I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 143 The reason for looking for the Mengmai clan

The elven world has its own rules.

Generally speaking, there are only two results if you fail in a clan battle or a boss challenge.

One is to be driven out of the disputed territory by the winner, and the other is to be directly killed by the winner without mercy.

It depends on the character of the winner.

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It is not impossible to ask the loser to join, but that must be based on the fact that both fighting parties belong to the same race of elves.

But the crux of the problem is that it is humans who are asking themselves and the Delubi family to join.

Is there the possibility of harmonious coexistence between humans and elves?

This question is too profound.

Chief Heiluga said he had never had such an idea.

Faced with the other party's rejection, King Slow was not surprised. It immediately changed its mind and asked the leader of Heiluga about his concerns.

Keeping silent is the response of the leader of Heluga to King Slow.

It doesn't have any bullshit concerns. It’s just that I don’t want to enter human society.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be the leader of your own tribe in the wilderness?

Seeing that the negotiations between the two parties were fruitless, Chen Xizhou stepped forward and asked, "Hei Lujia, do you still want to find the Mengyu clan?"

The leader of Heiluga was stunned. This was indeed the purpose of his trip.

But being guessed by a human made the leader of Heiluga feel so unhappy because he didn't like humans.

The leader of Heiluga still chose to remain silent.

Of course, Chen Xizhou saw the hesitation of leader Hei Lujia, and also guessed that the other party's goal was the Mengyu clan.

He continued: "I really want to know your purpose of searching for the Mengfu clan. If you need anything, I think I can help you, because the Mengfu clan is currently in Langqi Town."

Chen Xizhou pointed to the island behind him and told the leader of Heiluga that that was Langqi Town.

The leader of Heiluga was thoughtful.

Even though it learned about the Meng Flies clan, it still didn't want to talk to humans easily, this damn little tsundere.


Just when the leader of Heiluga insisted on his opinion, a smaller Derubi suddenly ran out from the Derubi group. It had a bunch of stupid hair on its head.

This is a female Delubi.

Chen Xizhou noticed that the leader of Heiluga seemed to behave strangely when he saw the female Dairubi.

Speaking of which, why does it have so many dramas?

The status of Silly Hair Delubi seemed to be a little different. It first glared at the leader of Black Luga, and then sent a threatening signal to him.

The leader of Heiluga let out a "wuwu" sound and obediently gave up his position to Daimao Delubi.

Strict wife control?

Or a mama’s boy?

Chen Xizhou couldn't tell the relationship between the two.

But it doesn't hurt.

Daimao Dairubi nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Chen Xizhou and King Daidai.

When Chen Xizhou saw it wagging its tail, he immediately guessed that this was Dai Lubi showing kindness to him.

This is also true.

Delubi's appearance is similar to a Doberman Pinscher, and its habits are also similar to dogs. The way they express friendliness is by wagging their tails.

Chen Xizhou reciprocated by throwing an orange fruit: "If there is anything we need help with, we will do our best to help within our capabilities."

So the elf is simple-minded.

The idiot Delubi didn't doubt that he was there. He opened his mouth to catch the orange fruit and swallowed it in one gulp, without even thinking about whether humans would poison him.

Dai Lubi, who accepted Chen Xizhou's kindness, glared at the leader of Heiluga again.

Something that is obviously very simple must be made so complicated!

"You are saying that your mother was accidentally injured by a human and has never recovered from her injuries. She needs to be treated with the pollen balls of the Cute Fly Clan?"

The silly-haired Delubi nodded, and then let out a long howl behind him.

A moment later, another majestic Black Luga limped out from the group of Derubi.

While waiting anxiously, two pink elves appeared on Langqi Bridge riding goats.

It is the happy egg leader and the lucky egg.

Chen Xizhou quickly explained the situation to the happy egg leader.

In order to cure Heiluga's mother, it is not necessarily necessary to use the pollen balls of the cute fly family.

Chen Xizhou believes that the happy egg, known as the "Nightingale of the Elf World", is definitely more trustworthy than the pollen ball.

The happy egg leader made a careful inspection of Heiluga's mother.

Heiluga's mother's injury was a gunshot wound. The area where the dog was hit by the gunshot had long since healed. The reason for the limp was that the bullet got stuck in the dog's elbow.

The bullet casing was a metal object that Heiluga's mother could not digest with her own body.

