I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 155 Qi Zhensheng's Development Plan

Town Mayor's Office.

Qi Zhensheng is reporting on the situation of Langqi Dairy.

"Currently, the output of Moo Moo fresh milk can be fixed at 7,000L per day. Based on the capacity of 250ml bottled milk, 28,000 bottles of Moo Moo fresh milk are produced per day. The output of Mee Mee fresh milk has also increased, reaching 2,500L, which means 10,000 bottles of Mee Mee fresh milk are produced per day."

"The current price of Moo Moo fresh milk and Mee Mee fresh milk is 25 Alliance coins per bottle, and the monthly sales can reach 28.5 million. The cost of raw materials, labor costs, equipment and facilities costs, management costs, and distribution costs add up to about 7 million. The corporate income tax of 25% is about 7.125 million, and the remaining monthly net income can reach 14 million Alliance coins."

The net profit margin of Langqi Dairy can reach 49%.

49% is a rather astonishing figure, which further proves that the elf industry is sufficient to be a pillar industry of the city.

You know, this is just a dairy product with a unit price of 25 Alliance coins.

Moreover, the market of elf milk is far from saturated, and production is the biggest limitation of sales. As long as production is increased, sales will increase further.

No one does not need elf milk.

Of course, 50% of the net income of 14 million Alliance coins, that is, 7 million Alliance coins, will be allocated to the Langqi Town Alliance.

After reading the data sheet, Chen Xizhou asked, "How big is the current market gap for elf milk in Guangrong City and surrounding areas?"

Qi Zhensheng replied, "I haven't done any specific statistics, but according to my estimate, even if the production of elf milk doubles, it will not be able to meet the market demand in this area."

Qi Zhensheng took out another form: "This is a list of some distributors in other regions in this major infrastructure investment promotion. They want to talk to us about the elf milk agency business."

"Just reject it directly." Chen Xizhou didn't even look at the list, "The current market gap for elf milk is so big, let's meet our own market first, and recruiting agents will take at least one or two years."

Qi Zhensheng himself also meant this, but Langqi Dairy was founded by Chen Xizhou after all, and some things need to be put on the surface even if there is a tacit understanding.

This is Qi Zhensheng's way of dealing with people.

Chen Xizhou sorted out all the information and put it aside, then looked at Qi Zhensheng and said, "What are your plans for the next development of the dairy industry?"

"In fact, it's better to say that it's a plan for the Elf Industry Group than a plan for the Langqi Dairy Industry."

Qi Zhensheng simply sorted out his words and said, "At present, the account funds of the Langqi Elf Industry Group are about 30 million. I plan to use part of the funds to expand the Langqi breeding farm, add a certain number of pens and build some automatic milking rooms."

As for automatic milking equipment, there is still a big gap between dairy cows and large milk tanks in terms of the use of equipment.

Even if the dairy factory has automatic milking equipment, workers are required to disinfect the key parts of the dairy cows first, then drive them to the designated location, adjust the equipment and parameters, and complete all preparations before starting automatic milking.

Automatic milking equipment saves the process of milking and transporting raw milk.

Once there are too many dairy cows, disinfection, return to position and adjustment alone will take a lot of time and energy.

But large milk tanks are different.

They are highly intelligent and can disinfect themselves, walk to the designated location, and adjust the milking device by themselves. Workers only need to set the parameters and start the equipment.

The same is true for the mount lamb.

As the number of milk-producing elves increases, new pens and automatic milking rooms are still necessary.

Qi Zhensheng continued: "I plan to set up a new subsidiary with part of the funds to create a large chain supermarket brand with elf products as the theme, which is responsible for selling various elf products."

"After forming a brand effect, we can not only sell our own elf products, but also other people's elf products."

After listening to Qi Zhensheng's preliminary plan for the elf chain store, Chen Xizhou's eyes lit up.

This is indeed a very good plan.

Take elf milk as an example.

What is the role of recruiting agents and distributors?

