I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 157 Langqi Town Land Auction

Langqi Town, Rongcheng.

An imaginary place of poverty and poverty.

Although the Langqi Town Alliance vigorously promoted investment promotion, investors did not have too many expectations for this place before setting off.

Not everyone has access to information, and not everyone has good vision and thinking.

So they are willing to walk around and take a look.

It wasn't until the car passed the Langqi Bridge and entered the Langqi Island area that the investors with large amounts of money were dazzled by what they saw.

There are endless streams of vehicles everywhere, large-scale projects under construction everywhere, and elves living in harmony with people everywhere.

The elf town lives up to its name.

Langqi Town has become quite lively now, and discussions about Langqi Town can be heard everywhere.

Most of these discussions are inquiries from investors to local people.

All in all, the entire Langqi Town gives people a feeling of prosperity and prosperity.

"Father, if this elf town maintains this momentum of development for a few more years, I'm afraid it won't be worse than the second-tier cities outside. Even the first-tier cities can still touch it."

Hearing what his son Li Chengfeng said, Li Zhengze nodded in approval: "I think so too. This is an opportunity for our Li family, and it is also an opportunity for you, Li Chengfeng."

Li Chengfeng is Li Chengfeng of the Li family, and he is also Li Chengfeng who has risen rapidly.

This is the expectation of his father Li Zhengze for Li Chengfeng, and it is also the recognition of Li Chengfeng by outsiders.

"Father, please believe me."

Li Zhengze and Li Chengfeng and his son chose to get off the car and walk after entering Langqi Town. They wanted to take a look at the specific conditions here.

In the impression of father and son, Langqi Town is a place slightly famous for its fruits.

Now it seems that Mayor Langqi is still very resourceful.

For such a young and promising mayor, Li Zhengze and Li Chengfeng and his son had some respect for him.

"We'd better leave quickly."

Recalling the reminders passed by passers-by when he first entered the town, Li Zhengze couldn't help but quicken his pace.

The land auction at the Town Alliance Building has begun and will last for a month and will only be filled while seats are filled.

The father and son were very interested in this land auction.

Needless to say, this land auction must be closely related to major infrastructure projects.

The "General Constitution of the Chinese Alliance" stipulates that the land belongs to the alliance. Land ownership is not tradable, and individuals cannot take ownership of land.

This auction is for land use rights.

Different land use rights are determined based on specific circumstances and generally have different periods.

Specifically, the right to use residential land is 70 years; the right to use industrial land is 50 years; the right to use commercial and tourist land is 40 years; and the right to use other land is 50 years.

After the land use right expires, the land use right can be renewed by paying a certain land transfer fee to the alliance.

At this point, the league is still very humane.

After the New Calendar upheaval, land ownership changed a bit.

Due to the substantial increase in the alliance's territory, the alliance's ability to control and develop land has weakened, and the alliance headquarters has issued a new policy.

For all unregistered land, individuals can obtain 100-year land use rights for free as long as they develop it and declare it to the alliance.

The Alliance encourages appropriate private development of these additional lands.

Of course, opportunities and risks coexist.

Because most of the newly added lands are inhabited by a certain number of wild elves.

It is difficult to get wild elves to migrate.

Li Zhengze and Li Chengfeng, father and son, lost all intention of hanging out and drove straight to the Town Alliance Building.

Town League Building arrived.

The Li father and son soon saw the only three-story building in the town.

At this time, people were coming and going at the entrance of the Town Alliance Building, and there was also an endless stream of people entering the building.

Judging from their clothes, no matter how wealthy they are, the worst of them are small businessmen with considerable assets.

This is a feast for investors.

As soon as they stepped into the door of the lobby on the first floor, a service staff came over to greet the two of them: "Welcome, you two. There are fresh and sweet elf milk and exquisite elf snacks here. Please help yourself."

The service staff were temporarily hired from the All Seasons Hotel opposite.

The elf milk is provided free of charge by Langqi Dairy, and the elf snacks are made by Hua Xize working overtime using tree fruit honey and pollen.

