Fang Ling rubbed his eyes.

He wondered if he had seen it wrong.

These two tribe leaders actually went to the mantis elf like two licking dogs and showed their courtesy.

So, what is the relationship between these insect elves?

Only King Dai Dai can answer this question.

Heraklos and Kairos followed Fang Ling out of the tropical rain forest.

The mantis elves took their tribesmen and followed the Heraklos and Kairos mace to leave the tropical rain forest.

The leaders of Heracross and Kairos also followed the mantis elves to leave the tropical rain forest.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Such a twist caught Fang Ling off guard.

He thought that this mission would be in vain, but he inexplicably completed the mission in excess.


Langqi Town.

Town Union Building.

Chen Xizhou was standing by the office window at this time.

He looked downstairs at the mantis elf who was teaching the Heracross Halberd and Kairos Mace.

[Spy Mantis! ]

[Spy Mantis: Mantis Elf]

[Spy Mantis live in groups in the mountains, practicing fighting with sickles and moving at high speeds. If you find a place in the forest where a large number of trees have been cut down, that is the territory of the Spy Mantis. ]

[When the Spy Mantis stops in the grass and hides, it will not be seen because of its protective color.]

[The sickles in both hands of the Spy Mantis are extremely sharp. The more hard things it cuts, the more times it fights, the sharper it will become, and it is almost impossible to defend against the attacks of the sickles on its arms. ]

[The Spy Mantis will confuse its prey with its ninja-like agility, and then suddenly jump out of the grass and chop it into pieces with a sharp sickle when the opponent is paralyzed and careless. ]

[The abdomen of the female Spy Mantis is larger. 】

Keywords for the entry: sharp, agile

"I've asked clearly."

The Dai Dai King walked in from outside the office calmly with Fang Ling, and also came with the Kairos Mace.

They brought Chen Xizhou the specific relationship between the three insect elves.

In fact, the three tribes themselves only have a friendly relationship of offensive and defensive alliances, and there are not many intersections. The three tribe leaders of the three tribes that are really related.

Mantis is an insect that respects the matriarchal society, and the same is true for the flying mantis.

As a rare female elf leader, the flying mantis not only has supreme power in the tribe, but also has sufficient control over the two male insect elves, the leaders of Heracross and Kairos.

The Heracross Halberd and Kairos Mace are the children of the three leaders.

As for what the Heracross leader finally gave to Fang Ling, it was a flying mantis elf egg.

Its mother is still the flying mantis leader.

As for its father, there is no way to investigate.

Because the flying mantis leader did not explain anything about it.

Mother's love is great.

Even in the elf world, this is no exception.

The reason why the Scyther leader was willing to leave the rainforest was because all his three children had gone with Fang Ling.

As for the queen in their hearts, the leaders of Heracross and Kairos were naturally reluctant to leave, which also contributed to their leaving the rainforest.

"What are you going to do next?"

Facing Chen Xizhou's question, Fang Ling smiled bitterly and didn't know how to answer, so he pushed the question back: "Mayor, why don't you make the decision?"

To be honest, even Chen Xizhou himself couldn't think of a good way to deal with it for a while.

These three insect elf tribes are different from other town elf tribes.

They have never explicitly stated that they want to join Langqi Town, but it is not a good idea to let them enter the wild of Langqi Island. Chen Xizhou is now in a dilemma. It is not right to arrange them, and it is not right not to arrange them.

"Dai Dai, what do you think is the key to solving the problem?"

Chen Xizhou looked at his big dad, Comrade Dai Dai Wang, trying to get some inspiration from him.


The two words from the King of Dai Dai made Chen Xizhou suddenly realize: "You mean, defeat and subdue the Scythe leader?"

Although there are three different groups of insect elves at the moment, the only one who can really make the decision is the Scythe leader. As long as the Scythe leader surrenders, Langqi Town can naturally wipe out the three groups of insect elves.

"You do it?"

The powerful King of Dai Dai is the most trustworthy existence.

So once there is a need to fight, the first person Chen Xizhou thinks of is it.

The King of Dai Dai refused.

It gave Chen Xizhou a more suitable candidate.


The plump figure exudes the charm of health and beauty. The Tank leader twisted his waist and came to the opposite side of the Scythe leader, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Whether in front of the King of Dai Dai or in front of Chen Xizhou, the Tank leader did not want to lose.

Facing the female elf leader like himself, the competitive spirit would never allow the Scythe leader to have the slightest fear of fighting.

The two sides are building up momentum.

Although he has the protection of Slow King, Chen Xizhou still can't help but check the information of the spirit of the flying mantis leader:

Sprite: Scythe

Gender: Female

Attribute: Bug, Flying

Feature: Technical master (can increase the power of low-power skills when attacking.)

