I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 141 A fierce battle is about to break out

Heroga leader's momentum gradually increased. 6̳̳

When the opponent sent out the elves, the leader's dignity did not allow it to retreat at will.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

This must be done.

Of course, these are not the main reasons.

The appearance of Chen Xizhou made Heroga leader confirm that the direction he was looking for was correct.

It clearly remembered that it was this man and his elves who took away the cute gadflies, so as long as it continued to move forward, the cute gadflies would definitely appear.

Today's Heroga leader is very confident in himself.

Whether it is the newly learned strengthening skills and the main attack skills, or the unexpected amplification props, it has greatly increased its output capacity.

It even felt that it might be able to fight with the original Slow King.


Where did that Slow King go?

The alert Hrunga leader looked around, trying to find the figure that made him so afraid.

Looking around, Hrunga leader still didn't find the figure of Slow King, which made him anxious.

So where is Slow King?

Slow King has been hiding in the Kentaro group, using their strong bodies to hide himself.

With the ability to teleport, it can not only support Chen Xizhou at any time, but also take on the possible decapitation task.

Just like defeating the leader of Stinky Mud some time ago.

Hrunga leader couldn't stand this repressed emotion and began to become irritable.

The Dalubi were affected by the leader and became impatient.

The atmosphere at the scene was extremely tense.

Just when the battle was about to break out, there was a commotion behind the Dalubi group.

Chen Xizhou looked up and found that the commotion came from behind the Dalubi group. It should be that someone at the other end of Langqi Bridge began to clear the congested traffic.

As expected, the second half of Langqi Bridge began to be empty.

The leader of Houndoom and the group of Dalubi did not intend to leave, and their target was still Langqi Town.

Just as Chen Xizhou was thinking about why, the roar of the truck accompanied by huge smoke and dust gradually appeared behind the group of Dalubi.

"Da Da Da Da..."

In addition to the truck, the Rong City Alliance actually dispatched two armed helicopters.

It's the hot weapon troops!

Using hot weapons to suppress the attacks of elves is what all alliances have been doing in the past year.

The power of elves is beyond doubt.

However, this power is compared with humans and animals, and does not include hot weapons for the time being.

To be more precise, in the current cases of attacks on humans, no wild elves strong enough to resist heavy firepower have been found.

Therefore, in the face of attacks by wild elves, using hot weapons is the best choice at present.

Langqi Town was still under the jurisdiction of Rongcheng City before the county was abolished and the special zone was established. There was an attack on the Langqi Bridge by wild elves, and the Rongcheng Alliance had the responsibility to provide support.

Chen Xizhou was not surprised by this.

With the hot-armed troops blocking the way back of the Dailubi group, Chen Xizhou felt that he could conquer them with peace of mind.

The next step was to understand the needs of the Heruga leader and the Dailubi group, then formulate a detailed plan and implement it, and finally complete the conquest operation.

Unlike Chen Xizhou's peace of mind, the Heruga leader became quite uneasy.

One of the armed helicopters flew straight over the Dailubi group and quickly flew towards Chen Xizhou.

As the armed helicopter approached the bridge deck, the soft ladder slowly slid out of the fuselage, and gradually put it in place after vertically moving downward for a distance.

The sea breeze tilted the armed helicopter a little, and a strong figure landed from the soft ladder with a saber in his hand.

"Mayor Chen, the commander of the hot-armed Rong team 2, Fang Dingguo, reports to you. According to the instructions of the alliance headquarters, the hot-armed Rong team 2 will fully cooperate with your actions. Please give instructions!"

Chen Xizhou originally thought that this hot-armed force was the Rong City Alliance to support him, but he didn't expect that it was an order issued by the alliance headquarters.

The treatment of armed support is not unique to Langqi Town.

It's just that the alliance headquarters can directly bypass the alliance branches in Fujian Province and Rongcheng and directly send the hot force troops for support. At present, few cities have this treatment.

Fang Dingguo looks like he is only about 30 years old.

At this age, as the commander of a hot force unit, Fang Dingguo's strength is unquestionable.

However, according to the current situation, Chen Xizhou judged that the hot force troops do not need to appear for the time being, and Langqi Town can deal with the leader of Houndoom and the group of Daelubi by itself.

