Chapter 978 Ji Wuye] Please order!

It’s just that, for winning politics, it is better not to do such a thing, lest one’s conscience is overwhelmed by that time.

At this time, after Ying Zheng commanded a group of maids and Jia Ding to serve the wine and dishes.

At this moment, a voice rang: “Da Si Ming.”

“I’ve always heard that all of the yin and yang meals are beautiful and beautiful, and it is really extraordinary at first sight today.”

“I don’t know if Da Si Ming can bring this maid to me to drink with me?”

Before Ying Zheng could react, he heard the chief commander shout: “Yue’er, can you hear it?”

“Huh?” Yingzheng was a little confused: “What did you hear?”

“Yue’er, you don’t know how lucky, this is General Ji Wuye Muji, General Ji is the general of Han country.

“I can favor Yue’er you today, why don’t Yue’er sit next to General Ji and pour some wine for General Ji?” Da Si Ming looked at Ying Zheng and said.

I pour him wine? I slap you in the face, do you want it?

Ying Zheng 840 looked at Ji Wuye’s over-drinking expression, suddenly disgusted for no reason.

Ji Wuye also knows that he won the government.

This guy is known as the strongest general in Han country in a hundred years, and he is also a good player in marching and fighting.

When Qin State destroyed Han State, Qin Jun also suffered from this person’s hands.

But after all, because of the strong national power gap, the Qin country still swept the leaves in autumn and wiped out the Han country.

At that time, Ying Zheng wanted to arrest this Ji Wuye.

But I didn’t expect Ji Wuye to run away.

I have long heard that Ji Wuye is greedy for beauty, but I didn’t expect that today was really let Yingzheng meet.

But what I didn’t even expect was that this Ji Wuye actually fell in love with Yue’er.

At this time, the winning government is also a little impulsive to kill.

If it weren’t for too many people present, I’m afraid that Yingzheng’s Chengying Sword had already taken this guy’s head off.

“Yue’er, what are you in a daze?” Da Si Ming looked at Ying Zheng in surprise and asked.

“Hahaha, it’s okay, it’s arrogant and arrogant, and it’s normal to look down on me, a subjugator.”

“Since Miss Yue’er is unwilling, then I, Ji Wuye, won’t force it.” Ji Wuye said cheerfully.

Hearing Ji Wuye’s words, Ying Zheng also knew that today I am afraid that I must accompany this guy in every scene.

Otherwise, Yingzheng fully believes it, as long as he dares to show half-wordless thoughts.

Make sure that you will be splattered on the spot immediately.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng hurriedly smiled and said: “Don’t blame General Ji, the little girl is just a wild girl who came out of the mountains and has never seen a big scene.

‘General Ji, such a world-famous hero, sees last Yue’er. That is Yue’er’s blessing. Just now, Yue’er came too suddenly because of happiness. ”

“So I didn’t react for a while, and I asked General Ji not to misunderstand.” Ying Zheng said helplessly with a smiling face.

This is a loss. I didn’t expect that I came here so bad this time. I was just to inquire about the news, and now I am still going out to accompany the wine by myself.

Where does this go (aibd).

Although I was very disgusted in my heart, winning the government still managed to endure the nausea, and then he stayed by Ji Wuye’s side.

At this time, Da Si Ming saw that Yue’er had sat next to Ji Wuye, and he said cheerfully: “Yue’er, you have to accompany General Ji well, do you know?”

“Please rest assured, Grand Secretary, it is Yue’er’s honor to be able to accompany General Ji to drink.” Ying Zheng pretended to be shy and shy.

“General Ji, please.” “Yue’er poured a glass of wine for Ji Wuye and brought it to Ji Wuye.

Seeing the girl this month gave her face so much, Ji Wuye naturally left all the unhappiness just now behind her.

It’s just that if Ji Wuye knew that the man sitting next to him was actually a man.

Then I don’t know what Ji Wuye should think.

But at least this Ji Wuye should be happy.

Why? It was the first emperor who poured wine for him.

Who else in this world has such a privilege.

So Ji Wuye should be happy too.

At this time, the banquet began.

The chief commander first made a toast with the guests in accordance with the interests of the banquet.

This happily said to everyone: “Although my six kingdoms were defeated by the dog Qin for a short time, the dog Qin was unpopular and cruel to win the government.”

“This world will still return to the hands of our six nations sooner or later. Everyone must work together to eliminate the dog Qin and give their own strength.” Da Si Ming said with a smile.

Hearing the words of the chief commander, all the guests also raised their glasses and drank.

At this time, only one person at the banquet said: “Da Si Ming, I heard that this time Qin State seems to be promulgating a new law.”

“It seems to be starting to cut taxes and reduce corvee. I don’t know if it is true?” the man asked.

After hearing the man’s words, Da Si Ming asked in surprise, “Why did General Yan Yi say this.”

“Can such a cruel and innocent person who has won the government can do such things? If a person who has won the government can really do such a thing.”

“Then my yin and yang family still respects him for winning politics as a man.”

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