I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 156 D-model girl He Yunxi

Qi Zhensheng has no objection to the change in net profit share.

The birth of the Elf Industry Group was originally facilitated by the mayor Chen Xizhou. All the elves under the group have a very close relationship with Chen Xizhou.

Not only Qi Zhensheng, but also all the cadres of the town alliance saw that even if all the money earned by the Elf Industry Group went into Chen Xizhou's personal pocket, there would be no reason to refuse.

Chen Xizhou used the money to support the construction of Langqi Town, which was truly selfless.

However, such deformed structures are not all good.

It is unimaginable that once Chen Xizhou leaves Langqi Town one day and takes away all the elves, Langqi Town will be hit hard.

Rongcheng City Law Enforcement Bureau.

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Mayor Wu Xingguo is chatting with Director He Youshan.

He Youshan took a breath of cold air and asked eagerly: "Withdrawal from Langqi Town and setting up a district, Xingguo, are you kidding me?"

"Would I joke with you about something like this?"

Wu Xingguo said with emotion: "I originally wanted to build an elf special zone by myself, so I went to meet Xizhou specifically for this purpose, but I didn't expect that the alliance headquarters would beat me to it."


"That's right, Chen Xizhou, Mayor of Langqi Town."

He Youshan opened his mouth, but did not dare to say anything more.

The difference is still very big.

If Wu Xingguo was the first to establish the Elf Special Zone in Langqi Town, he would have taken the lead.

From now on, no matter how the alliance headquarters establishes a special zone, it will always be named after Wu Xingguo, and it must be regarded as a personal political achievement of Wu Xingguo.

Now that the alliance headquarters takes the lead, while the interests of Rongcheng City remain unchanged, the personal impact on Wu Xingguo is still great, because the political achievements that have been prepared to be put into his mouth are gone.

Everyone wants to take another step forward, even Mayor Wu is no exception.

Wu Xingguo continued: "Originally, this matter was still pending, but from the recent special allocations given by the alliance headquarters to Langqi Town, it can be seen that it is basically a certainty."

He Youshan probed: "What do you mean?"

"I remember Xiaoxi has already interned at the Xingang Law Enforcement Branch, right?"

Faced with Wu Xingguo's implication, He Youshan replied: "Yes, Xiao Xi went directly to the Xingang Law Enforcement Branch after graduating from the police academy last year, and followed Xiao Chen and solved several cases."

Wu Xingguo added: "I remember she also has an elf, what is it called Ibrahimovic?"

"Yes, little Ibrahimovic is very smart and helps Xiao Xi a lot at work. Xiao Xi and little Ibrahimovic have a better relationship than I do." Speaking of his daughter He Yunxi, He Youshan couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"The law enforcement bureau of Langqi Town is being established. Xizhou was still asking me for people some time ago. Otherwise, let Xiao Xi bring a few reliable people to help Xizhou?"

He Youshan hesitated for a while, but did not give any answer.

"Is this how you treasure Xiao Xi?"

Wu Xingguo said with a bit of resentment: "There is no doubt that Langqi Town has taken off. Now that Xiaoxi is supporting Langqi Town, she can grow step by step. In a few years, she can become a branch director. You can't stop Xiaoxi." Xi develops?"

He Youshan is a bit timid and afraid of getting into trouble, but he is also a bit stubborn when it comes to his children.

If it weren't for his excellent network of connections, He Youshan wouldn't be able to be the director of the Rongcheng City Law Enforcement Bureau with his personality.

After hearing this, He Youshan still didn't agree immediately: "It's okay to send people for support, but I think it's better to listen to her opinion whether to send Xiao Xi. If she doesn't want to, as a father, I will never Forced.”

Wu Xingguo shook his head helplessly, this guy really is.

He is now chatting with He Youshan as a friend, so naturally he will not do anything to force his friend.

Otherwise, Wu Xingguo could have given an order to the General Administration of Law Enforcement as mayor and forcibly transferred He Yunxi to Langqi Town through normal procedures.

Half an hour later.

He Yunxi, who was tired of work, just entered the office and was surprised when she saw Wu Xingguo.

Just as she was about to say hello, she heard her father say: "We are meeting in private now, so just call him Uncle Wu."

He Yunxi nodded and called Wu Xingguo sweetly: "Hello, Uncle Wu."

Wu Xingguo's face was full of displeasure, and he said to He Yunxi: "Do you know why your father emphasizes this point?"

He Yunxi shook her head and said she didn't know.

