I am the mayor of the elf town in the real world

Chapter 140: The Stronger Houndoom Leader

I don’t know when the snowflakes began to fall on the Langqi Bridge.

Under the leadership of the Arctic leader, dozens of messenger birds easily completed the aerial layout of the Langqi Bridge.

The number of messenger birds in Langqi Town has already exceeded 200, but most of them have milk delivery work every day. The ones that can be gathered here are all the combat power of the remaining tribesmen.

We can’t let the little messenger birds who have just been born for a few days also participate in the war, right?

Fortunately, the messenger birds are born with an absolute advantage in dealing with the majority of elves, and they will not be weak even if they are insufficient in number.

This is the benefit of air supremacy.

Therefore, the dog elves on the Langqi Bridge first saw not the ground elf troops of Langqi Town, but this elf troop representing the blizzard.

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Although they are dog elves, their calls are more like wolves.

Led by the leader of the tribe, the dog elves howled one after another, threatening the approaching elf troops around them, and also to give courage to the uneasy tribe members.

When Chen Xizhou heard the familiar long howl, he had already guessed the identity of this group of elves.

A group of Dalubi!

This reminded him of the wild elves that stopped Hua Xize and the Mengmeng tribe from leaving, which was also a group of Dalubi.

By the way, there is no connection between the two, right?

A few minutes later, Chen Xizhou and the Kentaro finally met the group of wild elves occupying the Langqi Bridge.

Chen Xizhou also confirmed his guess that the other party was indeed a group of Dalubi.

The number of Dalubi groups is very large, even more than the Kentaro group plus the messenger bird group, but a considerable number of Dalubi are very small.

I think it should be a Dalubi cub that was born not long ago.

After the elves hatch from the elf eggs, it takes about three months for the size to grow to the average level of the race. During this process, their combat effectiveness is also gradually formed.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of these Dalubi cubs can be almost ignored.

In the battle between tribes, these elf cubs can even become a breakthrough to defeat a tribe.

Of course, Chen Xizhou will not easily do such unethical things unless it is absolutely necessary.

Defeating and conquering are two different concepts.

It is not difficult to defeat a wild elf, but to conquer a wild elf, in addition to sufficient strength, you also need a strong personality charm.

Just using some inferior means will not be able to gain the recognition of wild elves and make them return to their hearts.

If you forcefully conquer them, you may even be backlashed in the future.

For the current Langqi Town, it is not difficult to defeat the Dalubi group in front of you, but how to conquer them without any harm.

Chen Xizhou has always been friendly to wild elves.

This comes from all the wild elf tribes he has encountered so far. Except for the Dalubi group he encountered in Yurong City, the rest have all become town elves of Langqi Town.

Turn your attention to this group of dog elves.

The leader of the Dalubi group is not Dalubi, but a Dalubi's evolved form, Hound.

The big horns on Hound's head are long and curved, and there are light gray bone-like objects around the neck, back and ankles, and there is a grayish-white, skull-like round protrusion in the middle of the neck.

A black, charcoal-like, charred charcoal is inserted through the two holes on the round protrusion.

Hound also has a long tail with an inverted triangle shape.

These distinctive features make people think of Hellhounds when they see it, and Hound's image has become a ferocious beast that people fear because of these elements.

[Hound! ]

[Hound: Dark Elf]

[Hound is the well-deserved leader of the Dalubi group. They will decide the leader through mutual fighting between partners and share the prey with the members of the group. ]

[When Hound is angry, it will spray a pungent and toxin-mixed flame from its mouth to kill its opponent. If you are burned by this flame, the wound will continue to hurt. 】

【The terrifying long howl is a prominent feature of Houndoom, which is very deterrent. 】

【The horns of female Houndoom are shorter than those of male Houndoom. 】

Keywords of the entry: powerful, evil fire, long howl

Whether it is Houndoom or Daluby, the concepts of group and team are mentioned in their entry introductions.

It can be seen that although this group is classified as a dark elf, they can definitely become reliable companions.