Props: Silver powder

Skills: Staring, Lightning Flash, Continuous Slash, Stop at the Point, Wing Attack, Shadow Clone, Double Hit, Split, Gathering Qi, High-Speed ​​Movement

Taught Skills: Insect Resistance, Cross Scissors

Inherited Skills: Sneak Attack

This is a Scythe with its own elf props.

[Silver Powder: The power of the insect attribute moves of the elf carrying this prop is increased by 20%. ]

This battle with the Tank Leader is not easy!


When Chen Xizhou was observing the Scythe Leader, the battle between the two sides had already begun.

The battle between the Tank Leader and the Scythe Leader was like a collision between heaven and earth, and the head-on collision was deafening.

The Tank Leader's fists swung and bombarded the Scythe Leader's body, and the Scythe Leader's sickle chopped at the Tank Leader's waist like cutting vegetables.

The two elves bombarded wildly, with fierce power, but also full of skills and wit.

The strength of the Tank Leader is not worse than that of the Scythe Leader.

It has strong physical strength and amazing defense. It has considerable output and sufficient combat skills, which it learned from the licking dog leader.

The tank leader's [Million Tons Punch] is a combination of strength and skills.

The Scythe leader is light and agile, and his swordsmanship is exactly the same every time. It seems to be always the same but difficult to counter.

That is the insect skill [Continuous Slash].

[Continuous Slash: Attack the target to cause damage. Each time the continuous slash successfully hits the opponent, the skill power will double in the next attack. If the skill does not hit or the player leaves the battle or uses other skills, the power will be reset to the basic power. ]

The insect skill [Continuous Slash] is combined with the insect attribute enhancement item [Silver Powder], and the characteristic [Technical Master], the damage of the Scythe leader is considerable.

The tank leader's recovery skills and the Scythe leader's agility made the battle last for a long time.

Gradually, the two female elf leaders entered the duel stage.

They refused to give in to each other and used every move to hit the opponent's body, which could not help but cause cheers from the audience.

But fighting is not just about strength and skills, but also about seeing opportunities.

Have you seen the hip technique that falls from the sky?

Just when the Scythe leader was about to take off, the Miltank leader suddenly took off into the air, and a huge and round cow's butt sat on the head of the Scythe leader.

It was the skill [Taishan Pressure] that the Tank leader had hidden for a long time.

The Scythe leader fell to the ground.

After waiting for nearly 30 seconds and confirming that the Scythe leader was unconscious, Chen Xizhou threw out the handmade Poké Ball.

The handmade Poké Ball landed accurately on the Scythe leader.

At the moment when it hit the Scythe leader and bounced off, the Poké Ball opened automatically, and a red light shot out from it to collect the Scythe leader into the ball.

The Poké Ball closed and fell on the grass.

Then, the red light on the buckle device began to flash, accompanied by the sound of "beep, beep", the Poké Ball began to shake in place, and after three seconds, the Poké Ball stopped shaking with a "beep" sound, and the red light automatically went out.

The Scyther leader was captured!

After releasing the Scyther leader, the Tank leader used the recovery skill [Drink Milk] on the opponent.

After drinking the sweet milk, the Scyther leader quickly woke up.

After feeling the changes in himself, the Scyther leader looked thoughtfully at Chen Xizhou who was holding the Poké Ball in his hand, and then looked at the Tank leader.

It first expressed its goodwill to the Tank leader, and then its eyes began to become unfriendly.

The fighting spirit in it was still fierce.

It was not convinced by such a battle result, but losing is losing, winning is winning, and the Scyther leader did not say much.

Although the battle was over, the entanglement between the two female Pokémon leaders had been deeply rooted in their hearts, waiting for the arrival of the next battle.


After listening to the translation of the Slow King, Chen Xizhou looked at the Scyther leader and repeated: "You mean if I give you freedom, you will bring three bug elves to join Langqi Town?"

The Scyther leader nodded.

It is a little elf that yearns for freedom. It does not object to its children becoming human elves, but it cannot accept that it is bound by human elf balls.

Chen Xizhou threw the handmade elf ball on the ground without hesitation and crushed it.

He didn't care whether the Scyther leader was lying to him. He just wanted to express himself, Langqi Town, and human trust in elves.

Such a move made everyone and elves present feel relieved, as did the leaders of Heracross and Kairos.

As long as the Scyther leader needs it, the two bug elf leaders don't mind exchanging themselves and their people for joining Langqi Town in exchange for the Scyther leader's freedom from human bondage.

Chen Xizhou stretched out his fist: "It's a deal!"

The Scythe leader was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his right arm and used the back of his scythe to face Chen Xizhou.

What a strange human being.

This was the first time the Scythe leader had shown interest in humans...

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