I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 144: Dr. Liu's Refusal and Subjugation

Hearing what Dr. Liu said, Houndaga's mother lay down on the mat obediently.

It seems that Houndaga's mother is not so resistant to this human who helps her with the operation.

"Since the operation is a complete success, I will leave first."

As one of the only chief physicians in the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the Fujian Military Region, Dr. Liu still has a lot of things to deal with. Seeing that Houndaga's mother is in good condition, he plans to return to the hospital.


Seeing that Dr. Liu was about to leave, before Chen Xizhou and others had time to speak, Houndaga's mother spoke first.

It even made a move to get up forcibly.

This made the gauze on its forelimbs appear red, which should be caused by the violent movement.

Seeing this, the leader of Happiny immediately condensed a drop of water with a strong breath of life and fell on the grinning Houndaga's mother.

This is the healing skill [Life Drop] mastered by the leader of Happiny.

[Life Drop: Spray out magical water to restore the physical strength of yourself and your companions on the field]

The timely healing skill greatly relieved the pain of Houndoom's mother, and it expressed its heartfelt gratitude to the leader of Happiny.

The leader of Happiny shook his head and took out an egg from his chest and handed it to Houndoom's mother.

This egg is rich in nutrition and delicious. It has the nickname of "no medical treatment" and is of great help to Houndoom's mother's wound.

The series of actions of Houndoom's mother surprised everyone and the elves present.

How did it treat Chen Xizhou just now? Everyone saw it.

Why did this guy's attitude take a 180-degree turn when it came to Dr. Liu and Happiny?

The most important thing is Dr. Liu.

Seeing this, Chen Xizhou tentatively asked: "Are you reluctant to leave Dr. Liu?"

Houndoom's mother did not answer. It didn't even look at Chen Xizhou, but stared at Dr. Liu intently.

Chen Xizhou was not annoyed, and continued to ask tentatively: "Do you want to leave with Dr. Liu?"

Heroga's mother still did not answer, and still did not even look at Chen Xizhou, and continued to stare at Dr. Liu.

Good guy!

Chen Xizhou called out good guy!

What did I do to make you hate me?

Obviously, Chen Xizhou forgot what he had done.

If he had not forced the Dailubi group to retreat and took away the Mengma clan, Heroga's mother would not have to travel a long distance, spend several months, cross hundreds of kilometers, and experience a lot of battles to get the news of the Mengma clan.

Heroga's mother was very respectful when she met him without firing [Jet Flame] on the spot.

Regardless of Heroga's mother's resentment towards Chen Xizhou, Dr. Liu saw Heroga's mother looking at him with strange eyes, as if she felt the emotions that the other party wanted to express.

Dr. Liu tried to walk to the awake Heroga mother.

Such a move is absolutely dangerous and crazy for others, but Dr. Liu's eyes are full of determination.

He firmly believed that the mother Hrunga would not hurt him.

Just as Dr. Liu imagined, when his rough palm fell on the head of the mother Hrunga, the mother Hrunga just shook it and accepted it happily.

That's right, the mother Hrunga did not refuse.

That shake was just her adaptation.

Dr. Liu tried to rub the mother Hrunga's fluffy hair. Although the touch was not very good, it felt great.

This was a rare warm moment between humans and wild elves.

What broke this warmth was Chen Xizhou's eyes.

The mother Hrunga clearly showed that she did not like Chen Xizhou, and she did not want to show her other side in front of Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou did not mind.

He looked at Dr. Liu: "Doctor Liu, it seems that this Hrunga likes you very much. I wonder if it is convenient for you to take it with you and take care of it for a while?"

Dr. Liu was moved.

In the expectant eyes of the mother Hrunga, Dr. Liu refused.

It was hard to accept!

To be precise, it was hard for the two Hrunga and one Dalubi present to accept it.

The scene suddenly became cold.

Slowking, Growlithe and Happiny were on high alert.

Once the other party made trouble, they would promptly ensure the safety of the three people present.

"I shouldn't have said this, but I think I still have to explain it."

Doctor Liu saw the disappointed look in the eyes of Houndoom's mother, and couldn't bear it and said, "Although I work in a military hospital, my superiors often arrange some troublesome tasks. It's very inconvenient to bring a Pokémon with me."

