I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 163 Establishing a new law enforcement spirit

Among the people who came, in addition to the world-famous painter He Yunxi, there were six middle-aged people of similar age.

These six middle-aged men are all experienced law enforcement policemen. They were sent by He Youshan, the director of the Rongcheng City Law Enforcement Bureau, to build the law enforcement bureau in Langqi Town.

In fact, it is also a disguised form of support for his daughter.

After He Yunxi and six law enforcement officers introduced themselves to everyone, they joined the discussion of the law enforcement elves.

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Fang Ling first elaborated on his views.

He believed that canine elves were the most suitable species to become law enforcement elves, and expressed his support and expectations for the Dailubi family to become law enforcement elves in Langqi Town.

As for whether the Dalubi family is willing...

Fang Ling felt that since Chen Xizhou recommended this clan to him, the two parties should have discussed the possibility of this matter, and the results of the discussion were satisfactory.

He Yunxi expressed his support for this, and then made a suggestion.

She suggested that in addition to a standard law enforcement elf, law enforcement police can also have personal law enforcement elf.

This is a very feasible suggestion.

Because not only did He Yunxi have an Eevee, but Fang Ling himself also had two and a half insect elves.

As for the other six law enforcement police officers.

For them, they are very lucky to have a law enforcement elf, and naturally they will not be picky.

But they also gave a lot of good advice.

In the open space behind the Town Alliance Building, the discussion about the law enforcement elves of the Langqi Town Law Enforcement Bureau quickly came to an end.

There are two points that have been discussed so far:

The first point is that all law enforcement police who join the Langqi Law Enforcement Bureau are eligible to be assigned a Dairubi as a partner law enforcement elf.

The Partner Law Enforcement Elf is owned by the Langqi Law Enforcement Bureau, has an alliance establishment, and receives an independent salary from the Law Enforcement Bureau.

The second point is that starting from the level of law enforcement superintendent, you can apply for two personal law enforcement elves. Each time you upgrade to a level, you can increase the quota of a personal law enforcement elf and improve the personal treatment of the law enforcement elf.

(Level classification: Constable Level 1, Constable Level 2, Superintendent Level 3, Superintendent Level 4, Superintendent Level 5, Superintendent Level 6.)

Personal law enforcement elves are owned by law enforcement police officers. They also have an alliance establishment and receive independent salaries distributed by the law enforcement bureau.

In the current law enforcement system of Langqi Town, Director Fang Ling belongs to the sixth-level police superintendent, and He Yunxi and the other six law enforcement police officers belong to the fifth-level police superintendent.

Although there is a bit of that, the entire law enforcement system in Langqi Town only consists of these eight people.

"Now that everyone's discussion is almost over." Chen Xizhou clapped his hands and said, "Actually, I also have a suggestion here about partnering law enforcement elves. I wonder if you are interested in hearing it?"

Fang Ling and others immediately turned their attention to Chen Xizhou.

Not to mention that the person in front of him is the top person in charge of Langqi Town. His understanding of elves is beyond everyone's reach, so his opinion is very important.

"Elves like Delubi are good at cooperating with partners and have full wisdom. The most important thing is..."

Chen Xizhou paused and continued: "Although they are classified as dark elves, they are very loyal to their trainers and are extremely obedient elves."

"So I suggest that in the process of establishing the law enforcement system, the strength of the partner law enforcement elves will be improved, and the recognition of the partner law enforcement elves will be added to the promotion conditions of law enforcement officers."

"In addition, after being recognized by the partner law enforcement elves, law enforcement officers can apply to become their trainers, and the ownership will be transferred from the law enforcement bureau to individuals."

"This is also a benefit for Langqi Town to the law enforcement police officers and law enforcement elves."

If Fang Ling, He Yunxi and others consider the issue from the perspective of the Law Enforcement Bureau and the law enforcement police, then Chen Xizhou considers the issue from the perspective of an elf and an individual.

Regarding this point, Chen Xizhou discussed this with Daimao Heiluga and got its approval.

As the leader of the Derubi clan, it naturally hopes that its people can meet a trainer who can be trusted for life.

"The next thing is the second thing."

Chen Xizhou continued: "Currently, the Law Enforcement Bureau will use the Town Alliance Building to work, but the construction of the Law Enforcement Bureau and the Law Enforcement Elf Habitat cannot be left behind."

"Director Fang, please contact Chen Yang yourself and ask him to advance this project as a priority." Chen Xizhou took out a note with a phone number written on it.

After Fang Ling got Chen Yang's contact information, he hurriedly left with He Yunxi and others.

The planning and construction of a law enforcement building are relatively easy. The real difficulty is the planning and construction of the law enforcement elf habitat, which requires professional knowledge and a long period of time.

Before leaving, He Yunxi gestured to Chen Xizhou.