"Hahaha, usually auctions will provide some drinks and so on, but I didn't expect that milk is provided here."

"Otherwise, why do you think this place is called Elf Town? Elf milk is the specialty here."

"That's it, don't act like you've never seen the world."

"Brother, are you drinking milk as fast as you did when you were a kid?"

"I can't help it... Gu Gu Gu Gu... it smells so good!"


When they came to the rectangular stage, the Li family father and son saw everyone talking about it, and they immediately became very interested in elf milk.

Although elf milk has been all the rage during this period, most people's impression of elf milk is still that it tastes better and has higher nutritional content. They have no idea about elf products.

"Get me a drink too."


It would be good for the old man to drink some milk. Li Zhengze took the cup handed over by Li Chengfeng and drank it.

After tasting it carefully, Li Zhengze gave his evaluation: "This kind of goat milk is rich and mellow, with a faint sweet smell of grass. The most important thing is that after I finished drinking it, a warm current surged through me, and my whole body seemed to be full of strength."

He looked at his son, waiting for Li Chengfeng's feelings.

Seeing that Li Chengfeng, who had finished drinking the milk, also showed his surprise, Li Zhengze on the side couldn't help asking: "Did you feel it too?"

Li Chengfeng didn't answer, but just nodded.

This is really too magical!

Li Chengfeng's interest in magical creatures such as elves has become stronger and stronger.

After seeing the magic of elf milk, Li Zhengze and Li Chengfeng and his son came to the spacious first-floor hall.

In the center of the hall, there is a very delicate Langqi Island map model.

Even the location of the town alliance building where the two are now can be found on the map model.

Li Zhengze looked at his son Li Chengfeng: "Take a closer look at this map model, and then combine it with what you have seen today. Do you have any ideas to share?"

Li Chengfeng nodded and moved forward to look at the map model at close range.

"At first glance, this map model is no different from the current Langqi Island, but its proportions should have been adjusted, and the area of ​​the southern part of the island has been enlarged a lot."

"This gentleman is right."

Chen Xizhou brought Slow King to the first floor lobby, and He Yunxi and her Eevee, who had just reported, followed him.

"This map model was specially customized by the Town Alliance for this land auction."

People familiar with Langqi Island can recognize at a glance that this map model reduces the northern part of the island and the Xianlin Mountains, and enlarges the southern part of the island and the Langqi Lake area.

This area is also the current development focus of Langqi Town.

The map model very intuitively shows the areas that are being developed and to be developed in this area, including some projects under construction and projects to be built.


Li Zhengze and Li Chengfeng were immediately attracted by the Slow King behind Chen Xizhou.

Although He Yunxi also had an Eevee lying on his shoulder, the attraction of Eevee was far less than that of Slow King.

Everyone will react to a look of contempt.

Even if the other party did not mean it.

"The town alliance divides this area into three areas, and the investment scope of each area is different. If you two have investment intentions, you can move to the corresponding room for further understanding. We have set up a special exhibition hall there."

"Mayor Chen, I have a question. I wonder if you can answer it." Li Zhengze recognized Chen Xizhou's identity.

"Please go ahead, old man."

Chen Xizhou looked at the other party, waiting for the old man's question.

"The most important factor in the development of a city is population. Why is Langqi Town, where various infrastructures are not yet perfect, confident that it can attract enough people to promote the development here?"

Chen Xizhou smiled and replied: "One factory can provide a large number of jobs, not to mention that Langqi Town currently has five factories under construction, and there will be more factories in the future."

"In addition, investors who are willing to participate in this land auction today will inevitably provide a large number of jobs once they invest money in Langqi Town. While they make money, the economy of Langqi Town can also be developed. If the economy develops, won't the population come?"

Chen Xizhou added: "This is a virtuous circle."

Li Zhengze looked at Chen Xizhou expressionlessly, trying to see something from his face.

Unfortunately, Dai Dai Wang's subtle influence made Chen Xizhou gradually improve his expression management. Whether it was communication or micro-expressions, Li Zhengze did not get the information he wanted.

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