I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 167: The joining of the Katie Growler clan

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Chen Xizhou looked at the leader of the Windy Dog and the Growlithes thoughtfully.

In his and Fang Ling's initial idea, Growlithes were the most suitable Pokémon to become law enforcement Pokémons. At the beginning, it was temporarily shelved because of the scarcity of Growlithes.

Now the Langqi Law Enforcement Bureau has passed a resolution to determine that Dalubi is a law enforcement Pokémon.

If he can subdue the Growlithe tribe in the volcanic cave, it will not only speed up the reproduction of the two tribes, but also allow law enforcement officers to have one more choice in the choice of law enforcement Pokémons.

But the biggest problem now is how to convince the leader of the Windy Dog.

In any case, the leader of the Windy Dog defeated the Aho-Heroga in the leader single challenge, and he is a veritable winner. It is impossible for him to make a winner surrender.

The leader of the Windy Dog does not have much resistance to humans and unfamiliar tribes.

Facing this opponent who was not as strong as himself but still dared to attack, the leader of the wind speed dogs showed his respect.

Approaching the Aloof Hound, the leader of the wind speed dogs took out a fruit that looked very similar to the wax apple from somewhere on his body. Hound brother did not refuse the other party's kindness and handed the fruit to his sister.

Looking at the leader of the wind speed dogs, Aloof Hound, who did not feel any malice from the other party, swallowed the red fruit into his stomach in one gulp.

In addition to the burning spicy taste, the biggest feature of the red fruit is that it is very juicy, which makes Aloof Hound very fond of it. After eating it, he even smacked his lips.

This is a fruit that suits the taste of fire elves.

Of course, Aloof Hound did not forget the difference between having it once a day and having it every day.

After swallowing all the flesh of the red fruit, it spit out the core from its mouth and handed it to Chen Xizhou.

The core can be used to grow more fruits.

This is the benefit of joining human society. Aloof Hound found that he learned more and more knowledge and became smarter and smarter.

[Chocolate fruit! 】

【Chocolate Fruit: After the Pokémon carries it, it can weaken the power of the fire attribute skill when it is attacked by the excellent effect. 】

【Chocolate Fruit: Rare attribute tree fruit, long-term consumption can increase the energy purity of the fire Pokémon. 】

【Chocolate Fruit: The burning spicy taste is its characteristic, and it is an excellent material for making food. 】

Compared with the previous introduction, the introduction of the fruit after the system update is more detailed. In addition to the introduction as a carrying object, some uses in daily life have also been added.

After Chen Xizhou looked at the core of the chocolate fruit, he put it away and put it in his backpack, ready to take it back to the research team.

The obedience of the Aho-Horega to Chen Xizhou surprised the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dog. Long-term life in the wild made it difficult for him to imagine why a tribe leader could show such submission to weak humans.

The leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dog has no prejudice against humans. What it understands as weak is just the literal weakness of combat power.

For the doubts of the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dog, Aho-Horega gave an explanation.

First of all, in terms of survival, humans can provide the tribe with sufficient food and comfortable habitats, so that the tribe members do not have to worry about food at any time, nor do they have to consider the safety of the territory at any time.

Secondly, in terms of life, humans can improve the living standards of the tribe. They can not only provide jobs for the tribe and help with financial management, but also have a complete medical system to take care of newborns.

Finally, psychologically, humans can provide companionship and emotional comfort for the tribe members.

In summary, joining human society is the most correct decision that Daredevil has made for the tribe since becoming the leader of the tribe.

Work? Financial management? Companionship? Emotions? Comfort?

The leader of the wind speed dog could not believe that he actually heard something unbelievable from this strong-willed opponent.

When did the elves also need to work and manage money?

When did the elves also need companionship and comfort?

This is simply a fantasy.

But even the leader of the wind speed dog had to admit that it was moved by Daredevil's "first... second... last".

Elves are also classified.

Growlithe and Growlithe belong to social Pokémon.

Social Pokémon refer to those Pokémon that choose to live in groups. They usually carry out various activities in groups in their lives, such as eating, sleeping and migrating.

The interactions between these Pokémon are usually positive, and they increase their chances of survival through mutual help and support.

Compared with living alone, Growlithe and Growlithe prefer to live with their tribesmen. Not only their tribesmen, but if they can have more different partners, they are also willing to live with each other.

This is why the leader of the Growlithe intended to accept the Dalubi tribe from the beginning.

Although he yearns to join human society and live with humans, the leader of the Growlithe still has the reserve he should have.

With the pride of the tribe leader, the leader of the Growlithe cannot take the initiative to approach and beg to join. At least humans must speak first and defeat it with sincere words or absolute force, so that there is a possibility of joining.