"Chief of Black Rose."

The leader of the Black Rose is the stupid Heiluga, which is the name given to it by the leader of the tank, a good friend.

"The environment in this mountain forest is not suitable for fire elves to live. My idea is that in the next period of time, you can take your tribe to find a suitable habitat on Langqi Island."

"There are currently two volcanoes on Langqi Island. You can go and see if you are satisfied with them."

Chen Xizhou emphasized: "After you determine the specific habitat, we will send an engineering team to build some appropriate infrastructure for you."

Although the existence of infrastructure does not affect the lives of elves, it does not mean that they do not want to improve their quality of life.

The purpose of these infrastructures is to improve the quality of life of the Dalubi tribe.

Of course, these infrastructures are not independent.

Chen Xizhou plans to build a comprehensive breeding building in each elf habitat that integrates multiple functions such as breeding houses, laboratories, and living places.


Horouka tilted his head and looked at Chen Xizhou.

Seeing that the other party did not understand, Chen Xizhou explained: "Law enforcers have their own professionalism, and so do law enforcement elves."

"Law enforcement elves need to learn a lot of professional knowledge, so Dalubi is not suitable to live with the tribe after becoming a law enforcement elf."

This time Horouka understood.

Although Horouka is not Chen Xizhou's elf, it still trusts Chen Xizhou very much.

With a long howl, Horouka returned to the forest with his tribe.

Next, it needs to select a certain number of tribesmen to join the law enforcement bureau, and then arrange for a certain number of tribesmen to find a suitable habitat with itself.

At this time, the insect elves have basically finished eating.

Chen Xizhou came to the three leaders who were resting together, leaned over and asked: "Are you satisfied with the food in our Langqi Town?"


The one who nodded in response was the leader of the flying mantis.

Whether it was the fresh and juicy fruit, the refreshing and crisp vegetables, or the delicious meat, the three leaders were amazed. This was definitely a rare delicacy in the wild.

As the leader of the flying mantis nodded, the two leaders Heracross and Kairos also nodded.

As the ultimate licking dog, they must be a beat slower than their queen.

Because if the leader of the flying mantis is not satisfied, they can't say they are satisfied even if they are satisfied.

This is called the self-cultivation of a licking dog.

"Then, next we have to talk about something related to the rights and interests of the three tribes."

In the following time, Chen Xizhou gave the three leaders a detailed introduction to the lifestyles of other town elves in Langqi Town.

Create a certain economic value, obtain a certain amount of income, and then use part of the income to improve the quality of life of the tribe, and put the other part of the income in the Elf Industry Group to make more money.

What economic value can Heracross, Kairos and Scyther create?

This is a difficult question to answer.

Even Chen Xizhou himself couldn't say it for a while.

For this question that requires brainstorming, Chen Xizhou temporarily put it aside. He still has something to announce to the three leaders.

(ps: In fact, the author himself didn't think of it.)

"In the next period of time, we need you to cooperate in finding a habitat suitable for the insect elves. After determining the habitat, we will build a comprehensive breeding building there to improve your life."

For the town elves that have not yet created economic value, the town alliance has a special fund to provide them with a certain share of food.

Although the food standard is not low, it will definitely be a lot worse than the food of other town elf tribes.

Today, there are more than a dozen town elf tribes in Langqi Town.

It is not the lack of food that is worrying, but the uneven distribution of food.

Therefore, even for the town elves, Chen Xizhou also adheres to the principle of more work, more pay, and only hard work can lead to a happy life.

The Scyther leader certainly has no objection to this.

Whether it is a human or an elf, everyone hopes to live in a place that they are satisfied with.

The Scyther leader immediately stated that the three tribes will do their best to cooperate with Chen Xizhou and strive to arrange all the tribes' affairs as soon as possible.

The two leaders, Heracross and Kairos, continue to follow the lead of the Scyther leader.

"The entire Langqi Island is very large, so I need to record some of your tribe's living habits, and then do some simple screening, so that it will be convenient for our next action."

After getting the consent of the Scyther leader, Chen Xizhou began his work.

"Well, you don't need to mention your habit of pooping in the mud."

"You said you like to cut stones? This can be recorded."

"What, you prefer male giant bees? This is possible, I will also record it first."


With the translation of Slow King, Chen Xizhou made a lot of records of the living habits of the elves representatives of the three insect elves.

"After arranging the things at hand, I will go with you to find them."

Chen Xizhou temporarily settled the three tribes in the back mountain, and then he and Slow King gathered together to study a map carefully.

The habitat of fire elves is more restricted. There are only a few suitable places in the whole Langqi Town, so it is easier to select. Chen Xizhou quickly marked two dormant volcanoes on the map.

As for the habitat of insect elves.

Chen Xizhou did a lot of screening on the Langqi Island map, but still couldn't get a few satisfactory places...

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