howled at him.

For this kind of scene, Chen Xizhou, who was not surprised, did not stop it.

His eyes kept switching back and forth between the two prepared parties and his own Growlithe.

Chen Xizhou really wanted to know what kind of mood his Growlithe felt after seeing the future evolution.

The battle between the two sides started soon.

The leader of the Arcanine did not give the other party any chance to strengthen. He directly approached Aloof Hound quickly with a speed that was hard to detect with the naked eye, forcing it to engage in close combat.

The teeth flashing with cold light and sharp claws collided with each other.

Although Aloof Hound has a larger body than the leader of the Arcanine, it is not as strong and fast as the leader of the Arcanine.

Not only that, as a new leader of the tribe, Aloof Hound has not participated in many battles since joining Langqi Town, which makes its combat experience and combat skills not advantageous.

Chen Xizhou once studied these two dog-type Pokémons.

Although both Growlithe and Dalube are fire-type Pokémons, the Growlithe tribe is good at physical attacks, while the Dalube tribe is good at special attacks.

The leader of the Arcanine has fully utilized his advantages.

Fortunately, Aloof Hound has the [Fire] characteristic, which makes the most powerful fire-type skills of the leader of the Arcanine impossible to use.

Although the opponent's [Intimidation] characteristic reduced its attack power by one level, it was harmless to the Ahoge Hound, which was not good at physical attack. Its special attack was improved by the two fire skills of the Arcanine leader.

Even so, Ahoge Hound was still at a disadvantage.

Although Chen Xizhou wanted to intervene and command Ahoge Hound, he also knew that it was best not to say a word to such a leader's single challenge.

Hound brother was also entangled with Chen Xizhou.

As the acting leader of the Dalubi tribe, it certainly hoped that its leader could win this single challenge.

But as Hound brother himself, it still hoped that the Arcanine leader could win, because this would not only prove that his vision was very good, but also teach his arrogant sister a lesson.

The battle has entered a white-hot stage.

Ahoge Hound began to gather golden energy in a low roar, and crackling electric currents lingered between its canine teeth. It began to accelerate towards the Arcanine leader.

Hoarfrost rushed forward very resolutely, because it knew that the opponent would definitely not dodge.

The fact was just as Hoarfrost expected.

As proud as Hoarfrost, the leader of the Arcanines chose to face the enemy head-on. After a long howl, it began to accumulate power, and the black energy instantly formed a mimic wolf kiss with fangs wide open.

From the comparison of the two skills alone, we can see the difference in the proficiency of the two canine Pokémons.

In the blink of an eye, the two skills [Lightning Fang] and [Crush] collided together, and Hoarfrost only lasted for a moment before being blown away.

However, before being blown away, Hoarfrost sprayed a dirty purple mist from its mouth.

It was gambling, and it won.

Although [Muddy Mist] did not cause much damage to the leader of the Arcanines, the additional effect made the leader of the Arcanines successfully fall into a poisoned state.

The leader of the Arcanines did not expect that the opponent was so stubborn and wanted to drag him down before being defeated.

Of course, this was also related to the fact that the leader of the Arcanines did not try his best.


The aloof Hound fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of gray dust.

When the dust cleared, the aloof Hound had already lost its fighting power.

The Hound brother quit on the spot.

Although it liked the other party and hoped that its sister would be beaten, it was still very uncomfortable when its sister was really defeated.

The Hound brother did not challenge the other party immediately.

It ran to its sister and took out an orange fruit from somewhere on its body to feed its sister.

The leader of the wind speed dogs then looked at the Hound brother in front of him, who was a circle larger than the aloof Hound. He had to admit that although its previous performance was very wretched, its overall image was very good.

It's a good gene!

When the leader of the wind speed dogs was looking at the Hound brother, Chen Xizhou was also looking at the leader of the wind speed dogs and its tribesmen.

It's really a pain in the ass to find it!

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