I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 164 Leafeon Completes Evolution

The next day.

Chen Xizhou took He Yunxi to the outskirts of the Valley Forest as agreed.

Because of the existence of the Bulbasaur family, the Valley Forest is no longer a place that anyone can enter.

Except for the researchers of the Langqi research team, everyone else needs to go through strict approval and get a pass issued by the town alliance before they can enter.

Chen Xizhou's face can also serve as a pass.

"Mayor, does Eevee really have many evolutionary forms?"

He Yunxi looked curiously into the depths of the dim Valley Forest, where there is a possibility that Eevee can evolve.

She still values ​​her first time.

"Under normal circumstances, evolution is an irreversible process." Chen Xizhou explained, "So even if Eevee has multiple evolutionary forms, your Eevee can only evolve into one form."

At this time, the two mounts summoned by the staff were in place.

"You still have a chance to regret before Eevee starts to evolve."

After Chen Xizhou helped He Yunxi onto the lamb, he also climbed onto another lamb. The two lambs began to move quickly along the valley trail with a shout.

The Rizhao Basin is becoming more and more lively because of the increasing number of grass-type Pokémon.

The giant Venus flytrap is very satisfied with Chen Xizhou for finding so many potential believers for the Bud Crown King. At this time, it has completely resigned from the position of the patriarch of the trumpet bud tribe and concentrates on being a missionary of the Bud Crown God Cult.

The Bud Crown God Cult has no other miscellaneous ideas, only one central idea, that is, the king of legends, the king of abundance, the legend of the grass-type - the Bud Crown King, who is faithful until death.

On the day when the Bud Crown King revives, it will give its believers enough rewards.

The behavior of the giant Venus flytrap seems a bit like a charlatan to outsiders, and the legend of the Bud Crown King is even more illusory.

What is a charlatan?

A charlatan is a liar who pretends to be ghosts and gods and plays tricks.

The giant Venusaur is not a charlatan, because it has truly felt the grace of the Budcrest.

With the help of Chen Xizhou (referring to the change of the statue of the Budcrest), it has become more and more determined to believe in the Budcrest and decided to do its best for the return of the Budcrest.

At this time, the two lambs arrived at the cabin in the forest.

Chen Xizhou took He Yunxi into the Rizhao Basin and came to the mossy rock under the ancient tree.

"Officer He, I will confirm with you one last time. Are you sure you want to evolve Eevee into Leafeon?"

After all, there are many options for the evolution of Eevee, and Chen Xizhou still hopes that the other party can think it through.

It's not that Chen Xizhou is long-winded, but because the uncertainty of Caterpie about whether it will evolve makes him feel scared, and he is worried that the trainer and the Pokémon will have a gap because of this.

If Eevee also makes the same choice, Chen Xizhou will naturally not say anything more.

Not to mention Chen Xizhou, even He Yunxi herself is a little uneasy.

No! I have to confirm it again!

After releasing Eevee from the Poké Ball, He Yunxi picked it up and looked at Eevee's big eyes face to face: "Little Eevee, have you really decided to evolve into Leafeon?"

Chen Xizhou noticed that the tail pattern of He Yunxi's Eevee was heart-shaped.

It was a female Eevee.


Eevee was very determined.

It is a very pure vegetarian and has never eaten any meat since birth.

For some reason, it has a natural aversion to meat.

It glared at Growlithe when it first met Growlithe, just because Growlithe wanted to show its friendliness to it and share its snack beef jerky with this new friend.

Although it knew that the other party had good intentions, it was still unacceptable to Eevee.

Although Eevee had tried to apologize to Growlithe alone afterwards, Growlithe was enjoying beef jerky at the time, which made Eevee's apology reluctant, and he turned around and left on the spot.

It wanted to wait until one day when Growlithe was not eating beef jerky to apologize.

Such an action made Growlithe confused, and he didn't want to pay attention to this weird Eevee.

Aho-mo is better...

With almost no hesitation, Eevee nodded heavily to show that he had thought it through.

At this time, Eevee could already feel that there was a certain energy not far from him that was deeply attracting him.

It believed that as long as it got close, it could immediately complete the evolution.

Both Moss Rock and Leaf Stone can allow Eevee to complete the evolution of Leaf Eevee. The difference is that one is disposable and the other can be recycled.

In line with the principle of thrift and frugality, Chen Xizhou of course chose to use Moss Rock to evolve Eevee.

At the moment when the pink soft paw pad touched the Moss Rock, a ray of light instantly wrapped Eevee along the paw. This time, the evolution light was no longer dazzling white, but gave people a kind of icy and advanced moss green.

The evolution of elves is a leap of life.

