I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 142 A dull but dangerous battle

This battle touches the nerves of all parties.

In addition to Chen Xizhou, Fang Dingguo is also paying close attention to this battle.

In the past New Year, the Rewu Rong 2nd Team under his command has successfully completed many rescue missions to defeat attacks by elves, protecting the alliance's interests and the safety of people's property in many areas of Fujian Province.

This is also the reason why the alliance headquarters will dispatch the Rewu Rong Second Team to support Langqi Town.

The reaction of the town mayor Chen Xizhou to the attack of wild elves aroused the curiosity of this troop commander who has always believed in the supremacy of hot weapons.

Flying in the sky and running on the ground, he has never seen any alliance branch that can bring out so many elves, ready to go head-to-head with the wild elves?

Judging from the numbers alone, Fang Dingguo didn't think Langqi Town would lose.

"Mayor Chen, can I ask you a question?" He quietly came to Chen Xizhou and asked for advice humbly.

Although Chen Xizhou looked younger than him, Fang Dingguo still used the honorific title.

Not to mention that the task given to him by the alliance headquarters in this rescue incident was to fully cooperate with Chen Xizhou. Chen Xizhou's ability to easily command so many elves made him admire him.

There is no priority in learning, and those who have mastered are the teachers. Fang Dingguo is a person who learns humbly in life.

Chen Xizhou glanced at Fang Dingguo in surprise, and then gave a kind smile: "If Commander Fang has any questions, just ask him directly. I will tell you everything."

He probably guessed that the other party wanted to ask him some questions about elves.

Fang Dingguo nodded gratefully and began to ask about the duel between Heiluga and King Dude.

He didn't understand why the initial impending elf attack had evolved from a large-scale battle to the current single challenge, and why this single challenge took so long to accumulate power.

In fact, the results of some problems can be obtained through careful observation.

However, as the commander Fang Dingguo, what he wanted was the most rigorous answer, not just a guess based on imagination.

Chen Xizhou simply explained the reason to Fang Dingguo.

Elves have a simple mind and are creatures that are particularly easily influenced by their emotions. Once a caring person deliberately guides them, it is easy to get them to do something.

"Mayor Chen, do you mean that the elves are all led by people?"

Fang Dingguo thought he had grasped the key to Chen Xizhou's words, and the expression on his face suddenly became serious.

He hates these bastards who destroy the peace of the alliance at will.

Chen Xizhou shook his head and laughed awkwardly: "This thoughtful person is not only a human being, but also a powerful wild elf with other intentions."

Fang Dingguo was stunned: "But didn't you just say that the elf has a simple mind?"

It is Fang Dingguo's habit to ask questions when he doesn't understand.

He doesn't care what everyone thinks of him. Since he asks, he wants to understand what he doesn't understand.

Although sometimes it seems stupid to ask some questions, Fang Dingguo doesn't care about other people's opinions as long as he can get answers.

Chen Xizhou explained very patiently: "Simple mind does not just mean kindness, it can also be the kind of person who is simple-minded and cannot turn a corner."

Most elves only want habitat and food, but there are a small number of powerful elves who can easily fulfill these two demands.

After completing the appeal, it is easy to have other thoughts.

For example, they want more territory and food, or they are simply evil and want to launch an attack.

Therefore, the elf tide is mostly led by an extremely powerful elf, and several wild elf groups join forces to launch joint attacks on the city.

"But the Dairubi group in front of us is different. They are led by their own group leaders."

Chen Xizhou continued: "The significance of a leader to a group is to ensure the safety of the tribe and the reproduction of the group. The appearance of the hot armed forces made the leader of Heiluga throw a rat out of control, so it agreed to the leader's one-on-one challenge."

"So that's what happened. Let me tell you why this attack is different from the past." Fang Dingguo suddenly realized.

There really is a big difference.

In the past, when the troops arrived at the scene of support, there had been fierce conflicts between humans and wild elves, but this time the two sides restrained themselves and maintained a state of confrontation.

Chen Xizhou then explained the situation on the field to Fang Dingguo: "Actually, the two sides have already started fighting."

Although King Dude and the leader of Heiluga just stood there and did not launch an attack, the battle between the two sides had already begun.

There is more to fighting than just attacking each other.