It can only be said that the alliance headquarters is in a mess because of concern.

Facing the commander of the troops, Chen Xizhou is not so EQ that he talks to him condescendingly.

After turning over and getting off the leader of Kentaro, Chen Xizhou briefly introduced the current situation to Fang Dingguo and said that he planned to deal with this group of wild Pokémon through negotiation.

Under normal circumstances, the best way to deal with the attack of wild Pokémon is to kill or drive them away with heavy firepower.

Chen Xizhou's boldness surprised Fang Dingguo a little.

"If you need help, just tell me directly. Rewurong Team 2 is on standby at any time."

Since the order issued by the Alliance Headquarters is to fully cooperate with Chen Xizhou, and Chen Xizhou has his own ideas, Fang Dingguo, who takes obeying orders as his duty, will naturally not interfere.

"Is there a way to talk?"

Chen Xizhou found the Slow King in the Kentaro group and wanted to seek its opinion.

The two sides must fight first.

The King of Dai Dai gave the same advice as the Houndoom leader, and patiently explained it to Chen Xizhou.

The world of elves respects the strong.

If Chen Xizhou wants to subdue the Houndoom leader and the Dalubi tribe, he must get their recognition in terms of strength.

Because this tribe will not surrender to those who are weaker than themselves.

Once Chen Xizhou uses hot weapons, the two sides will directly enter a situation of no end.

Chen Xizhou understood.

In the battle between the tribe war and the leader single challenge, Chen Xizhou chose the more stable leader single challenge.

If the choice is made based on the winning rate alone, the tribe war is the best choice for Chen Xizhou.

Compared with the Dalubi tribe, the elves of Langqi Town have an absolute advantage in terms of the number of combat elves and individual combat power.

The tribe war must win!

But the tribe war is a large-scale battle involving hundreds of elves. Chen Xizhou is worried that some uncontrollable scenes will occur in the end.

This will not be worth the loss.

So Chen Xizhou chose the more stable leader single challenge.

Although the strength of the Houndoom leader is no longer what it used to be, Chen Xizhou has absolute confidence in the Slow King.

The strength of the Slow King has always been a mystery.

No one, including Chen Xizhou, knows what level its strength is at.

At present, except for the giant Venus flytrap of the trumpet bud family, this old guy who has lived for who knows how many years can suppress the Slow King, none of the elves Chen Xizhou has met can be its opponent.

Under Fang Dingguo's order, the second team of Rewurong stopped all actions.

The armored vehicles and tanks turned off their engines, and the armed helicopters looked for a suitable place to land nearby.

The elves are creatures with high intelligence.

When the Houndoom leader saw the voices of the steel behemoths stopped, he immediately understood that humans wanted to negotiate with him.

The Houndoom leader, who had calmed down, returned to the tribe first, appeased all the panicked tribesmen, and came to the front of the team alone.


As soon as the Houndoom leader finished speaking, a pink figure appeared in front of it.

Slowking still looked calm and composed, with narrowed eyes and hands behind his back, which was his habit.

It was you!

Among all the people and elves who stopped him, the one that Houndoom leader remembered most was this pink fat man who looked a little silly on the surface but gave people an inexplicable majesty.

After Houndoom leader and Slowking looked at each other, they tacitly distanced themselves.

Many things don't need to be said.

A "???" suddenly rose from the top of Houndoom leader's head.

Chen Xizhou had seen this move many times. It was a [trick] that Slowking often used, which could improve the user's special attack ability.

A question mark also appeared on Slowking's head.

The difference was that Slowking had only one question mark, which was "?", while Houndoom leader had three question marks, which were "???".

So, Slowking used a brand new skill?

Chen Xizhou opened the system, checked Slowking's elf panel, and quickly locked on a skill - [Instant Amnesia].

[Instant Amnesia: Clear your mind and forget something instantly, thus greatly improving your special defense. ]

The best defense is offense.

Chen Xizhou was puzzled by Slow King's choice of strengthening.

Seeing that Slow King did not attack him, but chose to strengthen special defense, the leader of Houndoom was overjoyed and chose to continue to strengthen his output.

It wants to use powerful output to solve the opponent!

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