I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 162: Vision of the Law Enforcement Spirit

The conclusion of the contract made Chen Xizhou feel relieved.

After getting the guarantee from the leader of the Scyther, he turned his attention to the two leaders, Heracross and Kairos.

He also stretched out his hands and waited for the final reply from the two leaders.

Any hesitation was disloyalty to the queen. The two leaders, Heracross and Kairos, completed the gentleman's agreement with Chen Xizhou at their fastest speed.

So far, the three insect elves, Heracross, Kairos and Scyther, have officially joined Langqi Town.

(Please remember the website to watch the fastest chapter update)

Satisfied Chen Xizhou waved his hand, and the mayor's secretary You Zhen brought up a large amount of tree fruits, vegetables, fruits and fresh meat that had been prepared long ago.

Although Heracross lives on tree sap, it is only because of their uncompetitive character that they are unwilling to take the initiative to hunt. In fact, the leader of Heracross often goes to the leader of Kairos to eat and drink.

As for Scyther and Kairos, they are carnivorous elves.

Now that there is more delicious and endless meat, the three tribes of insect elves directly gave up other food and pounced on beef, mutton and animal offal, and ate them with great concentration.

"Mayor, are you free now?"

Fang Ling came to the door with his Kairos mace.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Xizhou looked at the Kairos next to Fang Ling curiously.

The body of Kairos is brown. The most notable feature is that there are two large horns with small thorns on its head, and the teeth in the mouth on the chest are distributed in two rows on the left and right in the shape of a toothbrush.

[Kairos! ]

[Kairos: Stag Beetle Elf]

[Kairos is a cold-fearing elf. Since low temperatures will make it unable to move, it will choose to live in warm places and hide in the depths of the forest when it is cold. ]

[Kairos will sleep on the top of a tree or under the roots of a tree when the temperature drops at night. On nights when the temperature drops sharply, it will also use its horns to dig holes in the ground and sleep in them. In the morning, its skin will be covered with wet mud. 】

【The two long horns of Kairos are very powerful, and they have the strange power to clamp an opponent twice their weight with their horns and lift them easily. 】

【Once they are clamped by the two long horns of Kairos, they will not be released until they are torn to pieces, because the thorns on the surface of the two strong horns will deeply embed into the opponent's body, so they cannot be easily removed after being clamped. 】

【The same kind is divided into grades according to the quality of the horns. The thicker and stronger the horns of a Kairos are, the more popular it is with the opposite sex. 】

Keywords of the entry: big horns, strange power

Chen Xizhou compared Fang Ling's Kairos mace with the Kairos leader not far away. The size of the two Kairos horns is indeed very different.

Obviously, Fang Ling's Kairos mace is a very young little Kairos.

"It's like this." Fang Ling pushed the Kairos mace in front of him, "I would like to trouble the mayor to give me another copy of the spirit information about Kairos."

He explained to Chen Xizhou.

As elves gradually become more popular among the masses, their powerful abilities will inevitably make some people with bad intentions have some bad ideas.

In the future, the law enforcement bureau will definitely encounter many illegal and irregular behaviors of elf owners, and there will be no shortage of battles to face, so knowing more about your own elves will also help law enforcement officers to enforce the law against these people.

Chen Xizhou agreed with Fang Ling's judgment.

While looking at the Kairos mace, he opened its elf information panel:

Elf: Kairos

Gender: Male

Attribute: Bug

Feature: Overconfidence (If you defeat the opponent, you will be full of confidence and your attack will increase.)

Props: Leftovers

Skills: Clamp, Harden, Gather, Tie, Throw on the Earth

Professor Skill: Cross Scissors

Inherited Skill: Lightning Flash


Can this also be an elf prop?

Anything that can be displayed on the elf information panel must be an elf prop.

Chen Xizhou didn't really doubt the authenticity of the elf prop, but was simply surprised by the name of this elf prop.

[Leftovers: The elf carrying this item can recover a certain amount of physical strength after each interval. ]

Is it a bit like continuously eating orange fruit?

It is indeed a pretty good elf item.

Although he was full of curiosity about this elf item, Chen Xizhou did not ask because he was a gentleman who did not take away what others liked.

After recording the elf information of Kairos Mace, he handed it to Fang Ling.

"By the way, Director Fang, I will introduce you to a world famous painting later...Pah, it's a newcomer, a newcomer sent by the Rongcheng Law Enforcement Bureau to support us."

Chen Xizhou stuttered for a moment and immediately made up for it.

He pretended to look at Fang Ling casually, hoping that he, the director of the Law Enforcement Bureau, was not very clear about this kind of Internet meme.

Fang Ling was not unaware of the meme similar to the world famous painting.

But after seeing Chen Xizhou's extremely embarrassed expression, Fang Ling knew that he should pretend not to know.