This is an affirmation from the system.

This also increases Chen Xizhou's desire to conquer the Daluby clan.

Canine elves are one of the most suitable elf races to become law enforcement elves. Chen Xizhou has even planned the future path of the Daluby clan.

The confrontation between the two sides has been going on for some time.

Chen Xizhou has concerns.

Once the two sides really fight, there must be a winner, which will have a certain impact on the subsequent conquest work.

The leader of Houndoom also has concerns.

One is that the young of the tribe need enough strength to protect, and the number of the enemy obviously makes this protection less reliable; the other is that it has not found the target yet, and before that it needs to ensure that it and the tribe have enough combat power.

In short, just keep moving forward along this road.

It has already smelled the target.


The Heruga leader suddenly found that Chen Xizhou on the back of the bull was so familiar.

Chen Xizhou was also startled by the fiery look of the Houndoom leader, and a sense of familiarity surged in his heart.

Could it really be the Dailubi outside Yurong City?

How far is Langqi Town from Yurong City?

According to the navigation, the shortest distance between the two is about 370 kilometers, and it takes four to five hours to drive on the highway.

It was not until the Langqi Bridge that they were intercepted by traffic, so the Dailubi did not take the highway most of the time.

They traveled far more than 370 kilometers.

This also means that the Dailubi tribe spent most of the time crossing mountains and ridges along the way, and they must have encountered a large number of wild elf tribes, and many battles took place.

Chen Xizhou then noticed that the entire Dailubi group looked really dusty and a little embarrassed.

This also confirmed his guess.

The Kentaro leader was a little impatient and snorted directly at the Houndoom leader opposite.

Its actions caused a chain reaction among the Kentaro group behind it.

The Kentaro followed their leader's example, snorting and kicking their hooves, looking impatient and ready to go.

It has only been three months since they joined Langqi Town, but the wildness of these big guys is still there.

As the strongest elf tribe that gallops freely on the Chi Lechuan grassland, when do the Kentaro need to have such a meaningless confrontation with their opponents?

They always choose to crush all enemies who dare to block them.

In other words, Chen Xizhou grasped the weakness of the Kentaro leader, otherwise the Kentaro group would not have waited so long so "obediently".

It is true that heroes are sad for beauties!


The first to break the situation was Chen Xizhou's Caterpie.

It was late to recognize that the majestic Houndoom opposite was the strong opponent of its first battle.

The defeat in the first battle has been remembered by Caterpie until now.

However, compared with a few months ago, the current Growlithe is not only more stable, but also more obedient to the trainer. It will not attack without any order from Chen Xizhou.

Chen Xizhou did not give any order to Growlithe.

When Houndoom was still Daluby, it could easily control Growlithe. If it were not for Slowking's deterrence, Growlithe would inevitably face a disastrous defeat.

Now that it has evolved into Houndoom, its power is even stronger.

Although Growlithe also has some daily training, it is still a flower in a greenhouse. How can it compare with Houndoom, who lives in the wild and has experienced a lot of battles?

There will definitely be another battle between Growlithe and Houndoom, but it is definitely not at this time.

Chen Xizhou took the opportunity to check the information of the Pokémon of the leader Houndoom:

Pokémon: Houndoom

Gender: Male

Attributes: Darkness, Fire

Features: Fire-inducing (When attacked by a skill with the fire attribute, it absorbs the flames and its own fire attribute skills will become stronger.)

Items: Charcoal

Skills: Staring, Sparks, Mist, Howl, Trick, Roar, Bite, Burn, Besiege, Flame Fang

Taught Skill: Jet Flame

Inherited Skill: Lightning Fang

At first glance, the Pokémon panel of the leader Houndoom has not changed much compared to half a year ago.

But after Chen Xizhou studied it, he found that this guy's output ability has been greatly enhanced compared to half a year ago.

Today is the last day. Tomorrow I will delete the characters in the supporting role post that have not been transferred to the supporting role (2) post.

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