I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 165 The Elf in the Deep of the Volcano

Langqi Island has undergone tremendous changes during the New Calendar Upheaval.

In addition to the island area increasing from 92 square kilometers to 2,341 square kilometers, there are many new terrain environments on the island that were not there before.

For example, the volcano that Chen Xizhou and Dai Mao Dai Lu Bi arrived at this time.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up, the volcano that appeared after the New Calendar stands on the land of Langqi Island, giving people a sense of grandeur and majesty.

The crater roars and spews high-temperature gas, but no magma will flow out.

"Go up and take a look."

Chen Xizhou rides on his brother Houndoom, who has the best endurance, and follows the elves to move up the mountain.

Although Dai Mao Houndoom fell in love with this place at first sight, they still need to confirm again whether the environment here is suitable for the Dai Lu Bi clan to live.

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Walking to the mountainside, a cave with red light appeared.

"Volcano cave?"

Stepping into the volcano cave, the dim light and sultry air hit you in the face, making you feel a little uncomfortable.

In the cave, the veins on the rock wall are mottled, as if they are masterpieces of natural art.

Going deeper, one after another magma pools lie quietly underground. The flames burning in the magma pools have become the most eye-catching embellishment in this space. The heat that is about to burst out has set off waves of heat, which makes people shudder.

Although he was just watching, Chen Xizhou still felt the fragility of life and the power of nature.

Unlike the depression that Chen Xizhou and Slow King felt in the cave, Caterpie and Dalubi felt extremely comfortable and comfortable in the boiling magma pools.

The environment here is very suitable for fire-type Pokémon to live.


The unexplained howl of Hogwarts immediately alerted Chen Xizhou and other Pokémons.

A figure seemed to flash past a magma pool.

Could it be a Pokémon?

Scientists have been exploring a question: Is there life in magma?

Although there are answers from creatures such as tardigrades and basalt lancetails, there is no real evidence to prove the existence of magma life.

Can Pokémon live in magma?

Chen Xizhou is not sure.

Although Growlithe and Daluby are also afraid of magma, it does not mean that all fire-type Pokémons are afraid of these molten rock materials. At least a black shadow flashed past a magma pool just now.

At this time, the Pokémons seemed to have discovered something again.

Growlithe led Chen Xizhou around a corner of the rock wall and came to two forks.

One up and one down?

This volcano does not seem to be as simple as he imagined.

"Dai Dai, which way do you choose?"

Chen Xizhou looked at the King Dai Dai beside him. When he couldn't make up his mind, he could get the answer by asking it.

Even the wise King Dai Dai was a little hesitant at this time.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, Dai Dai looked at the fork pointing downward.

"This is it, let's go!"

Because he was going to explore an unknown area, Chen Xizhou only brought his two elves and the Daimao Houndoom used as a mount.

Houndoom brother was very happy to see Chen Xizhou and his sister off.

Finally, it can play the role of the leader of the tribe again!


At this time, Daimao Houndoom, who had already walked into the fork in the road, had a dark face after hearing the excited long howl of his brother.

We'll deal with it when we come back!

This fork in the road with an overall downward trend is quite spacious, but there is some hot magma flowing out of the cracks in the rocks on the road, and the elves need to pay attention to the road conditions at all times.

Although carrying one person, Daimao Houndoom's speed is not slow at all.

Caterpie followed closely behind to protect Chen Xizhou, and Slow King used his superpowers to keep an eye on the surroundings.

There were many caves of different sizes along the way. There were no living creatures in the caves, but there were some shiny things that looked like ore, but they should not be fire stones.

Chen Xizhou secretly memorized these caves and would develop these ores after all of them were processed.

Slow King knew Chen Xizhou.

It quickly blasted a piece of ore from a cave and held it in its arms, then used teleportation to catch up with the fast-moving Slow-Haired Houndoom.

It helped Xiao Xizhou deal with another thing, so happy.

When Slow-Haired Houndoom stopped, the temporary team had been traveling for more than half an hour, the same time as it took to get from the foot of the mountain to the volcanic cave on the mountainside.

There was only one reason for the stop: the temporary team encountered a magma pool again, and also encountered a wild Pokémon.

The atmosphere around the magma pool was hot, and the smell of lava filled the entire space.

The huge magma pool was like a symbol of destructive power, and people dared not approach it rashly. In the middle of the pool was a huge stone platform, on which stood a tall and mighty elf.

The elf's head seemed to be covered with a metal mask, with brown and orange spots on its reddish-brown body, and a structure similar to a metal anklet on its legs.

What a steel behemoth!

Chen Xizhou quickly recalled the elf database and found that there was no information about this elf.

When the King saw Chen Xizhou's eyes, he immediately understood what he meant. After a brainstorm, he shook his head and answered Chen Xizhou. This elf with terrible strength was indeed not a well-known elf in the elf database.