Although [Trick] and [Momentary Amnesia] can only strengthen one's own abilities and have no offensive effect on the enemy, they cannot use enhanced auxiliary skills as skills.

After all, in all turn-based games, the battle begins when one party releases the first skill.

The elf battle is nothing more than that.

When Chen Xizhou was explaining to Fang Dingguo, King Daidai and Leader Heiluga had already completed their respective enhancements.

King Slow has raised his special defense to the limit that his body can bear, and Leader Heiluga has also completed the enhancement of his special attack to the limit.

Next is the collision between the strongest shield and the strongest spear?

King Daidai tells you that he needs both a spear and a shield!

When the leader of Heiluga rushed towards King Slow, a "???" began to appear on the leader of Slow King's head.

King Slow is strengthening his special attack!

Upon seeing this, the leader of Heiluga ignored the issue of attribute restraint and sprayed [Flame Jet] towards the Slow King who was still standing there.

It wants to interrupt the opponent's reinforcement.

With Slowpoke's current strength, it seems that it is still unable to do two things at once.

It took on the flames of Hrunega leader and completed the first [Trick] skill, then teleported out of the range of the flames at the fastest speed.

Facing Slowpoke with enhanced special defense, coupled with the attribute restraint relationship between fire and water, Hrunega leader's [Jet Flame] had little effect.

Slowpoke, who had completed a special attack enhancement, was not someone Hrunega leader could provoke at will.

Slowpoke stood in mid-air.

Its eyes began to glow pink, and then a water-blue energy ball shot from its hand into the sky.

Gradually, a drizzle began to fall from the sky.

It was Slowpoke's [Pray for Rain] skill.

The drizzle gradually turned into moderate rain, which made Hrunega leader with fire attribute extremely uncomfortable.

Hrunega leader knew that the situation was changing in an uncontrollable direction, but he had no way to deal with Slowpoke.

Long-range attacks could not hit Slowpoke, and close combat skills could not hit Slowpoke.

Even the initial choice of strengthening was wrong.

The leader of Harrow gradually became irritable. It not only discovered the mistakes in its battle decision, but also discovered its fatal weakness.

With the completion of strengthening, Slow King landed on the ground with a water-blue energy ball in his hand.

It looked at the leader of Harrow quietly.

After staring at Slow King for five seconds, the leader of Harrow lost his previous momentum and directly pulled his head to admit defeat to Slow King.

Fang Dingguo was very surprised to see this scene. He looked at Chen Xizhou and asked: "Don't the battles of elves usually fight until the last moment until the winner is completely determined?"

Chen Xizhou smiled and explained: "Because Harrow is the leader of a tribe, it must learn to seek benefits and avoid harm."

If it were only by himself, the leader of Harrow could choose to fight to the death or choose to escape alone, but as the leader of the tribe, it must consider more.

Chen Xizhou explained to Fang Dingguo the current situation of the leader of Harrow.

The water element's [Water Wave] already restrains the fire-attributed Hrunega leader. Slow King has also been strengthened by special attacks and blessed by rainy days. This energy ball hits Hrunega leader and at least half of his life is lost.

Hrunega leader's choice is different from Fang Dingguo's philosophy as a soldier. There is no right or wrong in this difference.

Through Chen Xizhou's explanation, Fang Dingguo can understand Hrunega leader's choice, but it does not mean that he recognizes and supports this act of surrender.

Soldiers should return home wrapped in their hides!

Chen Xizhou strode forward and came to a position five meters away from Hrunega leader, which was within the protection range of Slow King.

He shouted to the other party: "Next, can we have a good talk?"

Although the moderate rain turned back to a drizzle, Slow King put a lot of pressure on Hrunega leader.

The water-blue energy ball was like a sword of Damocles hanging over Hrunega leader's head.

The leader of Hurluga looked at the water wave of the Slow King that had not yet dissipated, and called out to Chen Xizhou twice, obviously agreeing with Chen Xizhou's arrangement.

It was still the Slow King who stepped forward to negotiate.


After hearing the Slow King's request, the leader of Hurluga looked at Chen Xizhou in disbelief. He didn't expect that the other party would actually ask him and the Dalubi clan to surrender.

There was a chapter missing yesterday, I will make up for it as soon as possible

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