At this moment, a purple light flashed across the cheek of the leader of the Growlithe, which made its movements stagger a little.

Several nearby Growlithes thought that Dalubi and the humans had launched a shameful sneak attack on their leader, and quickly protected the drowsy leader behind them. The other Growlithes also became alert in an instant.

"Oh no!"

The conscious of the leader of the Windy Dogs was still clear, and it stopped the impending conflict.

Although his poisoning state was indeed given by the skill of Aho-Horega, it was in a single challenge with a leader without any problems, and he did not pay attention to it afterwards, which led to the current situation.

It is indeed impossible to blame anyone.

However, at this time, the leader of the Windy Dogs was already at the end of his strength. The poisoning state was still continuing, and his physical strength was gradually fading. It seemed that this kind of sobriety could not last for a few minutes.

Chen Xizhou noticed that several Growlithes hurriedly left the volcanic cave.

I think they should be looking for detoxifying fruits or plants.

Chen Xizhou took out a wood seed fruit and tried to approach the leader of the Windy Dogs: "Try this tree fruit in my hand, it may help you."

As wild Pokémon, the Growlithes can of course recognize that this is a tree fruit that can detoxify.

The Growlithes did not stop Chen Xizhou from approaching, partly because of the wood seed fruit, and partly because Chen Xizhou had no fighting power.

Before giving it to the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs, Chen Xizhou re-recorded the information of the Muzi Fruit:

[Muzi Fruit! ]

[Muzi Fruit: After the Pokémon carries it, it can heal abnormal conditions by itself. ]

[Muzi Fruit: A rare healing tree fruit, the nutrients contained in it are very good for the Pokémon's body. ]

[Muzi Fruit: This tree fruit has a rich and balanced taste, no sour taste, and is an excellent material for making food. ]

The leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs took the Muzi Fruit without any hesitation.

It did not carefully leave the fruit core for Chen Xizhou like the Aho-Horega, but swallowed it all at once after taking two bites. The fruit juice went down the esophagus to the stomach, and then rushed to the whole body.

About a few minutes later, the poison in the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs was resolved.


The leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs first thanked Chen Xizhou, and then looked embarrassed.

Chen Xizhou learned through the translation of King Slow that it turned out that the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dogs felt a little sorry because he did not leave the fruit core for Chen Xizhou.

"It's okay, we still have a lot."

With the current scale of tree fruit planting in Langqi Town, it is indeed no longer necessary to keep every fruit core.

There is no saying that elves leave fruit cores when eating tree fruits. Although they cannot digest fruit cores, hard fruit cores can help them digest other things in their stomachs.

These indigestible fruit cores may also take root and sprout into new tree fruit trees after being excreted with feces.

However, this method is definitely not as good as leaving fruit cores directly. After careful cultivation and planting by agricultural scientists, the probability of growing into tree fruit trees is high.

Because of the shortage of tree fruit trees in the early stage, the elves in Langqi Town have developed the habit of leaving fruit cores alone. This is why the town alliance provides so many tree fruits to the town elves, and there are still a lot of tree fruit seeds for planting.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog Leader, that..."

When Chen Xizhou looked at the Wind Speed ​​Dog Leader, the Wind Speed ​​Dog Leader was also looking at Chen Xizhou.

For a moment, Chen Xizhou and the Wind Speed ​​Dog Leader seemed to understand each other's intentions. Did the Catdog clan join Langqi Town just like that?

That's right, it just came to fruition.

"Black Rose, I'll leave it to you next."

The already recovered Aho-Hero howled and led the Dalubi and the others to the underground magma pool. They needed to move the burnt tree hearts to the first floor of the volcanic cave.

In order to express his sincerity, the leader of the Wind Speed ​​Dog also asked the Growlithes to help.

There are nearly 200 people from the Dalubi and Growlithe tribes together. With such a number, it only takes one trip to transport all the burnt tree hearts.


The King of Aho understood and came to a magma pool. He used his superpowers to control a burnt tree heart and carefully put it into the magma.

The method of Sidolan was correct.

The burnt tree heart was not engulfed by the flames, but floated on the magma.

Gradually, the flames jumped on the tree trunk, and the branches gradually revealed a layer of shining sparks. Not only that, the branch gradually became full of vitality, as if it was nurturing a new life.

The sparks on the branches became brighter and brighter, turning into a strange charcoal-like object that looked a bit like a helmet?

This scorched tree heart symbolized a new starting point, a door to the unknown, and also reminded people of the wonders of life and infinite possibilities.

Chen Xizhou had never seen such a scene before.

I think when the scorched tree heart really breeds a new elf, the scene will be even more shocking.

Chen Xizhou arranged for the elves to throw all the scorched tree hearts transported up into the magma pool, quietly waiting for their breeding.

This will be a long process...

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