The leader of the Happy Egg gave the treatment method, which was to remove the bullet casing through surgery, bandage it and rest for a while, and then it would be intact as before.

Since the happy egg leader doesn't know how to perform this kind of surgery yet, a human doctor is needed.

The choice is in the hands of Heiluga's mother.

The injury of Heiluga's mother was caused by humans for no reason, so like its son, the leader Heiluga, it has no good impression of humans.

If you want it to lie down obediently and accept surgery from human doctors, there is no way.

The stupid Darubi has been trying to persuade his mother, but he has never been able to convince her to accept human treatment.

In the astonished eyes of everyone and the elves, Daimao Dairubi walked around behind Heiluga's mother, and with a [Siege] forcefully coerced his brother, the leader of Heiluga, and launched an attack on his mother.

Heiluga's mother was not aware of it and was knocked unconscious by her filial son and daughter.

Leader Heiluga, who didn't believe what he had done, looked extremely frightened and hid aside and began to tremble.

Regardless of whether the mother was cured by human doctors or not, as long as she would not do anything to her little sister, the mother would definitely put all the blame on herself.

Although the leader of Heiluga is the strongest in the entire Dairubi group, he does not dare to resist his mother and sister.

What a sin!

As if thinking about his own tomorrow, the leader Heiluga, who was possessed by the drama spirit, shivered even more seriously.


The stupid Dai Lubi did not think that his brother would have multiple meals, but sent a request for treatment to Chen Xizhou.

"Commander Fang, are you okay?"

At this time, Fang Dingguo had already been deeply attracted by the series of operations performed by Chen Xizhou and the elves. Having been with the military all year round, he suddenly had the idea of ​​​​contacting the elves.

Although I tried my best to restrain my thoughts, it seemed to be of no use.

It wasn't until Chen Xizhou called out for the second time that Fang Dingguo came back to his senses.

He reported to Chen Xizhou: "Mayor Chen, please rest assured. The doctor Liu I contacted is the chief physician. It is one of the highest-level military medical positions in the army. It usually requires extensive medical knowledge and experience. It is very important for the treatment of gunshot wounds." has experience."

Three minutes later, an armed helicopter landed slowly with huge wind force.

Dr. Liu is thin and has gray hair, but he has a deep and calm aura that gives people a sense of trust.

After learning that he was treating wild elves, Dr. Liu did not hesitate to ask his assistants to set up a medical tent and prepare the medicines and medical equipment needed for the operation.

Dr. Liu, who was quickly ready, had Heiluga's mother carried into the medical tent, placed on the mattress, and then cleared the area to start the operation.

Heiluga's mother's injury was not serious.

More than half an hour later, Dr. Liu came out of the medical tent.

"Speaking of which, this is my first time operating on elves. It's a bit similar to operating on animals, but their body structure and muscle density are very different from animals. To be honest..."

Dr. Liu was very talkative, but before he could continue, there was a "woo woo" sound in the medical tent.

Heiluga's mother is awake now?

The two filial sons and daughters of Daimao Dailubi and Heiluga, the leaders, entered the medical tent first, followed by Chen Xizhou, Daidai Wang, Happy Egg leader, Fang Dingguo and others, and the elves filed in.

Dr. Liu is the last one.

Before entering the medical tent, he did not forget to say to his assistant: "For the record, this elf is highly resistant to anesthetic drugs."

Chen Xizhou looked at Hei Lujia's mother and asked, "How do you feel? Does the wound hurt?"

Heiluga's mother ignored Chen Xizhou.

It feels that it was accidentally injured by humans, and now humans should heal themselves.

At this time, Heiluga's mother wanted to cause trouble for her son even more!

The stupid Dai Lubi knew that his mother was a big arrogant person and would always find some excuse to numb herself to such embarrassing things, so he took the initiative to express his apology to Chen Xizhou.

Heiluga's mother just wanted to get up and take good care of her eldest son, but she found that the forelimbs were wrapped in a large amount of gauze.

This makes it particularly difficult to move around.

"Such an operation usually requires four to six weeks of rest, but the specific situation varies from person to person. Perhaps the recovery speed of elves is much faster than that of humans, so the specific time is uncertain."

Dr. Liu's voice sounded at the right time: "My suggestion is that in order to recover as soon as possible, it is best for you to lie down and not move."

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