Chen Xizhou's eyes fell on the stone platform again.

Could this steel giant beast be a legendary Pokémon in the serial number "???" like the Bud Crown King?

Have I seen a living legendary Pokémon?

[Sidolan! ]

[Sidolan: Crater Pokémon (Legendary Pokémon)]

[Legend has it that Sidolan was born from the boiling lava inside a volcano, and its body made of molten steel is full of unsolved mysteries. ]

[It lives in the caves of the volcano, and it will crawl around by hooking the walls and the top of the cave with its cross-shaped claws. ]

[Blood boiling like lava flows in its body. Although it has a hard steel body, it is also melting bit by bit due to the high temperature it emits. ]

Keywords: God of Volcano, Steel, Lava

This existence called Sidolan is indeed a legendary Pokémon!

At this time, Sidolan on the stone platform was looking coldly at the group of outsiders who suddenly broke in, and a fiery red energy was surrounding it and the stone platform.

There are many charred tree trunks standing or falling around the stone platform. This is because the heat of the pool has caused extremely high temperatures, making all nearby trees unable to resist the power of the lava.

These trees are very similar to the Chinese hackberry trees that grow around this volcano.

This is a shocking place. All the scenes are full of danger and mystery, and people dare not approach rashly.

This scene is a bit too fantasy for Chen Xizhou, a human.

He took the opportunity to open Xiduolan's elf panel:

Elf: Xiduolan

Gender: ? ? ?

Attributes: Fire, Steel

Features: Flame Body (sometimes it will burn the opponent who touches it.)

Items: Lava Heart

Skills: Glare, Flame Vortex, Metal Claws, Primal Power, Flame Fangs, Horrible Face, Iron Head, Crushing, Smoke Spray, Metal Sound, Power of the Earth, Stone Attack, Hot Wind, Lava Storm

Taught Skills: Accumulated Flame Attack, Cannon Light Cannon, High Temperature Pressure, Hard Pressure, Hot Sand Earth, Overheating, Iron Hoof Optical Fiber

Inherited Skills: None

[Lava Heart: A rock heart with signs of life, maybe it can evolve into a legendary existence in the future? ]

The system's introduction to this elf item made Chen Xizhou stunned for a moment.

Does this mean that this lava heart may give birth to another Xiduolan in the future?

As if it felt that it was being spied on, the fiery red energy surrounding Xiduolan began to become violent.

Chen Xizhou had no doubt that if he dared to take the next step, Xiduolan would command these violent energies that had turned into real flames to rush towards him.

I just don't know if the [Fire-Inducing] characteristic of the Daimao Houndoom can help him resist the damage of the flames.

Of course, Chen Xizhou would not be stupid enough to provoke Xiduolan for a test.

Facing Xiduolan's orange-red eyes that were emitting coldness, Chen Xizhou organized his words slightly and said: "Hello, Xiduolan, I am Chen Xizhou, the mayor of this island town of humans. I am sorry for rashly intruding into your territory."

Seeing that the other party still looked cold, Chen Xizhou planned to leave with the elves.

A low roar came from behind.

Chen Xizhou turned his head and saw Xiduolan standing and controlling the flames to wrap up the charred tree trunks standing or falling on the stone platform, and then sweep them out of the magma pool.

When Xiduolan stood up to control the flames, Chen Xizhou saw an irregular fiery red stone under it.

I think that should be the heart of lava.

"Human, take these garbage away."

In Chen Xizhou's shocked eyes, Xi Duolan continued to speak: "I allow your fire elves to live in this volcano, but I don't allow anyone and elves to enter here at will."

Xi Duolan immediately felt the presence of a large number of Dalubi at the entrance above.

Having lived for endless years, Xi Duolan knew the other party's intention very well. It used conditions to exchange humans and Dalubi tribes to guard the entrance of the volcanic cave for itself.

Unexpectedly, the legendary elves can actually speak.

After listening to Xi Duolan's words, Chen Xizhou immediately understood what the other party meant.

It wanted to find a doorman for itself.

"Okay, thank you."

For this cooperation that was decided in a few words, Chen Xizhou originally wanted to say something more, and by the way, he wanted to get close to Xi Duolan, but he was rejected by the other party.

This is not a good-tempered legendary elf.

Chen Xizhou couldn't help but think of the statue of the King of the Crown of Flowers in the Rizhao Basin.

I don't know if the Bud Crown King has a good temper.

"Don't forget the branches on the ground..."

The flames began to die out, and the fiery red energy returned to surround the stone platform. Xi Duolan also lay down again to protect the Lava Heart.

Chen Xizhou was about to pick up the burnt branches on the ground, but was stopped by the Dumb King on the spot.

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