In this ceremony that is about to reach a higher level of life, it must be solemn and dignified.

This is respect for life.

After the evolutionary light faded, the evolved Leafeon appeared in front of He Yunxi, Chen Xizhou, and all the elves watching.

What an elegant and noble elf!

Leafeon has the characteristics of a gray fox.

Its brown hair and dark brown claws are similar to the image of Eevee before evolution.

Unlike before evolution, a green and flowing leaf appeared on its forehead, and some small and tender leaves grew on its body. Its tail and ears also became leaf-shaped.

[Leafie! ]

[Leafie: New Green Elf]

[Leafie lives quietly in the depths of a forest with a clear river. ]

[Leafie's cell structure is closer to that of plants than other animals. It performs photosynthesis like plants, and can obtain energy even without eating. ]

[Leafie sleeping on a sunny day will perform photosynthesis and produce fresh and clean air. ]

[The younger the Leafie, the more pungent the smell of green grass. When it gets old, it smells like fallen leaves. ]

[People have a special liking for the unique aroma of Leafie's leaves, and perfumes made with this aroma are very popular. ]

[Leafie itself is not aggressive, but if it wants to protect its friends, it will sharpen the leaves on its tail and turn them into blades to fight. 】

【Leaflet's hard tail is like a sharp blade, incomparably sharp, even sharper than a famous sword, and can even cut a big tree in half. 】

Keywords: photosynthesis, protection

After reading the entry introduction of Leaflet, Chen Xizhou once again expressed his feelings about the magic of the elves.

Animals with cell structures closer to plants do not exist in the plant and animal kingdoms, and are unreasonable, but they seem so natural in the elf world.

"Ah! I'm pressed!"

Chen Xizhou was interrupted by a cry.

It turned out that He Yunxi was pressed to the ground by Leaflet, but the posture was a bit unsightly.

If he didn't know that this Leaflet was a female elf, Chen Xizhou felt that he would definitely misunderstand something.

In addition to the difference in appearance, the size difference between Leaflet and Eevee is also very large.

The evolved Leaflet has grown from a height of only 0.3m to a height of 1m, and its weight seems to have increased a lot.

Such a change in body shape made the petite He Yunxi no longer able to bear Ye Ibra staying on her shoulders, because it would affect her daily actions.

However, this did not hinder her feelings for Ye Ibra.

There are many firsts in life, and He Yunxi and Ibra have many firsts.

The first time she met Ibra, the first time she bathed Ibra, the first time she ate with Ibra, the first time she slept with Ibra, in the past year, she and Ibra experienced many firsts.

Now, the first evolution of Ibra brought her fate with Ibra to an end.

Next, it was every first time with Ye Ibra.

Although this first time seemed a bit nonsense to Chen Xizhou, in the eyes of a sentimental person like He Yunxi, it was a very meaningful and memorable first time.

He Yunxi, who gradually calmed down, took Ye Ibra and thanked Chen Xizhou.

"Mayor, there is one more thing I need to trouble you with." He Yunxi said without any hesitation, "I want to get the information of Leafeon's elves from you."

She had learned from Fang Ling that her young mayor had a profound knowledge of elves.

If she could get a copy of her elves' elves' information from Chen Xizhou, it would make the cooperation between law enforcement officers and law enforcement elves more tacit.

"No problem."

Chen Xizhou was not a stingy person and agreed on the spot.

Elf: Leafeon

Gender: Female

Attribute: Grass

Feature: Chlorophyll (speed will increase in clear weather.)

Props: None

Skills: Impact, Bite, Imitate, Help, Take Over, Sand, Slam, Lightning Flash, High-Speed ​​Star, Leaf Knife, Parasitic Seed, Magic Leaf, Photosynthesis

Teaching Skills: None

Inherited Skills: Pray

After taking the note handed over by Chen Xizhou, He Yunxi carefully examined it.

After a while, she looked at Chen Xizhou with a bitter face: "Mayor, I don't quite understand these characteristics and skills of Leaf Pokémon."

"Have you ever commanded Eevee to fight?"


"How did you command?"

"Eevee, go!"

"... Just like that?"

"Then Eevee will go forward to fight by itself."

"You don't command it to fight?"

"Hasn't the battle already started?"


It really makes sense, Chen Xizhou didn't find any faults.

There's no way, who made him let Slow King fight by himself when he usually fights.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to command Slow King to fight.

He once tried to command Slow King to fight wild Pokémon, but Slow King commented that his command was fair, but it couldn't bring out its full strength.

Regarding Chen Xizhou's command ability, Slow King's suggestion was: "Next time, Slow King can fight by himself, and Xiao Xizhou just needs to stand aside and wait quietly for Slow King to bring back victory."

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