He continued to explain, "It's not that I don't want to bring Houndoom, but some tasks are as short as one or two months, and as long as half a year. I'm afraid Houndoom will..."

Doctor Liu didn't continue.

Chen Xizhou and Fang Dingguo were tactful and didn't ask what the task was. They even pretended not to hear what Doctor Liu said just now.

Chen Xizhou always paid attention to Doctor Liu's eyes.

If Doctor Liu was just looking for an excuse, he wouldn't point it out to Doctor Liu, but if there was really such a reason, Chen Xizhou would still be willing to help.

Seeing that Dr. Liu was sincere, Chen Xizhou took out a Poké Ball from his pocket: "If that's the case, why not try this?"

The Alliance Headquarters only asked Langqi Town not to sell Poké Balls for the time being, but did not restrict the outflow of Poké Balls, so Chen Xizhou was not afraid of slapping the Alliance Headquarters' plan in the face.

After learning about the function of the Poké Ball, Dr. Liu took the Poké Ball with a little excitement.

Dr. Liu looked at Houndoom's mother and saw that her eyes were full of nervousness, so he became nervous too.

No one knew whether the Poké Ball would work before trying it.

Dr. Liu took a deep breath.

Damn it! I wasn't so nervous when I was chasing Xiao Zhu!


The Poké Ball drew a perfect parabola in the air and landed accurately on Houndoom's mother.

The moment it hit Slowking and bounced off, the Poké Ball opened automatically, and a red light shot out from it to collect Houndoom's mother into the ball.

The Poké Ball closed and fell on the mat.

Then, the red light on the buckle device began to flash, and with the sound of "beep, beep", the Poké Ball began to shake in place. After three seconds, the Poké Ball stopped shaking with a "beep" sound, and the red light automatically went out.

Successfully captured!

Fang Dingguo, who was standing by, was stunned by this magical object.

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Dr. Liu quickly stepped forward and picked up the Poké Ball.

After pressing the buckle device, a red light flashed, and the mother of Helloga reappeared on the mat.

"This is amazing!"

Doctor Liu excitedly held Chen Xizhou's hand: "Mayor Chen, I, Old Liu, owe you a favor. If you have anything in the future, just tell me. As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you!"

Not only Doctor Liu, but also the mother of Helloga was very excited.

It first howled at its filial sons and daughters, and then communicated with the King of Dai Dai.

The King of Dai Dai translated for Chen Xizhou in time.

The mother of Helloga just announced two things to its filial sons and daughters.

The first thing is that as the current leader of the Dailubi tribe, the mother of Helloga officially handed over the Dailubi tribe to Chen Xizhou; the second thing is that as the current leader of the Dailubi tribe, the mother of Helloga officially transferred the tribe leader to Daimao Dailubi.

So! The leader of Helloga is not the leader of the tribe?

Helloga leader... Helloga brother pulled his head at this moment, but did not refuse his mother's arrangement.

It is the most powerful one in the Dalby tribe, but it is afraid of its mother and sister. Even if the mother and sister try to make it change, it still can't change.

Of course, this is not the main reason why Helloga mother gave the position of tribe leader to Daimao Daimao.

Compared with her brother, Daimao Daimao is inferior in combat power, but her brain is very flexible, and her IQ is far better than her brother.

Helloga mother is very relieved to hand over the tribe to her daughter Daimao Daimao.

In the previous confrontation between humans and the Dalby tribe, Helloga mother has felt their lives in human society from the status of the Kentaro group and the messenger bird group.

With a daughter who is close to humans, the Dalby tribe will inevitably integrate into human society quickly.

After a short but profound relationship with Dr. Liu, and the joy of losing and regaining, Helloga mother not only wants to try the joys and sorrows of human society herself, but also wants the tribe members to feel it together.


Heroga's mother has another request.


Chen Xizhou looked at Heroga's mother in surprise: "You mean, let Growlithe and Daluby become a pair?"

This is the most absurd thing he has heard in all the time he has been in contact with elves.

Does arranged marriage exist in the elf world?

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