"Because if it's official business, now you have to prepare to support the Langqi Town Law Enforcement Bureau!" Wu Xingguo glared at He Youshan.

He was really angry at his friend's short-sightedness.

He didn't expect that this kind of opportunity, which was considered an excellent opportunity in the eyes of most people, would be so looked down upon by He Yuanshan.

Do you really want to keep your daughter by your side?

Wu Xingguo really wanted to ask his friend if his daughter was a slave!

"Langqi Town?"

"Yes, Langqi Town."

"That elf town with lots of elves?"

"Yes, that's right there."

"Hello, Mayor Wu!"

After hearing Wu Xingguo's words, He Yunxi changed her tune on the spot.

Wu Xingguo nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at He Yuanshan, who was stunned and full of reluctance: Look, you don't need me to persuade you, your daughter has already agreed to go on her own.

The next day.

“Be sure to have a good relationship with your colleagues!”

"You must ensure your own safety as soon as possible!"

"The food must be delicious!"

“Don’t always work overtime and stay up late!”

"Always call!"

"The food must be delicious!"

“Go home more often on Saturday!”

"Be sure to take care of yourself!"


He Yuanshan held his daughter's hand and kept repeating his worries, and started to choke as he spoke.

At this time, He Yunxi's heart had already flown to Langqi Town.

Langqi Town.

Mayor's office.

"Mayor Chen, my name is He Yunxi. I was sent by the Rongcheng City Law Enforcement Bureau to support the Langqi Town Law Enforcement Bureau. Please give me instructions!"

Chen Xizhou looked at the policewoman He Yunxi in front of him.

She has a delicate and lovely face, with a short ponytail tied high, which makes her look particularly energetic. Her face is delicate and upright, but there is perseverance and determination in her eyes.

It just looks a little small.

"Miss He, can I call you that?"

Seeing that He Yunxi did not refuse, Chen Xizhou asked sincerely: "How old are you?"

This question is important.

Although there is information on the file, and according to regulations, only citizens over the age of 18 can enter the law enforcement department, He Yunxi's baby face makes her look younger than 18.

Chen Xizhou had to confirm again.

He Yunxi always paid attention to Chen Xizhou's micro-expressions.

Looking yourself up and down?

That's not asking about my age!

"Probably D."

He Yunxi lowered her head and found that she couldn't see her toes, and answered with some uncertainty.


Even Chen Xizhou, who had always been tempered by King Dude, couldn't help but be startled at this time. What kind of talk of a tiger or a wolf is this!

However, he couldn't help but take a sneak peek.

Is it really that big?


Chen Xizhou quickly looked straight and said: "Ahem, I'm asking about your age!"

He emphasized: "It's age! Nothing else!"

What boy doesn't love it?

Chen Xizhou, who was led astray, found that he seemed to be unable to return to the right path. He could not help but appreciate world-famous paintings from time to time?

How can things about artists be called dirty?


Just when Chen Xizhou was absent-minded, a small elf suddenly rushed in from outside the office, followed closely by Chen Xizhou's puppy.

The little guy quickly jumped onto He Yunxi's shoulders, and then glared at the dog.

Katigou returned to Chen Xizhou with a look of grievance.

Chen Xizhou recognized D...the little elf on He Yunxi's shoulder. It was Eevee with serial number No. 0133 in the elf database.

Eevee looks a lot like a fox.

Most of its fur is brown, with fluffy cream-colored hair around its neck and tail.

As the short-legged one in the elf world, Eevee has brown eyes, long rabbit-like ears and a small black nose.

【Ibrahimovic! 】

[Ibrahimovic: Evolved Elf]

[Eevee is a rare elf with multiple evolutionary forms. 】

[Ibrahimovic has an unbalanced and unstable genetic gene. It is very easy to evolve into different types of elves due to differences in the surrounding environment. The rays emitted by the stone will cause its body to mutate. 】

[The number of Eevee is very small. In order to adapt immediately to changes in the environment, it changes its appearance and abilities during evolution to cope with the harsh environment. 】

[It is said that Eevee looks more and more like the trainer he becomes a partner with. 】

[It is still unclear why only Ibrahimovic carries a very unstable genetic gene. Ibrahimovic's gene is also the key to unlocking the mystery of evolution. 】

[Eevee has gender differences. Male Eevee's tail pattern will be zigzag-shaped, while female Eevee's tail pattern will be heart-shaped. 】

Entry keywords: evolution, unstable genetic genes

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