Fang Ling's expression made Chen Xizhou secretly relieved, and he changed the subject: "Since Director Fang is free now, let's return to the topic of the morning."

"What do you think about the law enforcement elves?"

Fang Ling thought for a while and replied: "It's the same as before, let the Heracross family become transitional law enforcement elves."

Although Heracross is an elf that doesn't like fighting and is a bit lazy, they are docile and very obedient. Under normal circumstances, they will resolutely carry out the trainer's orders.

This feature is very suitable for newcomers.

Compared with Heracross, both Kairos and Flying Mantis are far behind.

It's not that these two insect elves are bad, but compared with Heracross, they have obvious shortcomings as transitional law enforcement elves.

Kairos is a lively and active insect elf.

Their obedience is on par with Kairos, but their fear of the cold, arrogance, and ostentatious personality make them unsuitable to become a law enforcement elf.

As for the flying mantis.

The Flying Mantis is extremely aggressive and has a very arrogant personality, so it is not an elf that novices can handle at will.

That's an elf that only top players can play!

Of course, if you have the strength or personality charm to convince the flying mantis, they will become a very powerful helper for the trainer, similar to the helper of the ancient Chinese dead soldiers.

"This is my consideration. Currently, Heracross is still the new law enforcement elf."

Fang Ling looked at the insect elves who were enjoying a gluttonous feast in front of him and sighed: "When Langqi Town has suitable law enforcement elves in the future, the Heracross family will be able to retire."

"Actually, among the town's elves, there is a group that we can try to cultivate."

Chen Xizhou's reminder made Fang Ling a little confused.

He recalled carefully, and it seemed that there was no suitable group of elves for the town.

"Actually, in my opinion, the mayor's Cady dog ​​and Chief Engineer Chen's Hayok are both elves suitable to become law enforcement elves."

Speaking of this, Fang Ling felt a little regretful.

As long as he can have a Katie dog group or a Hayok group, he will not be so distressed.

Thinking of this, Fang Ling felt a little emotional.

In the past, because there was no support from superiors, they did not have enough ability to complete the vision of law enforcement elves. Now that they have support from superiors and there are many elves for them to choose from, they have begun to pick and choose.

It’s really a worry about happiness…

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

Just when Chen Xizhou was about to introduce Fang Ling, a group of black elves, led by a heroic black-haired black Lujia, rushed out of the forest.

The silly-haired Black Luga evolved from the original silly-haired Delubi.

After entering Langqi Town for more than a month, after being fed a large amount of tree fruits and meat by Chen Xizhou, the more and more powerful stupid Dairubi evolved strongly half a month ago.

The stupid-haired Heiluga's look of being a woman is no less powerful than his brother's.

A bunch of canine elves!

Fang Ling's eyes widened when he saw it.

Isn't this the law enforcement elf he dreams of?

Research has found that most elves with similar images can be found in the animal kingdom, and they have a certain degree of similarity with these animals in terms of habits, personalities, and characteristics.

Like a canine elf.

Why can dogs become police dogs?

This is because they are born with excellent senses of smell and hearing, and can quickly and accurately grasp various smells and sounds.

In addition, dogs are also extremely alert and loyal, and can have strong dependence and obedience on their owners. Trainers can use professional training to maximize these advantages and make dogs become excellent dogs. police dog.

Canine elves also have similar personalities and characteristics.

The difference is that canine elves are smarter and stronger.

They are the plus version of police dogs.

The stupid Hei Lujia led his tribe out of the forest.

The powerful deterrent made the insect elves around them feel nervous.

The leader of the Flying Mantis couldn't stand these black puppies, so he showed off his scythe and prepared to teach the stupid Heiluga a lesson.

The tank leader quickly stopped his new best friend with a fiery personality. We are all elves in Langqi Town, so of course we should get along well with each other!

Seeing Chen Xizhou's greeting, Daimao Heilujia brought some of his tribe members to Chen Xizhou's side.

Chen Xizhou touched the head of Dumbao Heiluga, and introduced to Fang Ling: "They are Heiluga and Dairubi. Except for certain differences in attributes and personalities, they are no worse than Kati Dog and Hayok."

As if to verify what Chen Xizhou said, Dumao Heiluga spit out an extremely hot pillar of fire into the sky on the spot. Just the high temperature that was constantly emitted was daunting.

Extremely powerful.

After spraying the flames, the stupid black Lujia didn't forget to provoke the dog next to Chen Xizhou.

This guy is so cowardly.

"Mayor Chen, I'm here!"

A voice as gentle and clear as a pechoe sounded at the right time.

Since it was not a working day, the girl wore tassel boots, a tight knitted vest and jeans. Her petite figure was plump and proud.

It is indeed a world-famous painting!

Fang Ling found that he had also been led astray by the hateful mayor.


These chapters are all 3,000 words long. I’ll see if I can keep it up next.

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