Chapter 980 The hidden dangers of benevolent governance] Please order!

Unless there is another way to make up for such a large deficit in the winning government, there is no way to deal with these things clearly in the winning government.

Once Da Qin’s finances are in a huge crisis, Winning has every reason to believe that Da Qin is uncertain what kind of problems will arise.

This is not an alarmist talk about winning politics.

At the end of this dynasty, the reason why such a serious problem appeared was basically because of financial problems.

Unable to pay food, the soldiers’ combat effectiveness dropped rapidly, and finally the enemy took advantage of the opportunity to infiltrate.

Finally, he was directly defeated by the enemy.

This kind of thing is simply not too much.

Yingzheng didn’t know much about this kind of thing.

Now Zhang Liang can point out the shortcomings of this matter in one sentence.

This Zhang Liang deserves to be Zhang Zifang who lived in Xinghan for 400 years.

But there is one thing to say, but this one is not wrong.

However, it is imperative to meet the tax and reduce the corvee.

To put it bluntly, if the corvee and taxes are not reduced, then Daqin will slowly explode.

The servitude and taxes were reduced, so Da Qin had to live through this difficult period only by frugalizing food and clothing.

Then, naturally, there will be a chance to slowly rejuvenate.

At that time, Da Qin was bound to be the time of accumulation.

Therefore, Yingzheng is not worried.

Since this Liangdu has already pointed out some of the current shortcomings of Daqin, after winning the government this time back to Xianyang, it will naturally be improved.

Otherwise, let the enemy fulfill his wish.

At this moment, Da Si Ming raised his glass with a smile, and said to everyone: “Mr. Zhang Liang, he is really a great talent.”

“The remarks just now made me start off. Come, everyone to offer Mr. Zhang Liang a glass.” Da Si Ming said cheerfully.

Then, everyone drank one after another.

Of course, winning the government is still pouring wine for this damn Ji Wuye.

At this time, Ji Wuye happily looked at Ying Zheng and said, “Miss Yue’er, it’s better to have a long talk tonight than the general.”

“I have a baby, I don’t know if you want to see it.

Looking at Ji Wuye’s wretched expression, Ying Zheng also wanted to say to him: “I also have a baby I don’t know if you want to see it, it’s bigger than yours.”

“The general is polite. It is a blessing for the little girl to have a long conversation with the general. Yue’er will go to wash and change clothes later, so that he can have a long conversation with the general at that time.” Yingzheng said cheerfully.

Ji Wuye obviously hadn’t thought that the girl this month would be so refreshing, so she was naturally very happy.

“Then I’m here waiting for the girl.” Ji Wuye said cheerfully.

“Good general.” Ying Zheng replied with a smile, and stood up.

“Da Si Ming, Yue’er will go down to take a bath and change clothes now, and I also ask Da Si Ming to give permission.” Ying Zheng said.

Daisimei naturally understood the meaning of what Yingzheng said.

I saw Da Shiming nodded in satisfaction, and then said: “Well, Yue’er, you have to wash up, don’t let our General Ji feel the smell.”

“Hahahahaha.” “All the people present also gave out knowing smiles.

Yingzheng endured the nausea, and then withdrew from the banquet hall. At this time, it was already dark outside.

A torch was also lit on the outer city.

At this time, the opportunity to win the government is to start thinking of ways to see where to escape from 0

Going now is the best opportunity. If you don’t go again, I’m afraid that you won’t have the chance to go a little later.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng also quickly found a place to hide Yue’er for a long time.

After finding Yue’er who was still asleep, Ying Zheng also hurriedly exchanged clothes with Yue’er.

Then Ying Zheng once again became the Xu Cheng he had changed before.

Then he turned into Xu Cheng and walked out swaggeringly.

When returning to the city wall again, at this time a kind of patrolling brother on the outer city was also eating.

These patrolling people naturally have to take turns to eat. It is not very possible to sit down and eat with a glass of wine.

Seeing Xu Cheng coming, everyone hurriedly greeted him.

Ying Zheng cheerfully asked the news of Su Huan and the others who had transformed.

After asking, I learned that Su Huan and others were now arranged to patrol and stand guard in a place to the southwest.

It’s okay now. You don’t need to win politics, but you have to find ways to get out.

Now I just need to take advantage of the 1.3 o’clock when it is dark, and leave with four people.

Thinking of this first, Ying Zheng first greeted everyone, and then went to find Su Huan and the others.

After a lap upstream of the outer city, I finally found Su Huan and other four people.

At this time, the four of them were a little excited when they saw Xu Cheng, who had won the coup, returned.

Especially Su Huan and Mu Lianzhu, if it weren’t for someone nearby, I’m afraid they would have to pounce on Yingzheng and cry.

Winning Zheng looked at the four people cheerfully and said, “Be good at defending the city, but don’t make any mistakes.

“Come on, you four, come with me and take a look. I seemed to have heard something over there just now.”

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