Chapter 979 See Zhang Liang for the first time] Please order!

When Ying Zheng heard the answer from the young man, he was a little bit contemptuous in his heart.

A joke, I still need your boss to respect me when I win politics?

Are you really an expert?

It’s just that it’s hard to say anything about winning politics now. Otherwise, it’s already straightforward now.

At this moment, I only heard another person say during the dinner: “Don’t be so-underestimate the enemy.”

The person who spoke was Yan Yi who spoke just now.

At this time, winning the government will take a closer look at Yan Yi.

This Yan Yisheng’s is rather burly, giving people a very shrewd look.

Between the eyebrows can be regarded as heroic, it is probably because of the long-term obsession with wine.

So it gives people a somewhat thin feeling.

At this time, I only heard Na Yan Yi say: “I told me along the line of Xianyang that this time the victory seemed to come true.

“Yingzheng recently received two new people, one is Liu Ji and the other is Xiao He.”

“Neither of these two had any reputations before, but they were suddenly favored by the winning government, and they didn’t know what idea they had made for the winning government.”

“Now I have already entered Li Si’s prime minister’s mansion and started working as a literary official, so it seems that these two people will become prosperous in the future.”

‘I also heard that these two people persuaded the government to reduce tax burdens and reduce Daqin’s servitude. If this were changed before, Liu Ji and Xiao He would have to move their heads. ”

“But this time it was different. Not only did the two people say that there was nothing wrong, but they also did so.

“So this time I am really worried. If Yingzheng does something like this, then we want to overthrow Gou Qin’s plan.”

“I’m afraid it’s even harder to implement.” Yan Yi said with some worry.

“Hahaha.” At this time an unremarkable young man laughed at the banquet.

This person suddenly laughed, which naturally aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

Da Si Ming frowned at Ji Wuye and asked, “General Ji, why is this young man beside you laughing?”

At this time, Ji Wuye hurriedly said: “Don’t blame the great commander, this young man is after the nobleman of our country, the surname is Zhang Dan, a good son, and the name is Zifang.”

“Zhang Liang!” Upon hearing Ji Wuye’s words, Ying Zheng couldn’t help but say something too.

“Miss Yue’er knows my friend?” Ji Wuye looked at Ying Zheng in surprise.

“Ah, no, I heard General Ji say this person’s name, so I just said it by the way, but I’m just a little curious about how anyone in this world can take such a strange name.” Ying Zheng also almost revealed his stuff.

So he changed his words quickly.

Hearing Ying Zheng’s words, Ji Wuye naturally didn’t take it to heart, and said that she was just a maid who had never seen the world.

At this time, Ji Wuye said to Da Si Ming, “Brother Zifang is a nobleman from Han country, he has extraordinary knowledge, and his cultivation is also unpredictable.”

“This time, because I was plotting to overthrow Gou Qin, I also brought my brother Ovary here. I also ask the Chief Commander to forgive me.”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.” Da Si Ming said with a smile.

“I just don’t know why this brother Zifang is laughing.” Da Shiming asked curiously.

At this moment, Zhang Liangcai said, “I just laughed at the king of Qin and won the crown.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was also a little surprised.

This practice of benevolent governance has always been the practice of successive emperors to win the hearts of the people.

Before everyone wanted to overthrow the State of Qin, they could also use Qin’s taxation and servitude to be too harsh to talk about things.

0……Look for flowers…

If the victory of the government cancels both of these things now, then everyone still wants to overthrow the State of Qin in the future, it is simply a idiot.

This Liang did not know how huge it was after canceling the victory in this matter.

At this time, Zhang Liang obviously didn’t care what these people thought of him, he just laughed.

“Everyone is too ambitious to destroy your own prestige.” Zhang Liang said.

“Although it is not wrong to implement such a benevolent government, winning the government completely forgets one point.”


“With so many imperial officials in Daqin and such a huge expenditure, if effective streamlining is not carried out, they will simply reduce or exempt the tax.”

“So how is this different from no tax reduction or exemption?”

Seeing that everyone didn’t seem to understand, Zhang Liang explained: “Let’s put it this way, Daqin’s body salary is already tens of millions every year as a court official alone.”

“If there is no strong taxation to withstand this, then the great Qin officials may not even be able to send out their salary.

“Just ask, even if the salary is released, who will sell his life to win the government?”

“This win-government can come up with such a faint move, it is doomed to be an act of heaven to destroy the dog Qin. As for Liu Ji and Xiao He, I totally believe that they have deliberately wrongly guided the win-government.”

“Let him lead the kingdom of Qin to ruin.” Zhang Liang laughed.

Hearing what Zhang Liang said, Ying Zheng also glared in his heart.

Zhang Liang told the key points of this matter.

Yes, there is nothing wrong. The Da Qin is now beginning to impose tax exemptions and exemptions on the people, which is naturally good.

But this is bound to make Daqin’s finances fall short of making ends meet. factory,

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