The main role of distributors is to help companies quickly occupy the market and expand their market share.

Elf milk is currently a supply-side market. When supply exceeds demand, there is no need to quickly occupy the market and expand market share.

Chen Xizhou has confidence in Langqi Dairy and the big milk can family.

He had no reason to believe that a new elf milk company would surpass Langqi Dairy's output and influence in the short term.

Unless an alliance-level enterprise takes action, Langqi Town will be in a monopoly on the elf milk market in the next few years or even decades.

In this case, why does Langqi Dairy recruit agents?

The reason is the second role of distributors: to share the operating pressure of the enterprise, so that it can focus more on product research and development and market expansion.

In the field of commodity distribution, distributors can help manufacturers undertake tasks such as product storage, inventory management, and distribution and delivery by establishing a complete marketing network to achieve effective circulation of products.

If the elf chain store is successfully established, it can perfectly replace the role of distributors.

"Elf milk, tree fruit honey, tree fruit pollen, elf rations, elf balls, and more elf products in the future. The feasibility of the elf chain store project is very high. You can advance this project as soon as possible."

Qi Zhensheng felt very accomplished when his plan was recognized by Chen Xizhou.

Because all the existing elf industries came from the mayor Chen Xizhou, there were some rumors in the group saying that he was just Chen Xizhou's agent and that he was in the position of general manager only because he was an old member of the town alliance.

At first, Qi Zhensheng didn't care.

He knew that this was just the complaints of some people who were jealous of his position as general manager, but no one could face it calmly after listening to it for a long time.

Qi Zhensheng was a strong person.

He didn't want to stop the gossip by picking out the complainer, and he wanted to break the doubts by making achievements.

The elf chain store was one of the projects he used to prove himself.

Qi Zhensheng then introduced his second project: "I also plan to set up an investment management company to manage the idle funds of the elves."

At present, among the elf industry companies under the group, the Mount Lamb Clan, the Big Milk Can Clan, the Messenger Bird Clan, the Monster Clan, the Porter Clan, the Walking Grass Clan and the Kentaro Clan all have their own clan income.

In addition to improving the quality of life of each tribe, this part of the income has been idle in the account and managed by the group.

"Although this part of the funds is not much, it is also accumulating little by little. It is a complete waste to leave it idle there, so I decided to help them make certain investments while managing the funds."

Chen Xizhou thought for a moment and gave his own opinion:

"There are two prerequisites for launching this project. One is to get the approval of the funding party, that is, the leaders of each elf tribe, to advance it. The other is to choose projects with low risks for investment. Making less profit without losing is making money. Don't let the elves lose confidence in us."

Qi Zhensheng smiled and replied: "To be honest, I have consulted the leaders of each tribe for this project. They have great trust in us. I will be careful and careful, and live up to the trust of the town alliance and the elves in me and the group."

"That's the best. I still trust Brother Qi to do things." Chen Xizhou gave his affirmation.

Qi Zhensheng was about to leave after reporting his work, and Chen Xizhou stopped him again.

Chen Xizhou said, "Does the group have any unique ideas for this major infrastructure project in Langqi Town?"

"Unique ideas?"

Qi Zhensheng repeated in confusion, he didn't know what Chen Xizhou meant.

"I mean, I plan to build a central business district in the Dragon Bone Beach area. Is the group interested in being the first company to settle there and establishing its own group headquarters there?"

Chen Xizhou's words made Qi Zhensheng stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly.

He explained, "Although I also want to build my own headquarters, the key point is that there are only 30 million alliance coins in the group's account at present. I am a good cook who can't cook without rice."

"No, you have rice."

"Do you have it?"

"If I say yes, it must be there."

Chen Xizhou said, "The town alliance will invest 3 billion alliance coins to build a headquarters building there in the name of the Elf Industry Group. The group does not need to pay back the money, but starting from the third year of the new calendar, the group's share of net profit to the town alliance will increase from the original 50% to 70%."

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